It's Father's Day on Sunday and for some reason, I cannot shut up about it. Today I am guest posting for the lovely Shell over at Things I Can't Say for her Best Friend Feature. I'm talking aboutโ what else? My husband, Mike. Except instead of my usual nonsense, I'm switching things up and giving him a proper show of appreciation. Mikeโ if you're reading this (and I know you are) please visit.
Next I'm announcing the winners of the "Draperize Your Husband for Father's Day" giveaway. I was going to post it along with a vote-off for "the least sexy item of clothing found in your husband's closet" but I've got a ton of work to do for my real job and it just occured to me that the vote-off really should be accompanied by an illustration that I don't have time to illustrate…
In the interest of not half-assing things, I'm going to save the vote-off for next week and just announce the giveaway winners. Cool? OK.
The Michael Andrews Bespoke Custom Shirt goes to… Abby!
The Michael Andrews Bespoke Tie goes to… Marie!
Congratulations! Please shoot me an email ( to claim your prize. And pray for the rest of our husbands in their mandals and pleated pants.
Now, I'd like to give Mike a little Father's Day tribute.
It's not every man that would let himself be abused by his wife publicly. But good or bad, Mike loves when my posts are centered around him. Did you know that Mike reads Mommy Shorts every single day? Which is really just about the best gift any husband of mine could give.
1) Fatherhood 101 (including techniques for winning at "Baby Monitor Chicken")
2) Toddler Fight Club (video of Mike's stellar parenting in action)
3) The Joy of the Airport Pick-Up (a breakdown of the highs and lows of important life events)
4) How to Work A Breakfast Buffet (an actual conversation)
5) B is for Bloody (how Mike almost killed me by neglecting to babyproof)
6) Diagnosis: Mommy Brain (Mike helps me find my keys by looking in my hand)
7) The Importance of Boo (Mike saves Mazzy's blankie from a river of puke) & Death of a Blankie (Mike convinces Mazzy to accept "Imposter Boo")
8) Traveling the Only Way My Husband Knows Howโ On Schedule (our trip to DC in real time)
9) If Daddy Can Put The Baby Down for a Nap, what else can he do? (self-explanatory)
10) Parenthood Isn't Sexy (a shit splattering tale)
And lastly, Mazzy and I made a Father's Day video card (with requisite monkey). Mazzy loves her daddy more than anything so shooting this was easy as PIE.
Happy Father's Day from Ilana W on Vimeo.
All I have to do is print out "The Scandalous Father's Day Coupon Book" and my Father's Day gift will be complete!
Have a great Sunday and if your husband doesn't like his gift, tell him to watch the kids while you spend the day looking for a new one.
โ Mommy Shorts
PS: Happy Father's Day to all the dads who read Mommy Shorts. You're a quiet bunch but I know you're there.
Awwww, the video just had me in a puddle on a floor!!
You have an awesome husband – he reads your blog every day? The sweetest.
Today, I feel particularly grateful for my husband. Because he successfully put the Monkey down for his nap with no tears, no dramas, AND NO NURSING (well, from me obviously because we are in Operation Weaning). Sometimes, I think he saves his best behavior for his father.
Hope you got Mike an exceptionally awesome Father’s Day gift! Happy Weekend!
AWW that video is JUST.TOO.CUTE!!!
Stopping by from BFF at TICS! Sounds (and looks) like you have a fabulous family!
Love it ๐ So adorable – stopping by from the bFF post! ๐ im a new follower via FB & Twitter!! ๐
Come back and visit me @
I just found your site, courtesy of Shell.
I love this post, so fun, and your video is so cute.
Cute stuff. And I say this with great enthusiasm while representing 25% of your male audience.
Mike always makes me do naptime and bedtime but if push comes to shove, he can totally do it. They’d like for you to believe otherwise though!
Happy Father’s Day to you too! Did you get the huge gummy bear?
100% of my male commenting audience. Happy Father’s Day!
Your newest follower from Shell. Love your blog. Thanks for cracking me up. ๐
“Fatherhood 101” was my absolute favorite post. The “Bear Attack” strategy cracked me up!
that video is awesome! my huz is by no means a devoted reader of my blog, but i guess that is not entirely a bad thing b/c i post a lot about him. and not usually too nicely.
it is really beyond great that mike reads his wife’s blog daily. i should send this post to my husband. *and* make that his father’s day gift!
I don’t usually respond well to mushy videos of toddler talking, but Mazzy is sooo frigging gorgeous and it is all soooo indearing…I teared up. Maybe it’s premenapause.
Get that kid an agent. Adorbs. Oh and Happy Father’s Day to Mr. Mommy Shorts.
So… friggin…. cute….!
I can’t wait until Rebecca REALLY starts talking (she only has a few words, but she’s getting there). Although everyone tells me that once she starts, I will be wondering when she is going to shut up ๐
That was sooo sweet I think I got a toothache!
Wow!! That video is going to melt her daddy right into a puddle. So stinkin’ cute.
Now that’s a great tribute, right there. I’d do one, too but I can’t let Mr. Kiss read it. Ever.
I’d forgotten about some of those posts! Funny stuff… Mike sounds like a keeper, for sure.
I love Ilana and Mazzy more than words can express. The video is the best Fathers Day gift! I am truly a very lucky man, Husband and Father.
Awwww…Babe! I think you just beat your marriage proposal.
No way… I won something? Woo to the hoo!
Time to hogtie the Dane to get that tie on him! ๐
PS: get a room, you two! ๐
Holy Crap… that video of Mazzy makes me wanna have a kid. So F’N cute.
You already gave Mike the best gift ever…
(oh yeah and mazzy.)
Happy Father’s Day to him and a lovely weekend to his ladies.
That Mazzy is so cute I’m gonna just show that video to my Hubster and pretend it was our lot. He won’t notice. Maybe.
Stopping by from Shell’s!! I love your idea of the top posts about your hubby. I may have to steal that for my Sunday post if that is okay???
Oh and Mazzy is a doll!
SO so cute!
Hopping over from Shell’s:)
Loved your post over at Shells!
I’m definitely going to use your suggestion of going shopping to get him a better gift, while he watches the kids! Love that!
I’ve added you to my blogroll, so I’ll be Back!
Okay, the previous message still applies but I’ve added you to my blogroll on my other blog: Momfever!
So this time with the right link.
That video is too freaking adorable! LOVE!
You know it’s hard to imagine that Mazzy could get any cuter, but somehow I see it has indeed occurred. What a sweet video. I think you and Mike are very lucky to have found each other. Also, I had no idea Mike had these magical locating powers. Given my propensity for losing my sunglasses while they are on my face, I might have to borrow him occasionally (by beaming his insignia in the sky no doubt, as soon as you design one, that is.)
I hope the three of you have a lovely father’s day. xo
Awww, that video is too adorable!
OH MY GOSH how cute is that kid!!! ๐
I’m visiting from Shell.
Ok, just sooooooo sweet.
Loved your post on TICS. The barrette part got me all teary. ๐
Mazzy is exceptionally precious and that video proves it. I hope I get one for any ocassion. Love Grammy