Studies have shown that teaching kids about our differences promotes empathy, not exclusion.
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When I first had kids, I wanted to protect them from all the bad stuff that exists in the world, but then I realized that option only comes from a place of privilege.
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For the past three years, whenever we walk into a bookstore or library, Harlow gravitates to the first book she sees with Martin Luther King Jr.’s face.
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Both my girls have been loving the extra dose of rainbows popping up around NYC for Pride this month.
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This list of books feature kids dealing with naysayers, bullies and their own self doubt. Each story teaches our children how to be comfortable in their own skin and love themselves unconditionally.
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In a culture where so many parents, even well-meaning ones, struggle to figure out how to approach topics of race with their kids, I think books make it much easier to start to the conversation.
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The broad meaning of “family” is a focal point of the kindergarten curriculum at Mazzy and Harlow’s school, which I think sets the tone for both self acceptance and acceptance of others.
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In our library, we try to have books that use diverse characters in whatever story is being told, not just as supporting players, but as the heroes too.
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In addition to voting (and maybe taking your kids with you to the polls), children’s books are always a great way for parents to teach their kids about how our government is supposed to work.
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Whether your kid has a fear of the ocean (like me), a fear of making mistakes (like Mazzy) or a fear of the dark (like Harlow), here is a list of 12 books that can hopefully address their issue head on.
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At first, both Mike and I were a little unimpressed with Mazzy’s interest in graphic novels. But after battling with her to read novels without pictures, I did some research.
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A Magazine for the Bravest of Girls
Recently, Mazzy and Harlow were sent the first two issues of a new quarterly magazine called Bravery Mag, which uses one brave woman in history to inspire 64 pages of stories, crafts, recipes and activities.
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What do you do when your kid insists that he’s Lebron James? Or a lion with long locks just like Rapunzel? Encourage it! Encourage your kids to think, to dream, and to unleash their creativity in all ways possible.
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I want my kids to be kind and compassionate, and for me, that starts with teaching them how to be a good friend.
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This list for emerging readers starts with books to read together and then gets progressively more challenging, ending with excellent chapter book choices for independent readers.
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