I have come to realize my husband’s parenting techniques, though somewhat suspect, are also incredibly clever. So I thought everyone might benefit from a parenting course that could only be taught by THE MAN HIMSELF.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to “Fatherhood 101”.
Lesson #1: Feigning Bedtime & Naptime Ineptitude
The more your wife puts the baby to sleep, the less accustomed the baby will be to having you around during bedtime or naptime. The goal is to make your mere presence upset “The Bedtime Routine” so supremely that it is easier for everyone if you are left out of the process. Women are more predisposed to handling bedtime anyway, since they are often nursing the baby to sleep during the first few months. The longer your wife nurses, the easier it is for you. But as soon as the nursing stops, that’s when you have to employ more extreme methods of deflection. Start by continually reinforcing your wife’s superior abilities in the sleeptime arena in the form of compliments and gratitude. While this will not work in and of itself, it will set the stage for “Operation Bedtime Fail”.
OPERATION BEDTIME FAIL: Eventually, your wife will request you give bedtime or naptime a shot. You have two positive things going for you at this point. 1) You will be alone in the room with the baby so your wife’s imagination is free to run wild with the havoc you are wreaking in there. And 2) most babies do not like bedtime and will cry at some point during the process. You want to use this crying to your advantage. After an appropriate amount of time has elapsed, put on your best frazzled face, take the baby out of the room (holding him/her awkwardly is a nice touch), and present the bleary-eyed child to your wife claiming “it’s not working”. Most women will just opt to do it themselves for the benefit of the baby. Repeat “Operation Bedtime Fail” whenever necessary. Eventually, you will have such a bad bedtime/naptime track record, your wife will only ask for your help in absolute emergencies.
Lesson #2: How To Win Baby Monitor Chicken
The first rule is to sleep like a rock at all times. If this does not come naturally to you— pretend, pretend, pretend. It is best if you start “sleeping like a rock” at the very beginning of your relationship to establish “hard to wake” credentials from the onset. If this is not already established, begin immediately. Now— if the baby cries in the middle of the night, you do not hear it (even if you hear it)— you get me? Then, if your wife tries to wake you, make it next to impossible. The goal is to make the act of waking you harder for your wife than the act of tending to the baby herself.
Eventually, your wife will resort to extreme measures of waking— shouting, hitting, nudity etc. It is at this point you might want to employ an “unfavorable wake-up demeanor”. If you are not comfortable being outright angry, try fearful. I have employed a technique I call “Bear Attack”. If awoken, act as if you are camping in the woods and a bear has just entered your tent. I find an over-the-top body shudder combined with a look of sheer terror works brilliantly to deter someone from waking you from your peaceful slumber.
These tactics can only be employed for so long before your wife will realize she doesn’t care what she has to do to wake you or what your reaction might be. It is then you must move onto a phase I call “Chicken Without A Head”
CHICKEN WITHOUT A HEAD: If extreme methods of waking have been employed and there is no way to get out of the fact that it is indeed “your turn”, I suggest jumping out of bed like a crazy person, looking around wildly to get your bearings, shouting in a deranged tone of voice— “Ok! It’s my turn to get the baby!” and then promptly running into a wall. The beauty of this technique is that even though your wife is most likely about to lose her mind at the thought of one more sleepless night, she is not going to entrust her baby into the arms of someone who just ran into a wall. If you pull this off well enough, you may ensure your help is never requested again.
Lesson #3: Shirking Responsibilities While Appearing Helpful
Pick a household chore you don’t mind participating in. The more time consuming the chore the better. For instance, cooking. Cooking has the advantage of taking up a lot of time plus it offers opportunities to get out of the house (i.e. you can offer to make a grocery run when you really want an escape). Dive into this new hobby with complete and utter abandon. BUT. Don’t let on that you enjoy it. You are doing it solely for the benefit of the family. You are doing it to help out your wife. You are doing it to bring proper nourishment to your child. Repeat this daily like a mantra. If you believe in your own self-sacrifice, it will seem much more genuine to your wife. Now you are free to turn down diaper changing duties because you are in the middle of cooking dinner. Everybody wins.
Lesson #4: Say It With Feeling
Every now and again, tell your wife how much you appreciate her. Even if she sees right through your motives, she still loves to hear it. And there is nothing easier.
Editor’s Note: I feel the need to say that over the past couple of months, my husband has stepped it up and been waking up with the baby (she still wakes up around 6am) while I sleep in. He is also a very good sport.
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Great post. Guess Mazzy’s still behaving like an angel! I am not showing this post to my husband as he puts the baby down AND gets him up on many days. AND does the food shopping!! Now I’m feeling guilty…
Might be your best post yet. And that’s saying something.
OMG, does every dad do this? I thought my hubs was special.
Well, it’s only taken 7 years & 3 kids to realize that all mummy has to do is copy daddy. Learn from the best.
My husband’s famous line is: “but you’re so good at it.”
He was really awesome though, when my kids were babes. Did more than his share of feedings and diaper changes.
I felt the need to skewer my husband after that Mazzy lovefest yesterday. Gotta keep on tone!
Don’t feel guilty. LUCKY is more like it.
My husband’s line is the same as Gigi’s. I am on to it now and tell him I don;t give a crap if he is good at it. Just get it done.
Awesome class!
Thank you! Truly.
Mark my words— the next kid is going to be totally different.
You’d think they’d want to master the baby stuff just like they do anything else. But nope!
Although the toddler phase is already shaping up to be a place where our footing is much more equal.
Exactly. I sucked at nap time once too. I just kept doing it until I got it.
Love this! I do have to note that mine is very good at waking up with baby (perhaps better than me), changing diapers and putting to bed…
I decided not to let my husband get away lesson #1. I hand over our toddler at night or at nap time on weekends and go down stairs to do homework. I can hear her crying through the vents in the house but I ignore it. He has been a good sport and has learned how to get her to sleep.
Ah, baby monitor chicken. We play that one a lot. Damn husband can sleep through an earthquake, so I lose a lot. (An actual earthquake. Men).
And we are no longer friends. Or perhaps yours can train mine. In fairness, mine is improving as Mazzy gets older.
I’ve got to do that. Although Mike’s been waking up with the baby- or usually, I wake up with her and then hand her over at 7am and go back to bed, he still shirks all bedtime responsibilities. Maybe tonight is the night I take a stand.
I’m going to give mine the benefit of the doubt and say he really sleeps like a rock. It’s infuriating.
I think that these are tips that every father passes down on his son’s wedding day. LOL
I think we might be married to the same man. LOL!
Seriously though…..how do they all know to pull the same kinda of bullshit? Is there like a secret Dads-to-be club we don’t know about? Like La Leche League for dudes?
I guess they need something to do when the bride’s taking her 5000th picture.
Ooooh. We gotta come up with a name for this. What’s french for daddy bullshit? How bout Creme de la Crap?
Hahaha! I just spit tea all over myself with that running into the wall bit! I trumped LeDaddy’s attempts at these tactics by attending night classes when my minions were little. So he learned to rock the bedtime routine in order to spare his own sanity. Quid pro quo.
My husband still won’t put diaper cream on the baby unless she reeeeally needs it and I’m not home. “You’re just so much better at it!” Really? Same thing with giving her a bath.
I am the heavy sleeper, though. (I once slept through a thunderstorm OUTSIDE — this was back when I was dating Matt and trying to impress him by camping.) The baby monitor is on full volume these days, right by my head.
Sadly, that ACTUALLY happened. And even sadder, it worked. Get me some night classes- STAT!
How is someone possibly better at applying diaper cream than someone else?!
I’ve done the “I like camping” thing too. Although not with my husband. He had me pegged as a non-camper from the get-go:)
The running into the wall thing made me guffaw, seriously. And what mitigates the highly entertaining skewering is that ridiculously cute shot of Mike & Mazzy. Be that as it may, men are still mad geniuses when it comes to playing dumb. Great post.
Bwahaha. Awesome. Seriously I think they teach this when they find out we are pregnant.
I ran into a door once at 3am. No joke. Maybe that’s why my husband helps so much!! Although he does make sure my glasses aren’t missing when we go to bed now!
My fiance and I both had a hoot reading this.
This? Is no good! No, no, no, no, NO!
Thank goodness more men don’t read blogs because this could be the start to an epidemic! 🙂
This is awesome. Thank you! First baby on the way, so I will be sure to look out for these tactics. As of now, my husband thinks he will get up and change the baby when I get up to breastfeed. We’ll see …
Pères Pour Des Conneries, according to igoogle!
Isn’t that shot adorable? I was going to use it on Valentine’s Day for a rare moment of husband fawning. But this was so much more fun.
Mazzy is obsessed with my glasses. I have to hide them from her to keep her from destroying them. Which often poses problems when I forget to locate them before I take out my contacts.
Yes, it could be a total disservice. But as evidenced by the commenters, there is not a man in sight.
Are you having twins? Otherwise, you should both be aware that you cannot breastfeed and change a diaper at the same time. Even with two people involved. Unless you took a very advanced and really expensive parenting class. If so, please share!
Good luck with the pregnancy:)
I stay home with the kids, and in many ways it’s the exact opposite here. There’s a lot of, “Come on! You do it better!” around here…
This is hilarious and scary true- at least in our house too, love it.
Sounds like the plan I followed with hubs… 😀 So now, I regularly get kicked out of the bedroom and daddy is the only one able to put Monster to bed muahahaha. I’ve dine all but the headless chicken stunt. It works!
Haha! No, not twins. Hubs thinks it’s only fair that we share the burden, so he says he’ll get up and change the baby before I breastfeed. That way I’m not the only one “doing the work” in the middle of the night. Big talk for a guy whose baby isn’t here yet. So we’ll see. 🙂
Oh, but this was a good post. I’m thinking that sometime while we’re at about nine excruciating centimeters and screaming for GOD to JUST END IT ALL, the fathers get pulled into an invisible room by other fathers, for a quick talk, most of which can be summed up by what you just said. Other salient points: #1. Claim ignorance on baby-related laundry, stating nonsensical things such as “But I didn’t want to mix the poopy onesies with the non-poopy onesies!” #2. Make clear your Need to Work, as Your Job is Very Important and Very Essential to Family’s Survival and Although It Only Requires About 10 Hours of Your Day It is Very Important That You Make It Clear That You Worked Too Even If It Wasn’t on Five Tantrums, Seven Spilled Sippy Cups, and Two Rooms Worth of Strewn Toys.
(stomping off bitterly)
You are welcome over at my place any time.
I can tell you from experience that the chicken stunt works too. I practically screamed at him to get back in bed— YOU ARE NOT TOUCHING MY BABY!!! It was one of those moments.
You know what else I love? The “I need a moment to take off my coat and go to the bathroom and have a cocktail, etc.” As if mothers are ever allowed that kind of space when they enter the home.
Also— you know I wrote this to make up for Monday’s sentimental post, right? I couldn’t have you thinking I’d gone soft.
Oh –so funny. I saw myself in your husband. In my home, I am the one who finds clever ways to get out of doing things. My husband is the one who cooks and does most of the cleaning. We’ve never had children, but he always took care of our pets, too. And I don’t mind escaping to the grocery store or the library, either.
Your husband and I need people like you and my husband. Can you imagine two people like your husband and me being married? What would ever get done?
Find my Writer’s Workshop entry HERE
Dumb Dad is a champ in this area too. His go to line: You always yell at me when I do it because I do it wrong. Well, if he’d learn to do things exactly like I do we wouldn’t have a problem!
Great post.
WOW! Do they hand out this set of rules on maternity wards the world over? Maybe ours was secretly hidden in all those free enfamil samples, cause my hubs knows the game. He went allstar after the third child!
LOL! That was so my husband when our girls were babies. Once they hit the cute, “I can play with them withouth worrying about breaking them” phase he stepped up. It also helped he was laid off work for a year and HAD to be the primary caregiver 🙂
Visiting from Mama Kat’s
My husband took the exact same course. He also appears to have earned high marks in “Appear Incompetent despite your B.S., two M.A.s and a PhD” The man stands in front of our household appliances like a deer caught in the headlights. He tinkers with buttons. He puts two full loads in the dryer at once to reinforce his position that he just “doesn’t know how to do laundry.” Puuullleease. If he had this little brainpower, he’d be unemployed.
My husband heard me over here, giggling over this, and asked me what was so funny. I unwisely read a few excerpts. I think he’s sore because he’s been found out before we even have kids 😉 Please, like he doesn’t do “Bear Attack” already.
my husband will occasionally do a “chore” BUT has to point it out to me! like “hey hunny, i did the dishes!” or look, i took the trash out! – ooOOooOO yippie!!
i think the stare alone is enough to make him turn and walk away, rather than wait and see what congratulatory speech i may conjure up!
Forget imagining. I think this calls for an episode of “Husband Swap”. That’s got to be a show, right? The second your husband arrives, I’m taking a nap. Have fun with mine!
Yep. It’s really very simple. The only way for them to learn is to leave the house and have them fend for themselves.
So it just get worse with each kid?? CRAP.
My husband is really excellent with kids. It’s one of the reasons I married him. He’s MUCH better with them than I am. That’s why it totally surprised me that he’s not the best with babies. Although he gets better with every passing month. Being able to interact and play makes a huge difference.
You should watch my husband make a bed. It is absolutely PATHETIC. Even when we do it together, it’s like— can you just pull the sheet tautly please? DO you not notice that the blanket is lying diagonally? And we start from square one every. single. time.
Ha. This is going to work out brilliantly for you when you have kids. Now when he runs into a wall in the middle of the night, you can just say— “Don’t pull that Chicken without a head bullshit on me…” and he’ll know exactly what you are talking about.
I like to periodically award my husband “The Father of the Year” award. You know, for watching the baby for an hour and acting like he’s been a stay at home dad for a year.
I love this post. My husband is exactly “Chicken without a head”, and I’m so thankful that you gave his behavior a name!
C’mon ladies your men sound like something from another generation. Aren’t these guys ever alone with their own babies? They need to do a weekend solo so that they can no longer make these ridiculous claims.
I just came upon this…soooooo damn funny!!!!
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I absolutely love your sense of humor so RAW just like the chocolate I made ,is any way I can get the baby dippers bag cheap? you know the one you are willing to ran for if someone take it at the park eve if that meen to come back for your daughter 3 days letter.
I can only assume that your husband and my husband have a secret club that they are members of. Reading this made it clear to me there must be some secret playbook… 🙂
THAT was hilarious!!!!! I LOVE reading your stuff, it’s truthful, blunt & down right funny! Keep it up girl!! Mommy of 2 toddlers over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My husband tried the, “There were 3 of us kids, and MY dad NEVER changed one single diaper!” once… I then pointed out that his parents were indeed divorced…Then he would intentionally get poo everywhere, I swear it had to be intentional, and I took over except in emergency! And the last time I asked the dork to watch the kids, the 4 year old gave the 2 year old a haircut…He said they were so quiet upstairs playing!
THIS is funnier than rants from mommyland AND pregnant chicken combined. Im prego with number 2 ( and have a toddler so yay! ) PLEASE , never stop writing , im going to need you when this baby comes out. you rule. THANK YOU!
Can we also add, under “Chicken Without a Head,” to do the following:
Upon being kicked repeatedly by your wife and being told IT’S YOUR TURN!!, leap out of bed like said bear attackee but then . . . go to the bathroom to relieve yourself, then run some water for a bit (it doesn’t matter what you’re doing with the water, just do it long enough that your wife hears it and thinks what the $*)Q*$) is he doing??), put your bathrobe on, turn the light on and off a couple of times, look around confused as though you can’t remember where you put the baby, realize you should follow the now hysterical cry that is directly across the hall from you, and . . . now your wife is up.
Before baby, my husband woke up if I rolled over. After baby he picked up on the “pretend, pretend, pretend” thing right off the bat. I had dreams of knocking him in the head with the baby monitor.
But in the end, I was pretty awesome at the baby stuff and he rules at the school age stuff. It all works out.
Great post 🙂
“Mark my words— the next kid is going to be totally different.”
So, are things different with Harlow?
I understand that this piece is meant to be light hearted and funny, but I found this piece to be incredibly insulting to fathers/husbands. And just reinforces stereotypes that men are inept at childcare. It makes me sad.
Thanks for the update,
[…] think Mommy Shorts’ husband and my husband have taken the same Fatherhood 101 course because Gabe is also really good at all Ilana’s husband’s techniques. […]