IMG_4951Last week, I did a post featuring a heat-free curls tutorial that literally changed my life (see curls pictured left— I get better at them every day!).

I cannot tell you how many people have commented, tweeted, and emailed since then, telling me how well the tutorial worked for them (see Exhbit A below). I could not be happier. Nobody should ever have to burn their scalp with a curling iron again.

If you tried it and it worked (or didn't work), please comment below— I would love to know.

If you haven't tried it, what are you waiting for???

Screen shot 2012-03-23 at 10.20.24 AM

Secondly, there have been a couple of comments about people not liking the new timeline layout of my facebook fanpage.

As far as I know, I HAVE NO CHOICE. All fanpages will switch to the timeline layout as of March 31st. Don't blame me— blame Mark Zuckerberg.

Thirdly, you might have noticed that I've added an Instagram photo stream to my side bar. I'm a little behind the curve, I know, but I've become recently obsessed. It's almost impossible to take a bad picture!


If you use instagram and you'd like to see pictures of Mazzy eating ice cream in real-time, follow me under @mommyshorts.

What else happened in the week we all showed off our fabulous new hair?

• Mazzy channeled Michael Jordan

• I proved moms are good at math

• Toddlers acted like pregnant women

• Mike stole my baby girl

• We fowarded Mazzy's mail to the Apple Store

• I learned Method is more than pretty handsoap

• Dr. B put Mazzy to bed ON TIME

• A 6-year-old trounced a Fox 5 news reporter

• A 2-year-old secured a future spot on "So You Think You Can Dance"

• We all ate MELICIOUS BOOBIE MANCAKES for breakfast


• I made the 8th episode of the Mommy Shorts Show (yes, I'm still filming those)

Lastly, I wanted to give a shout-out to H&M's new spring kid's catalog and share a link to a 20% off coupon that's valid on your entire kid's purchase through April 2nd. 

I'm a huge H&M Kids fan— their stuff is super cute, really inexpensive and much less ubiquitous (fancy word!) than Old Navy and Baby Gap. Mazzy's actually wearing one of their dresses in the swing photo above and we get tons of compliments on it. 

Alright, that's it. 

Have a good weekend and see you next week!

— Mommy Shorts