OK— first things first, I'm going to be doing a weekly recap instead of a biweekly recap because they were getting too long. Plus you guys seem to like recaps. Also—I don't know if you've noticed but I seem to be rolling out a bit of a schedule. Monday and Tuesday are kind of up for grabs, probably reserved for more of my personal stories, videos and rants. Wednesday, for the main part, belongs to Dr. B. Thursday is the day for Unique Baby Gift round-ups, Baby Cool Hunting, and Best of Baby Design. And then Friday is recaps and reader submissions. And, of course, everyone's new favorite: Baby Profiling. We'll see if I decide to stick with it. But rest assured, there will still be parental tweets, product reviews, top ten lists, and other random bits peppered throughout the week, schedule be damned.
What else happened this week?
• Mazzy graduated from Munchkin to Mini-Person.
• I narrowly avoided getting myself into mob-related trouble.
• Charlie sent out for paternity tests and we are awaiting the results
• We studied gender stereotypes in early childhood development and how they play a role in modern day society. Ha. Kidding. Mazzy acted like a stupid girl and Charlie acted like a dumb boy.
• Right before they went on their first date.
• The morning after, Mazzy refused to play it cool.
• The Charlie Sideshow brought in record traffic which pissed off The Main Event
• As payback, Mazzy demanded that we come up with a kickass Halloween costume
• Dr. B taught us that Peek-a-boo isn't just a game you play with other people's kids while you're waiting for their real mom to come back from the bathroom
• We salivated over a dresser that we can't afford
• We reminisced about a time when satin, shag, and horses with horns were socially acceptable
• Plus, as always, there were more parental tweets, funny baby pics and videos, and cool baby stuff
As always, I welcome any submissions of parenting stories, parental tweets, or funny baby videos. Please send them to myshort@mommyshorts.com. You'll be given full credit. And if you haven't already joined the Mommy Shorts facebook fanpage, for the love of Mazzy— please do so. I update it daily.
Now, I invite you to turn your attention to some reader submitted videos and of course, my new favorite, Friday Baby Profiling. Line 'em up!