Today is Baby Takeover Day,
starring none other than Mr. Charlie
Shalant Godson. Why? Because
it's Charlie's birthday today. Who's
Charlie? Well, for starters he is
Mazzy's boyfriend. You can see
Charlie profiled here and read
about the beginning of their
courtship here. Also— Charlie and
Mazzy recently went on vacation
together so I have tons of material
I've been waiting to share.
It's going to be a action packed day
at Mommy Shorts so I certainly
hope I've got more people paying
attention than Charlie's Grammy
and Poppy. (Grandparents—
thank you kindly for your viewership but I've spent far too much time on this for just the four of you).
If you are new here today, in addition to experiencing all things Charlie, please take a look at the Popular Posts link just so you know what the site is usually about. If you would like to organize a baby takeover for your baby on his/her birthday, please contact me at with BABY TAKEOVER in the subject header. We'll talk.