When I was little I loved rainbows and unicorns. Separately. Together. Preferably in an object made of satin dangling from my bedroom ceiling. I also had an 1000 piece unicorn puzzle glued permanently together and hung above my bed. It was a beautiful white unicorn in a blue hazy forest that went perfectly with my hideous wall-to-wall royal blue shag carpeting. I didn't love these things because it was cool or because I was trying to prove I was cool by being incredibly uncool. No, I loved them in earnest.
If you'd like to impose your love of rainbows and unicorns on your child, I ask that you do so unironically and I recommend the following items listed clockwise from left: Mini wooden stacking rainbow by Grimm's Speil & Holz Design, Rainbow unicorn pillow by Mymimi Collection, Half yard of Happy Love Peace Unicorn rainbow Glitter Cotton Fabric by Emi Craft, Pink unicorn baby shoes by Ministar
, Unicorn hair clip by V is for Violet, Orange felted wool unicorn by Penguin & Fish, Set of rainbow barettes by Ruby Ribbon, "My Other Ride Is A Unicorn" onesie by Hive Tees
, Rainbow legwarmers by BabyLegs
Those tights rock!
I know, right? I think I might want some for myself!
having a heart attack. Am remembering same satiny pillowed rainbows hanging from my ceiling with ribbons hanging down. Also, those transparent rainbow stickers. And also Mrs. Grossman stickers. Love!
Please tell me— what are Mrs. Grossman stickers? I fear I was missing out! I do remember the Gucci of sticker fabulousness— Lisa Frank.
I simply cant settle with one. They are simply great.I love those tights and the cute shoes are lovely.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufgy3yLebnA Wish i’m a kid again. Thanks for the various memories.
Ack! LOVE IT! Yes, my daughter’s love of these items is entirely unironic. Which is apparently not a word. Hmm.
So while I’ve had loads of fun piling her room high with rainbows and unicorns (and, yes, planning an intricate birthday party around the theme), and my enjoyment of it MAY be SLIGHTLY ironic…my own cynicism has in no way influenced her wide-eyed, earnest love of all things rainbow and unicorn.
What I cannot post on my blog, because my in-laws might see it: my MIL gave her the. most. hideous. unicorn blanket for christmas one year. One of those huge furry blankets that you buy from a van on the side of the road? It depicts a majestic and mystical unicorn, a fully realistic unicorn…like, it could be a photograph of a unicorn if unicorns could be photographed. It’s not rainbowy or happy. It’s actually kind of fierce looking. A unicorn with a chip on its shoulder. This unicorn has seen things, Ilana. And it’s entirely unwhimsical, in my opinion, and just…just…awful. So you can’t really blame me for turning to irony to deal with the obsession this blanket has sparked in my daughter.
I need to find her some Lisa Frank.
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