The hardest thing about going away for work is leaving Mazzy. Phone calls home are rarely satisfying because two-year-olds are severely lacking in the art of conversation. Fortunately, through the wonders of modern technology, we now have more toddler-friendly modes of communication like Skype and Facetime.
But that doesn't mean the conversations go smoothly. In fact, "conversation" still remains a very generous term.
Here are "The Seven Stages of Skyping with a Toddler". They all go down in about five minutes.
The second Mike yells, "Mazzy! Mommy's on the phone!" I can hear the squeals accompanying the pitter patter of little feet fast approaching the computer. This is one of the best feelings on earth, second only to the body-slam-hug I get when I come home. The squeals end with a big, "HI, MOMMY!!!" and my heart practically swells right out of my chest.
Cherish this stage for everything it's worth because it all goes down hill from here.
2. ENTERTAINMENT (aka The One Woman Show)
Since most toddlers have not yet mastered 'banter', you must now do everything in your power to hold your child's attention on your own. Asking questions isn't going to get you anywhere, kind of like an interview with Katie Holmes. You must sing, read a book, pretend to eat your own arm, etc. If you're lucky, your child will take a cue and help you out. Mazzy is a big fan of introducing me to each of her stuffed animals.
But be careful— this might be a ruse. I once found myself talking to Elmo for a good fifteen minutes before realizing Mazzy wasn't even in the room.
Your face can only entertain for so long. At some point, playing with 'the space bar' is going to seem like a lot more fun than listening to you sing the fifth verse of BINGO. Plus, Mike and I don't normally let Mazzy touch our computers, so being invited to get up close and personal with all the buttons she's been eyeing from afar is a hard thing to overshadow.
To make this phase even worse, Mazzy thinks every screen is a touch screen (Thanks, iPAD!) and every icon is a video or a game. Therefore, she is constantly touching files on the computer and getting upset when they won't open. Frustration leads to blind stabs at the keyboard which inevitably leads to…
At least one hang-up is inevitable when you are Skyping on the computer, even more likely when you are doing Facetime on the iPhone. The iPhone is maddeningly easy to hang-up since the "END" option is a temptingly touchable red rectangle right there on the screen. Even adults have to actively avoid touching it. (Apple— invent a toddler lock please!!!!)
After a few failed attempts, finally, all systems are a go once again. Stage 5 is met with some excitement but not nearly as much as the initial connection. You try to pick up from where you left off but your toddler is now confused, tired and bored. You should have cut your losses back at Stage 2.
In this stage, your toddler becomes completely disengaged. There is no eye contact or communication. She might be playing with something off to one side of the computer or something in another room has caught her eye. You wonder where your spouse has wandered off to because you need him to lead your child back on track but he is no where to be found. This stage usually ends with your child running away entirely (possibly leaving Elmo as a stand-in as mentioned above).
At this point, your toddler is no longer visible on the screen and your spouse is god knows where. You are staring at a visual of your refrigerator or an empty couch. "Mazzy? Mike? Mazzy! MIKE!!!!!" The end is nigh.
Mike will eventually herd Mazzy back towards the computer, repeating "Say goodbye to Mommy" over and over again. Maybe Mazzy listens, most probably not. Then Mike will apologize for her lack of interest, say not to worry because they were having a perfectly good time before I called and that we'll try again tomorrow.
Which we do.
Every day of the trip (whether I am away, Mike is away or both of us together) no matter how many minutes we have to talk to Elmo.
Anyone have any tips for Skyping with a toddler?
Make sure you have the little screen where they can see themselves. They no longer want to talk to you but will stare at themselves for a long time and you feel kinda like you are communicating. Well at least you are talking to a face.
I’m usually the one on the end of Skype where I’m with the toddler. Your 7 steps sound remarkably like what my husband has to deal with, so I empathize with the many tactics you have to employ to keep the kiddo’s attention.
Monkey has a habit of abruptly saying “OK bye!” then hanging up. It’s totally deliberate.
At least that doesn’t leave anyone hanging talking to Elmo, right?
I’m a horrible mother and don’t even call home when I travel. Kids? What kids?
We skype with my parents, and thankfully we have an external camera that I use to follow Bugs around with. It’s hard to engage a 1 year old, so I follow her with the camera and let her play and she looks back every so often. But the camera helps so you don’t have to constantly move the laptop around!
I bet she loves seeing you.
Amen to a toddler button!
Not to scare you, but my 5 year old doesn’t do much better lol
This is a true story which will make any skype experience magical and last two minutes longer. When one of us was away skyping with trace, we would all of a sudden start eating M&Ms. He would become immediately drawn to the M&Ms and ask about them, wishing he could have some. The person who was away would say, “Open your mouth,” and throw the M&Ms at the computer camera. Now that would normally be disappointing and torturous; however, the person with trace would also have M&Ms and slyly throw them over trace’s shoulder at the computer screen giving the illusion of teleportation. The reaction is awesome because they think the computer is now magic. And because kids are really dumb.
Right now, I’m picturing you singing the fifth chorus of BINGO to Elmo…
…while Mazzy is in the other room with her glasses on upside down.
This makes me love you both. Hard.
My kids Skype with their dad on the iPad and my 3yo daughter likes to run around with it. Last night, she was literally running around our living room table in circles until her dad had to tell her to stop because he was getting dizzy. She also likes to hunt down and show him our elusive cat, which I’m sure is just super fun for him.
This is awesome.
My big tip would be ‘captive audience’. We skype with Granny at dinnertime while Bebe is in lockdown in her toddler chair. The meal her something to do, and Granny gets to enjoy the mood elevation caused by the influx of calories. Of course this has it’s limits as the mood elevation is quickly followed by the need to go run off those calories. Still, better than nothing =)
I actually wish you could control how big that screen is— Mazzy is definitely interested in looking at herself and it would help her to stay on camera.
Mike goes away a lot more than I do so I get to experience the entire call from the other side all the time too.
Mazzy says, “Bye, See you!” to me all the time when she wants to hang with her dad alone. It also comes out of nowhere. We will all be playing nicely together and then suddenly she kicks me out of the room.
Your kids are older. Maybe in a few years I won’t care either.
You know, I bought Mike an external camera at one point and I think it’s still in the box. That’s an excellent idea— especially for calls with grandparents.
I posted about this once before but so far Apple hasn’t changed a thing. HMPH! I thought I was an “influencer”! 😉
I love that! Mazzy would flip. We’ll have to try it. Even though it requires a lot of pre-planning. Unless everyone you know has M&M’s on them at all times.
That pretty much sums up motherhood for me right there.
I haven’t tried skyping on the iPad. For some reason, I don’t know if mine is set-up to do that. I’ll have to look into it.
I love this idea! We need to figure out ways for Mazzy to sit still at dinner. It seems the longer she sits, the more likely she is to eat but I won’t let her use the iPad or turn on the television. Virtual dinner with Grammy would be PERFECT!
Ah, the accidental hang-up. I know it well. As well as its lesser-known counterpart, the accidental End Video Cal. which results in a black screen and a confused Nonnie and Pop on the other end going, “Vivian? Kristin? WE CAN’T SEE YOU ANYMORE!”
Vivian also loves it when our Skype suddenly goes all wonky and pixelated, resulting in my dad sounding like MTV’s Max Headroom. Actually, I find that rather entertaining, too.
Brevity. I actually have found that it doesn’t get much better with older kids (at least not with my 5-year-olds, who spent 10 minutes of our Skype today trying to beat the crap out of one another), and tweens/teens? Forget it. I can totally tell when my oldest is actually playing a video game and only pretending to listen to me.
Ah- the frozen phase and the pixelated phase. An important part of every call. I wish I had thought of it sooner!
You are awesome. And funny. I want to be best friends with you. The end.
That is brilliant!
I’ll let a video speak for me:
(This was 5/6 months ago, so she’d probably be less interested now!)
We love to have a big bowl of popcorn to keep our 1 & 3 year old in one place while we skype. We also try to keep it short, though weekly check-ins with far away grandparents always last a little longer. We will definitely be trying the M&M trick asap!
This is so funny and sweet! Love the visual of her pitter-pattering feet and giggles. I actually have never Skyped ONCE. Your Mazzy is way ahead of me! (BTW, I’ve missed your blog! It’s been too long!)
I have a great tip! Don’t. Don’t Skype with toddlers. I may be just grumpy about this because I cannot successfully get my kids to kiss-up to my MIL on Skype. Instead they manage to blurt out, “I want to see my *other* Gammy!”
Ilana, you’ve nailed it. This is exactly the hell that is Skyping with toddlers.
OMG — Love, love, love this post. You are so on with it all!!!
#3 IS our daughter…she wants to touch every button and is an expert and brushing your hand away before you can brush hers away!
And, thank goodness I got the glass screen on my MAC or it would have been ruined a week after we got it!!!
You are the BEST – love your posts!!!!
I was laughing before I even started reading. The pictures alone are priceless!
I have no tips. Sorry. You’d think that with Mr. Kiss traveling during the week for approximately 4 months now, we’d have figured something out – but any communication is typically my phone on speaker in the kitchen. The boys yell and talk over each other and fight and I’m trying to let the dog out and make dinner. It’s so fun. I KNOW he’d love to be viewing that instead of just listening to it.
Our families are in Maine, we are in New Jersey…so we skype a LOT! I have started putting the computer up high but the screen angled down so they can still see my kids. The main reason for this is my youngest son is 15 months old…he LOVES to hang up on Grammie all the time. We also do the dinner time thing, or lunch. They seem to sit better when food is there. I agree with the button on the iphone. Seriously, someone can’t make something that just slides over the off switch?
Oh you can just forget the “slide”. Our 11 month old was quickly sliding her finger across the bottom of the iPhone screen mimicking her mom.
I was thinking the Skype at dinner idea too. Great minds think alike lol. But also have another plan. Turn on Skype but have Mike stay and talk, then I bet Mazzy will be all over wanting to be involved i.e. interrupting his conversation! If you ever need to kick it up anotch, have him need to describe something to you that is complicated, vitally important for you to know and would take at least 10 minutes to explain … that way you know it will end up in at least a 60 minute call 😉
Have you ever put two two-year-olds on opposite ends of a skype? Even they aren’t entertaining enough to keep each other interested for more than a few moments.
Make Mike stay in the room and use the extra time to chat with him. Usually one of the kiddos will wander back in and get re-interested if we stay on the line talking with my brother and sister-in-law.
Otherwise brevity is the soul of a toddler.
We skype with the grand parents over meals as well – often having mini’s grandmother eating something that is on her plate like carrots or fruits during brunch. Gets a lot of good food into mini which is always a challenge and gives her grand parents lots of screeen time.
It’s ridiculous isn’t it? We just tried to do facetime with daddy tonight, who is away in London. Kids were running around, hanging up, repeatedly yelling “hello! hello!” so I couldn’t hear a word he was saying and we finally just had to hang up!
You have to check out Scoot & Doodle on Hangouts. Skpye is for business, Scoot & Doodle is for families. It’s the most popular app on Google+ Hangouts that allows you to get online and draw, doodle and create together through a shareable doodle pad (white-board-like)draw together at the same time and chat with each other through face to face video.
Kids stay online for a really LONG time. My daughter loves it!
I am a college student and I have a 6, almost 7 year old sister. I love chatting with her on Skype. The best is right after she gets home from school because she’s either super cranky or super talkative. She reads me books over Skype as well. It’s super cute!
Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it upand Pretty good post, this is one of the best articles that I have ever seen! This is a great site and I have to congratulate you on thecontent.
I am the Grannie (across many miles) on the other end. Thank you for making it happen – however long or short. On my end – I try to have something (e.g., stuffed turkey at Thanksgiving, Clifford the Dog) ready and on go, when I hear the FB sound. (Tears come, when I find I have missed a FT opportunity!8( ) The something interacts, disappears and creeps into the screen – as I chat. I have bells ready to jingle for the next session! We play Patty-Cake, throw kisses -the parents on the other end are very supportive and actively involved in the interactions. Old McDonald is a favorite- I have small animals that appear and make the sounds with us. The FT sessions are usually during meal time. I love to watch him play – walk, run, climb do those new things and see how he has grown in all areas – and interact with his parents. As simple as it seems – each moment is extra special. Parents, thank you for taking the time and energies to make it happen! – Thanks for sharing, as well. I am collecting ideas! I am on the look out for a Jack-in-the-Box…I thought that would be fun! Our grandson is 1 1/2 years old – 8) Thanks, again. Anna …no apologies – they are young children.
Our daughter is experiencing this whenever we Facetime with our grandson who is 3 years old. The most difficult part for me as a grandparent is when he says he wants in there. He wants to play with Nana and Papa. He wants to hug me. It is heart breaking. We are in California and they are in North Carolina. Sometimes, he says I want Nana and carries me around with him. I don’t mind even the view is the ceiling since it comforts him. Thank you for this article. I am going to share it with our daughter.
Have you guys tried Kinskii before?
They put your video chat faces in their game so the kiddos can sit and be engaged in the game and I actually get to join!
[…] they want to be. For a different and funny take on the phenomena of FaceTiming with toddlers, Mommy Shorts has her seven stages. How did your kids react when you were on […]
I guess I’ve been pretty lucky these past 5 years with skyping with granddaughter……miraculously was able to hold her attention usually for about 40 minutes at a time ever since she was 3 !!!……she would always sit on the couch and visit……parent usually in room out of the picture…..Sometimes she would take me places to show me things…..I don’t know how we did it, especially after reading all these other comments. One thing I did from the very start was draw her pictures of what we talked about…..if course she was the star of the pictures….then I’d make a book and mail it to her. In 5 years she has a large collection of my books for her. Her mom says she LOVES my books. They have evolved to include her little sister, her pets, and her American girl doll who has amazing and very funny adventures that are mostly made up by Kayla herself.
I even wrote a little book called “Skyping with Kayla” and will be happy to share it with anyone. Just email me and I will try to send it to you. Skyping is utterly important to me because I live 10,000 miles away from this little girl!