As you have all undoubtedly heard by now, Snooki is pregnant. I think I speak for us all when I say, I can’t wait to see the intelligent grounded baby that this fetus becomes.
What’s the best way to honor Snooki’s unborn child? By using her as a muse for my new line of maternity wear and baby onesies, of course!
Yes, they are even available for purchase. Thanks for asking.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I half-watched the first season but did not watch the seasons following, so I used the power of the internet to help me brush up on my Jersey Shore lingo. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, more power to you— please go back to reading your copy of The New Yorker.
As for everybody else, let’s take a look at my new MEATBALL MATERNITY COLLECTION, shall we?
In case you are unaware, ‘DTF’ is Jersey Shore lingo for “Down To Fuck”. Everything make sense now?
Alright, one more…
I didn’t want to leave Snooki’s fetus out so here are a few Jersey-Shore-appropriate onesies in case anyone is invited to the baby shower. She’ll love ’em, I promise!
Check out my entire Snooki collection on Zazzle. Feel free to submit your own Jersey-Shore-inspired sentiments in the comment section below.
And congratulations, Nicole Polizzi— I think you just upped your asking price for Season Six!
SO AWESOME!! Love them all 🙂
The Darwin one had me piddle a little.
Lol. Hilarious and also afraid of who would buy them legitimately and not for humor. Except maybe the mini meatball, because that’s a little cute. Unless it means something horrendous I don’t understand because I don’t watch enough Jersey Shore.
Hahahahahaha!!! I love the onesies!
Oh my god, this is awesome!!!
These are beyond hilarious. Although when I saw the headline I thought you might be talking about adult (well, petite, but still adult) sized onesies.
My son sent me one last night that says: Snookie is due to deliver December 21, 2012? Touché Mayans, Touché.
Laughed and laughed about this one!
DTF is my favorite. That’s priceless. And the stage 9 clinger, because seriously you will never get a moment alone again.
My husband had a vasectomy and I take BCP because I so very much am over having children (that I must gestate, we may consider adoption in a few years)… um, until I saw “Who’s your Daddy” and “DTF”. That, and only that, makes me very sad I am done with pregnancy. Fortunately my friends are not – consider those two purchased! 🙂
Oh Mommyshorts, you’ve done it again.
I likes the ‘Who’s Your Daddy’.
Oh Snooks.
You know I’m hoping for twins.
OMG – I need to have a pregnant friend so I can buy her one of those t-shirts!
I’ve never see the show, but know enough just from reading various articles on Jersey Shore and the characters that make up that strange world. I can’t stop laughing. Your T-shirts are great!
hilarious tho i’m going back to my rss feed b/c i have no idea what some of these mean (not that i want to). there’s a reason i dont watch their show. nevertheless, the ones i get are hilarious
LMAO. I wish I had my own “DTF – OBVIOUSLY” shirt when I was pregnant.
Is that bad?
your site has become a favorite! thank you for the daily smile 🙂
Wait, wait. You forgot: “I don’t know where Daddy got the money for Mommy’s engagement ring either!”
Hahahah, those are awesome. I think I like DTF (obviously) best.
“Fuck milk, I want some JUICE” made snot come out of my nose!
I think Meatball is a short chubby Italian girl, like Snooki. But I also think it’s kinda cute. It would pair nicely with “Pig in the Blanket” pajamas for a gift!
You mean like the body suits we wore in the early ’90s? Surest way to make sure your shirt stayed tucked in!
The “DTF (obviously)” one is awesome.
These make me wish I were pregnant. And trashy.
That sure does sound like Snookie. Funny thing. Hahahaha. Not for kids though.