Giveaway: 30 Boxes of Hershey Kisses Deluxe to 30 Readers
I am a huge chocolate lover. I’ll take chocolate over candy any day of the week. And I like the good stuff. Less the fun-size candy you get on Halloween and more the fancy foil wrapped chocolates you would never DREAM of handing over to your kid. The stuff you stash on the top shelf in your kitchen cabinet so the kids don’t even know it’s there. The kind of chocolate your kids wouldn’t even appreciate if you let them have it.
Chocolate with hazelnut filling has always been my absolute favorite, so when Hershey’s contacted me about partnering with them to introduce their new KISSES DELUXE chocolates, they didn’t have to ask me twice. The new KISSES DELUXE are twice as big, filled with creamy chocolate, crisps and a whole roasted hazelnut and then wrapped in gold in a big fancy box.
“I can’t commit to anything before I taste them.”
“Of course! We’ll send you a box.”
Let’s just say, I’ve had my fair share of KISSES DELUXE since then. I might have eaten two for breakfast today. I might be eating one right now. IT’S MY JOB.
This holiday season, Hershey’s KISSES DELUXE is encouraging people to reach out to family and friends in a meaningful way as part of their #SayMore campaign. They asked me who I would like to “say more” to.
Hmmmmm…. I’ve got a pretty long list. It might be a few hundred thousand people long because I’d love to #saymore to everyone who follows my blog., my facebook page, my instagram accounts, etc.
I’d like to say thanks to everyone who is reading this blog post RIGHT NOW.
It’s you guys who allow me to earn a living doing something I truly enjoy. It’s you guys that have enabled me to blend my career and my family in a really unique way that allows me to focus on my kids while I’m doing my job. It’s you guys that gave a publishing company the hopes that my book will be a success once I finish writing it.
And so… I asked Hershey’s if I could send KISSES DELUXE to some of my longtime followers.
Then I was faced with the tough task of figuring out who those people are. One night, I was writing my weekly newsletter and wondering (as always), if anyone even bothers to read the thing. At the very bottom of the newsletter, I decided to sneak in a question, link to a random blog post and ask people to answer there. I figured whoever did it must be a pretty engaged fan.
After I sent the newsletter, I wondered if anyone would even respond and then a few minutes later, the comments began pouring in. PHEW. People are reading my newsletter!
From there, I narrowed down the list by figuring out which commenters had commented the most on my blog over the years. Then I sent them each a box of KISSES DELUXE to say thank you for finding my life interesting enough to read about it and asked them a few questions about themselves.
You guys know so much about me— I really wanted to know something about you too!
Here are a few of my most engaged readers (and subsequently some of my favorite people) who got a surprise box of chocolates in the mail:
Name: Kristen from all over, currently in Las Vegas, Nevada
Kids: Owen, Age 4
Parenting Style: Adventure seeking and problem solving as we go
My candy is stashed… on the top shelf of the pantry, and candy is never there long enough to be discovered.
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
I was desperately looking for funny and uplifting mom blogs. I think on my first visit I read every post you had written to date.
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
I’d send them to Amy Schumer because she is hilarious, and I think she would properly appreciate them.
Sarah from Atlanta, Georgia
Kids: Anna is 4 (and a half!); Parks is 2
Parenting Style: Fun and fluid
My good candy is stashed… At my office so they will NEVER find it!
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
I won one of your contests a few years ago, with the answer that my favorite baby shower gift was cloth diapers as burp cloths. You suggested that my family should give me q-tips or paper towels for my birthday. My family LOVED you after that.
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
LeAnne M., an amazing friend who loves chocolate
Kathleen from Charlotte, North Carolina
Kids: No kids of my own – because every single, childless 20-something-year-old reads a mommy blog every day!
Parenting Style: Still trying to raise myself!
My good candy is stashed… Hidden behind the oatmeal in the pantry to try to keep myself from eating it – a method that does not work.
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
The earliest post I remember reading was Mazzy’s adorable Corduroy costume on Halloween. I want those bear ear barrettes!
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
The parking attendant at the garage downtown where I park every weekend. He always brightens my day!
Lesli from Fillmore, utaH
Kids: Savanna (Age 6) and Alivia (Age 2)
Parenting Style: Just trying to make it to bedtime every night!
My good candy is stashed… way up high in the pantry where the kids can’t reach it
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
It was when my oldest was just a baby, and Rants from Mommyland posted a link to your blog, I’ve been following ever since!
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
I would send it to Jimmy Fallon! I absolutely LOVE him!
Name: Cime (pronounced Sima) from Bourbonnais, ILLinois
Kids: Arianisa (4), Liriana (2), Emin (1)
Parenting Style: Positive parenting with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm
My candy is stashed… behind the bar, but I can only eat it when they are asleep. Liriana senses chocolate a mile away.
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
I can’t remember but a friend of mine liked a Facebook post and I was instantly hooked!
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
Sofia the First for babysitting while I take showers.
Alexis Lavko from Chicago, Illinois
Kids: Raymond, called Ray Ray, will be three in less than a month
Parenting Style: Making my son feel loved and valued while maintaining some semblance of order in our lives.
My candy is stashed… on the top shelf of a kitchen cabinet that’s too high for my son to reach even if he climbs up on the counter
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
It was “10 phases of a 10 minute shower with a Baby at Home.” Someone posted it on Facebook and I thought it was hilariously accurate. I quickly became a regular reader.
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
I’d send a box of chocolates to Elizabeth Warren. She’s working so hard on behalf of women and families in the U.S. and her path has not been easy. I appreciate all the work she and her team do for people like me.
Cora Lea from alberta, canada
Kids: Stella (5) and Miller (2)
Parenting Style: Type-A Hippie
My candy is stashed… on the tippy top shelf of the pantry; sometimes being 6 feet tall comes in handy.
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
I found you through Rants from Mommyland…I think you were in competition for an award. It was super early on.
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
My friend Jennifer, who is due in December with her 4th(!) baby. If anyone needs some chocolate, it’s her!
Andrea from pennsylvania (but I’m moving to maine!)
Kids: Izzy (5 1/2) and Michael (4)
Parenting Style: Doing the best I can
My candy is stashed… on a high pantry shelf, but my kids have caught me sneaking some. I’ve near perfected the art of answer questions with a mouthful of secret candy!
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
Don’t remember the first post, but I started following when Harlow was about a year old.
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
Duchess Kate. Because all mommas need a chocolate fix!
Name: Yvonne from beaver, Pennsylvania (but I grew up in japan)
Kids: Solomon (8 months old)
Parenting Style: A little bit of old, a little bit of new
My candy is stashed… on any surface higher than 3 feet, so it’s safe from the baby.
What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts?
I’m sure it involved Harlow singing or dancing or something.
If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who would you send it to and why?
I would send it to the nurses on the maternity ward where I had my baby. They were truly wonderful and deserve a sweet treat!
Leading up to the holidays, I am going to be giving out 20 more boxes of Hershey’s KISSES DELUXE to say thank you for reading!
I’ll start with giving two boxes in the comments below this post, two boxes on Instagram (@mommyshorts), two boxes on the Mommy Shorts facebook page, two boxes on Snapchat (ilanawiles) and two boxes to people who answer a question hidden in this week’s newsletter. If you are not already subscribed, you can do so here!
To enter below, just leave a comment saying who you would like to gift a box of KISSES DELUXE. Then share this post with them in some way to let them know.
Thanks to Hershey’s for helping me give back to my fans in the best way I know how— with chocolate.
I hope everyone hides it well!
Winner update:
Congrats to Manisha and Angela K! Please email to collect your prize.
This post was sponsored by Hershey’s, but all love of KISSES DELUXE is my own. If you’d a good cry while watching a family #saymore to their mom, watch the video below.
I would give some chocolate to my mom. She’s my best friend and the best mom. I’ve learned everything from her!
Myself. I never get the good stuff. I would eat it in a dark closet my myself!
I would send the chocolate to my best friend Emmy.
I would give a box of KISSES Deluxe to my husband and two daughters. They are my biggest supporters and the reason I do what I do. I love them dearly! And they love chocolate too!
I would split it with my 2 neighbors (Kari and Laura) between the three of us we have 8 kids. We do a lot of venting and drinking wine together . . . chocolate would be the perfect compliment to that.
I would give a box to my sister. We aren’t getting along super well these days, so maybe a nice box of chocolates would help. I don’t think it could hurt…
If I were picked I’d send it on to one of my friends. She’s in her last year of college, taking maximum allowed credits, has a difficult housemate (& housemates guests), travels 2 hours one way each weekend “home” to work, “home” being a gracious church friend who has allowed my friend, her mother and 2 sisters-another in college, the other still in high school- after they were deadbolted out of their house. Who couldn’t use some chocolate with all that on their plate!
I would love to try these and share with family for the holidays. Sweetinsahmnity at gmail
I would give some to my daughter because she loves chocolate just as much as I do!
you got me in your hands with Hershey’s!
I would give a box to my amazing boyfriend, who dreams with me about having a family together one day… and asks me how are Mazzy and Harlow when I don’t talk about them in more than 2 days.
In the future he will be an amazing dad and I hope I will be an amazing mom too 🙂
I would give them to myself. I always give everything to my kids, it would be nice for mommy to have something for herself!
I would send some to my mom for staying weeks after my youngest was born this year and helping is,survive the transition to two kids in the early days.
I would send some to my dear dear friend S. who has been struggling with infertility for too long and sometimes needs an extra loving thought, an extra hug or extra chocolate.
I would like to give them to myself. But I’d probably share with my mom.
I’d send a box to both my mom and my MIL, since they both love chocolate and provide invaluable counsel to my husband and me and tons of love to my boys!
I would share a box with Shireen, because I know hands down she’d do the same to me and giving her the box of it would be an excuse to hang out. X
Me! I deserve it!
I would send some to my best friend who has been there through out my pregnancy and has helped me out with my daughter when I haven’t feel so great.
I would send some chocolate to my friend who is a teacher in the middle of report cards and has a very busy 2yo with a case of head lice. 🙁
I would give the chocolate to my sweet and patient husband and not fuss at him after he ate it. He has diligently eaten every guilty pleasure of mine so I won’t “blow up like a house” during my pregnancy. The catch is after he eats what I ask him to get rid of I end up in tears bc “I wanted one more bite”.
I would send some to a friend who is pregnant right along we me!
And I feel just very blind, but I’ve looked at your newsletter a number of times and see no hidden question. Oh well 🙂
It was in the newsletter about three weeks ago. At the end of my intro before you get to the winners from last week and what not, I asked people to comment on a random post for a surprise giveaway and left a link to it.
I would gift a box to my good friend Sarah. She has 2 teenage daughters, many step children, step grandchildren, a husband, a job and she’s going to school full time. She still finds time to help people in need around her. She’s truly the most selfless person I know! She’s deserves some chocolate and more!
Thanks again for the chocolates! I ate four more reading this post. My chocolate stash is so well hidden I forget about it myself!
I would give it to my sister because she has been bravely fighting breast cancer this year at age 45.
I loved seeing another 20-something with no kids on here, glad to know I’m not the only one!
Thanks again for the delicious chocolate. I celebrated my Mommy Shorts fame by sneaking one (okay fine, two!) after dinner.
I would give it to the lovely mother of the little angel I take care of. She works so hard all the time, loves her baby girl unconditionally, and is just a great person in general. She really deserves a prize for that!
Thank you so much for the chocolates and the feature! These things are sooooo good! (And unfortunately, my husband thinks so, too…)
I think we need a video of Mazzy and Harlow trying these chocolates — if you have any left, that is… lol
Keep up the great work — your posts always bring a smile to my day!
I’d send them to my best friend from college – she’s in the State Department and travels all over but we’ve still managed to remain friends for going on twenty years now. We try to Skype regularly and both love wine and chocolate so it would be great to enjoy them while we catch up. She’s currently twelve hours ahead of me but I’m sure one of us wouldn’t mind having chocolate for breakfast 🙂
Now I see the what the newsletter offers that my blog feed reader doesn’t: POTENTIAL CHOCOLATE!
I’d gift a box to my sister-in-law. She’s a great and wonderful person and I wish we lived closer.
I think I would share a box or three to all of my early 20 something mommy friends, they all seem like they could use a pick up right now!!!
for some reason it is saying i posted this already but i dont see it so……
I think I would share a box or three to all of my early 20 something mommy friends, they all seem like they could use a pick up right now!!!
I usually share, but I’d totally hog these for myself!!!
I would give them to my husband! He helps me so much in raising our daughter! He deserves a little treat.
I would give the candy to my parents. Both my mom and dad are wonderful and my biggest supporters. Even though I do admit they may like my 2 1/2 year old son more than they ever liked my brother and I.
I would send them to my daughter’s godmother, Julian. A fellow chocolate lover and so much of an angel to me in the last couple years that I know I don’t deserve her. Things got really rough after I found out I was pregnant last year and she did everything she could to help me and remind me that the storm I was in would past. From going to appts with me because I had no one else to listening to me cry over the phone because of whatever was going on to playing the mom role in the delivery room for me to everything else. My daughter’s one now and she’s the best godmom ever. I can’t wait until Carolyn is a little older so they can really begin to do things together. Honestly, I’m not even sure I would have been able to weather all the storms that have come with having an unplanned baby if it wasn’t for her and I’m eternally greatful.
I think I’d give a box to my in-laws. They have made me part of the family since Day 1. And that has been really important since my family has been less than stellar about including me. They are always there if we need them, and are willing babysitters, practically anytime.
My friend Sherri Dirmann who is basically my go to person for when I need chocolate!!!
Those yummies would be mine! Raising 4 boys deserves a treat!
I would gift my oldest daughter! Her birthday is next month and this will be the first one I am missing with her as we moved
My first post I read was also “10 phases of a 10 minute shower with a Baby at Home.” I still refer every new mom to that link bc there is no parenting article or book that is more true and relatable than those 10 phases.
I’d probably keep the chocolates to myself and stuff them in the freezer (the only good place to hide chocolate!), so I’ll pass on the contest, but I’ll be on the lookout to try them in stores!
I would gift a box to my dad, who loves chocolate even more than I do! Seriously, I’m not sure anyone loves chocolate more than he does! He suffers from spinal stenosis and rheumatoid arthritis so is in constant pain. I am always bringing him chocolate to try and get a smile from him. 🙂
I’m kicking myself for not reading the last few newsletters!!!!! AND, I’ve been your fan since Mazzy was a baby, even before the sushi costume.
I’d give the box to my mom. She’s been through a lot lately, had surgery one week, then lost her baby brother the following week. Her and I aren’t the closest, but we’re really bonding. I love my mommy and I really need to say that to her more often. And I know she loves me. Then, after eating 1 or 2 I’d take them back because she’s not a crazy chocolate lover like I am!! WIN-WIN!!!!
Thank you, Ilana for sharing your life with us. You have no idea how many times your posts have helped me out of my funks and made me cry and laugh like a maniac in my office!
What a lovely surprise for your readers! You’re one of the few bloggers who really appreciate their audience and attribute their success to them. I’d give a box to my sister in law since she’s due in January. Or to my co worker who’s due in February.
I’m a faithful reader who came here from Rants from Mommyland (I can’t believe it’s been so long!) and though I rarely comment, yours is the only blog I still read. Lesson learned… comment for chocolate! 🙂
I’d gift a box to my best friend of 20+ years, Kim – a fellow chocoholic who has had a rough few years. We live 500 miles apart now, and while I can’t bring her chocolate to cheer her up in person, surprise chocolate in the mail would be the next best thing 🙂
I would give chocolate to my boss. She is a super sweet lady, and is very understanding when my parenting calls me away from work unexpectedly. It is nice to be able to instantly and randomly move my lunch hour to 9am because my son forgot his medicine at home. I’m very lucky.
I would like to gift a box to my mom and dad because they are the best!
My future hubby. He is the best dad and has a sweet tooth that could rival any stressed mom! Lol!
I would give a box of kisses to my mother in law! She’s awesome ????????????????????
I would probably give them to the ALS society, to apologize for not doing the ice bucket challenge when you nominated me last summer, I was really sick at the time and it just wasn’t something I could deal with but I still feel awful about it!
I would send one to my bff Toni- we have been through all the things together and how do we NOT have ALL THE CHOCOLATE to show for it??
I would give a box to my sister. She and her husband have been struggling with infertility for four years. They began fostering a two month old last October with the intent of adoption but sadly her bio dad got her back in August. She has been so strong for her other kiddos (2 of which are the little girl’s half siblings) throughout this sad time. But last week she found out she is expecting!! She deserves more than a box of chocolates but I know she would enjoy and appreciate them!
So. I remember exactly the first time I read you. I was home on maternity leave with my first (born 5/11) and like so many new moms I was obsessed with BabyCenter. You had a post featured on there about deciding whether or not to have more kids. The comments section clearly showed that not everyone got your brand of humor. I, however, was in love. I say for hours holding my newborn daughter reading every post of yours from the beginning (the one where you call the police only to find out your baby has stolen every last bit of your identit had me crying/laughing, and the one where you were outlet shopping with Mazzy truly made me feel less alone as a parent). I was pregnant with my second around the time Harlow was born and it was fun to read your posts during that time. Am I loyal? Obsessed? Little of column a, little of column b.
I would send a box to my best friend since age 5, Jenny, because even though we’ve lived in different states since the day after high school graduation she’s the most loving, loyal, thoughtful person and mom I know and I’ll be emailing this column to her!
I would send some to my old boss. A hardworking chocolate lover!!
I’d give a box to my husband. 1. Because he is such a good dad and works so hard for us. 2. If my husband has them, I get some too! :)I
I want to give a box to all of my employees and coworkers who work so hard every day, and to all of my other mama friends who need a chocolate fix.
I would give a box to my little sister. She’s a good sharer!
I would Give to Teresa Hanson. She just went back to work from maternity leave after her third child. She needs a treat.
my MIL and FIL, for being there for our family anytime we need them! my family being on the East Coast makes it impossible for us living on the West Coast, thankfully I have wonderful in laws only 100 miles away.
I would send a box to my sister Larissa. She does not have any children of her own but she is the most amazing and loving nanny that I know and takes amazing care of “her” children. Also she loves chocolate and she lives way too far away from me so Id love to let her know how much I miss her.
I would gift it to my husband
Kathleen from North Carolina: & here I thought I was the only one childless, 20-something, and obsessed with mom blogs!
I would share it this with my best friend, Anna! She moved to Europe four years ago, but has been a great support system as I learn how to be a mom. Missing her and wishing we can split a bag to catch up in person instead of texting everyday. 🙂
I would share it with my daughter. She may be only 7, but she is truly my best friend. As a SAHM I get to chill with a 2 year old but when she gets home from school we do home work and talk about our day. She is so innocent and pure and I envy that about her. I love her to the moon and back.
I would gift a box to my mum-bestie back home who I miss dearly since I have moved away ;( would love to give her a box of chocolates to let her know how special she is.
I would give a box of chocolate to my kids. their faces would just light up when I gave them a box of Gold Chocolate!
I would give it to my husband, he is an mazing dad and deserves some chocolate!
I would love to give them to my Mom. I had a baby in January and struggled with postpartum anxiety and she stepped in and has been such an amazing angel with helping me with my gorgeous baby boy!!! I owe her the world!
Thanks so much for picking me to win one of the boxes! I can’t wait to surprise my dad with the chocolate! Love your blog!
Yay! The chocolate came last night and my dad is stopping by today, so I get to surprise him with it! Thank you so much!!