Today is Halloween. A Monday, as we are all aware. Which means that if you're a parent, this is most likely your third consecutive day of celebrating. If you're me, this also means your kid has been wearing the same outfit for the past three days.
I suppose I could have made/bought more than one costume but that just seems ridiculous. Particularly since Mazzy's costume is SO DAMN CUTE.
She's Corduroy, for those of you with less than stellar powers of Halloween costume deduction. That's her at the Bowery Babes Halloween party at the Children's Museum of the Arts yesterday.
If you are still in the dark as to the origin of Mazzy's costume, Corduroy
is a classic children's book about a bear with a missing button on his overalls (pictured left). It has been one of Mazzy's favorite books for quite some time.
Wondering who crafted this adorable costume?
HINT: NOT ME. I can't even sew a button on a shirt.
Remember last week when I said there are four kinds of MOM on Halloween? I lied. There are five. Please add "the faux crafter" to the list.
The key to the "faux crafter" is ETSY.
I found a woman named Rhiannon with a shop called Little Orange who sells handmade overalls for toddlers. I asked if she could make a pair for Mazzy in green corduroy and a matching pair for her bear. Rhiannon suggested the purple pocket, I suggested a trade for an ad on Mommy Shorts and a Halloween costume was born. (So please check out Little Orange. The overalls are well made, fit perfectly, come in tons of different colors and will be super cute ALL YEAR LONG!)
It'll be a cold day in hell before Mazzy will leave a hat or a headband on her head, so I searched Etsy for bear ear CLIPS. Barrettes are pretty much an honorary Mazzy appendage at this point and thus possess the least chance of being ripped off in a confused rage.
I found crocheted clips in a shop called "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" and those suckers didn't fall off once.
Note: The clips have felt on the inside (ask for it by request) which they say will ensure a tighter grip on the hair. (IT'S TRUE!!!)
I got a brown long sleeve shirt from BABY GAP and a pair of faux UGGS from Payless. (Do you know real toddler UGGS cost $90???) Both items will also be worn throughout the year.
I also bought a little halloween make-up kit and was planning on making up Mazzy's whole face. But then, moments before application, I read on the back of the package that it shouldn't be used on kids under eight. So I settled on a black nose and am hoping she doesn't develop any sort of nasal disease that requires her nose's immediate removal.
Now, all that's left is to wear the costume on ACTUAL Halloween.
Which would be today.
I tell ya— trick or treating is going to BLOW MAZZY'S MIND.
What are your kid(s) dressed up as for Halloween?
Also— upload your Halloween photos to the wall of the Mommy Shorts Facebook Fanpage. I'm gonna give out best costume awards on Friday.
Okay. Mazzy is officially THE cutest thing I have seen all week. I haven’t even tried the (half-arsed) Halloween outfits on my kids yet, so fingers crossed come tomorrow…
oh my gosh, she is too stinkin’ cute! I am the proud parent of two store bought costume wearing kids this year. Buzz Lightyear snd Snow White will be donning their costumes and joining the droves of their clones on the streets tonight. 🙂
This may be the cutest costume ever. Well, the cutest costume that isn’t baby sushi. 🙂
I bought a costume for 15 bucks at Old Navy. I’d hang my head in shame after reading this, but since the chance of my son keeping it on for more than a nano second is pretty much SQUAT, I’ll be happy I only lost 15 bucks and no time on it.
Happy Halloween!!!
So dang cute! Love that book and bear. We also had THREE FUN FILLED DAYS OF HALLOWEEN ..omg crazy.
I am doing a Halloween link-up this week for fabulous prizes and fame and fortune fame..but fun and prizes if you want to join in. xo
We set Elmo on fire at our house too!! Mazzy is adorable…as usual!!!
You might just have a cutest kid ever.
I wish I could say I carved that thing on top but it’s just the result of a google image search. I did DRAW Elmo on a pumpkin. But it’s pretty pathetic.
Anna is also obsessed with Corduroy – she sleeps with the book in her crib and I read it, on average, three times a day. Such a great costume idea! I would also classify myself as a “faux crafter”, but more in the sense that I think of an idea for Anna (owl -thanks Pinterest!) and ask my talented seamstress of a mother to make it! Happy Halloween!!
she is just too damn cute. period. add the ears and bear nose and it’s just too much. 🙂 my Lovie is a Monchichi (posted on your FB)- a doll from the late 70s and early 80s that i was obsessed with as a kid. she got one for her 1st bday and loves it so i figured why not. and it was easy to do with her hair. 😉
She is absolutely adorable!! Have fun trick or treating tonight!
Excellent idea! I love that she has a matching bear. Will she have “Corduroy” or “Mazzy” on a slip of paper in the pocket?
OMG that is ridiculously cute and very creative momma (or was it Mazzy’s idea?) did you make the pumpkin????
I’m not gonna lie, Mazzy is seriously adorable. But honestly, with a face like that she could be the Paper Bag Princess and still be absolutely adorable for Halloween. And the jack-o-lantern is pretty awesome too!
I LOVE the swing pic. Mazzy really is cute in that outfit. I have a hand-me-down Alice in Wonderland dress for my EB, but she has had a fever for 2 days, so it looks like we’ll skip the trick-or-treating. She’s only 18 mo, so I don’t think she’ll miss it. I wanted to put EB in a borrowed chicken outfit but the friend never asked his ex-wife for it (totes understandable). She’s TERRIFIED of chickens so I kind of thought this would be hilarious…at my daughter’s expense. Maybe it’s for the best? Happy Halloween!
I had just assumed Mike carved the pumpkin? Ha, couldn’t even type that with a straight face! My oldest (8) is a ladybug, it is kid-friendly but more grown-up than cutesy ( aka a dress instead of fluffy costume). Store bought of course. C’mon. My little 2 year old was NOT a ladybug (refused to put her costume on for two parties and daycare), and tonight may be NOT a cupcake ( is obsessed so bought a costume I found at half price but am waiting to see if element of surprise means she will wear it tonight). Otherwise she gets a sign posted to her reading “Angel in Disguise” which you have to admit is brilliant in that the more she tantrums, the better the “costume” becomes 😉
So cute and very original.
Oh my gosh. Seriously? She’s the cutest EVER. I love love love those pictures, especially the last one. And that costume is so original and adorable.
My kids are Jack Sparrow (6), a bumble bee (4), and elephant (2) and a banana (7 months). They’re pretty cute, too.
We’ve been dressing up all weekend long, too! My 2 year old is a cute lil kitty and her 5 year old big brother is Woody from Toy Story this year. 🙂 Mazzy’s Corduroy costume is adorable!
SO adorable! What a fun, creative, original costume! Love it. And her. She is the cutest thing!
GREAT costume. Love the Elmo pumpkin – I’ll bet you could have rocked it if you’d been the carver.
Oh my god. I am nearly thirty and I loved Corduroy as a kid. I thought everyone forgot him.
I know I think so but I’m her mom so I’m biased.
Try not to bring home the wrong children.
Child’s willingness to wear the costume should definitely be considered when taking into account time, effort and cost that goes into making it/buying it.
Thanks! I will link up!
My husband says: “She’s MY kid.”
Oh to have a seamstress for a mother! I bet she loves making the costumes too. Lucky you.
She’s his kid until she is throwing up, has explosive diarrhea, or interrupting a televised football game. At least that’s how it is at my house.
There is no need for you to me what a Monchichi is— Mazzy has an old one of mine on her book shelf. Unfortunately, the fur on the top of it’s head came unglued and now it looks like it’s wearing a toupee.
That was the original plan but somehow I forgot and it never happened. Details!
I 100% absolutely DID NOT make the pumpkin. Even if I was that talented, my apartment is too small to allow for such a mess.
I did draw an Elmo on a pumpkin with markers— does that count for anything?
Making note: Next year, buy paper bag and call it a day.
That was Mazzy’s idea for the swing— she put the bear in there herself.
Very admirable that you take the “fright” part of Halloween so seriously. Nothing more amusing than terrifying your child into thinking she turned into a *GASP* chicken!
Love “Angel in Disguise”. Even better if you piss her off intentionally for effect. Awesome costumes don’t come easy you know! (Just ask ISTWAGBlog above.)
I’m sure they are. But I’m gonna need pictures to officially verify…
Yes!!!!!!! We having been hoping and praying to the win the internets.
That’s very nice of you to say but I’m pretty sure I would be an AWFUL pumpkin carver. I’m not good with mess.
Not sure how I am going to explain to Mazzy that we are back to wearing regular clothes again. costume idea by far! your daughter looks adorable!!
I suppose having a baby like that, very cute and adorable ! happy halloween !
[…] work. What was the first post you read on Mommy Shorts? The earliest post I remember  reading was Mazzy’s adorable Corduroy costume on Halloween. I want those bear ear barrettes! If you could #saymore with a box of chocolates, who […]
So cute.
My sister made a DIY Spongebob costume for my eldest one, Joseph (5) and he absolutely loved it.
Allie, 3, loved her Abby Cadabby costume, also DIY by my sister. It took her two months to make Abby’s signature pigtails and three weeks to make Abby’s dress. (Cartoon people in cartoons for younger kids don’t ever wear different clothes.
Brooke (1) was happy with HER DIY costume. She was Bino, from Toopy and Bino, of course. She eventually passed out in the stroller.
[…] Corduroy (Corduroy) […]
[…] – Here’s another lovable literary bear that makes for an easy costume. We found this idea at Mommy Shorts. She had someone make the overalls for her little one, but you could also buy yours (it will still […]