Giveaway: $250 gift card + 3mo Supply of Pampers Swaddlers
Any seasoned parent will tell you the newborn phase is a piece of cake compared to toddlerdom. Any parent of a teenager will tell you toddlerdom is a walk in the park compared to the teen years, but I’m not there yet so I’m going to pretend my children will start aging backwards once they reach thirteen.
I experienced the cake walk with my second kid, but not so much with my first. I was a newbie and every decision (even the ones that involved socks and washcloths) seemed like the difference between life and death. Going from zero to one is pretty life-changing (in good ways and bad ways) so I don’t want to diminish anyone who struggles during that time.
What I will tell you is no matter what you are going through emotionally, there are definitely ways to take advantage of those first few months. And no, I’m not going to say “sleep when the baby sleeps”. I always found that to be a total crock.
I’m sure it works nicely for women who value sleep more than anything else, but I always valued my hours awake when I didn’t have to worry about the baby. If I slept when the baby slept, I would be doing nothing but being a mom. I wanted to do things for myself— like eat, shower, watch TV, check facebook, talk on the phone, play Candy Crush and take a walk.
In the first few months, your baby is small, sleepy, immobile and highly portable. Here are ten ways to take advantage of the newborn phase:
1) Take an insane amount of photos
Prior to having a child, you probably updated Facebook and Instagram with some restraint. You shared what was truly worthy of sharing and took great care not to inundate friends with the humdrum details of your life. But all that self-editing is exhausting and a new baby is the perfect excuse to bombard your friends with family photos like the Kardashian you were meant to be. You don’t have to post anything especially amazing; the adorableness of your baby’s face is share-worthy enough. You are proud. Everyone from your high school friends to your ex-dog walker should know. REPEATEDLY.
2) Binge watch shows on Netflix
Binge watching a whole season of a show on a rainy lazy Saturday is one of the main things I miss about my life before children. Obviously, most shows worth watching are not toddler-appropriate but when you have a newborn, all they see and hear are light and sounds. They won’t really see the sexually explicit scenes in Orange is the New Black any more than they’ll decipher gun shots on The Wire. It’s all good. If your baby is keeping you up in the middle of the night or perfectly content staring up at the ceiling fan during the day, throw on a show and make that time worth your while.
3) Go anywhere and everywhere
With my first baby, I heard you must keep your bundle of joy indoors for the first six weeks. So that’s what I did. But there are plenty of people who believe it’s healthy to get that baby some fresh air. And if not immediately, then the second those six weeks are up. Don’t bother yourself with a stroller. Strollers make new moms freak out at every stairway and curb. They can’t fit through the doors to your favorite coffee shop. I suggest strapping that 10-15lbs on your chest and wandering your city or your neighborhood with complete freedom. Not only will you be able to go anywhere you want, your baby will sleep that much longer. And probably be perfectly content when he/she wakes up. You can go shopping, walk around a museum or take a stroll just because it’s a nice day and for once in your life, YOU HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO BE.
4) brunch with your friends
Remember before you had kids, how you’d see people sitting in sidewalk cafes at 10am on a Tuesday and think— WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE??? Don’t they have JOBS?! Maternity leave is one of the few excuses in your life to have breakfast at a restaurant on a weekday. I’d skip the baby wearing on these occasions and take your baby for a ride in the stroller right around nap time. If your baby goes down and your pancakes arrive right at about the same time, well then you have struck MATERNITY LEAVE GOLD. I’m not saying I didn’t spend the majority of my time at home in my pajamas, but those few instances where I actually got dressed, timed the nap just right and sat down with friends over bacon and french toast were pretty freakin’ glorious.
5) Eat whatever you want
You know how pregnancy is supposed to be an excuse to quit your diet and eat until your heart’s content? I actually found most foods made me nauseous. And I couldn’t eat a lot of the things I really wanted like camembert and spicy tuna rolls. (Not together obviously.) But after the baby was born, my appetite came back, most of the restrictions were lifted and I was hungrier than ever. Plus, I had a very handy milk sucking machine attached to my boobs most of the time whose main purpose in life (besides love and devotion) was helping me drop my pregnancy pounds. Also, there was still no shame in wearing my maternity jeans, so a little belly expansion with dinner was not a problem. I have never eaten so much pasta in my life.
6) Kiss your doctor
Your doctor will tell you many things at your first post-birth visit, but you will only hear two of them— no exercise and no sex. Well, isn’t that upsetting. Can she also write “no housework” on a piece of paper and tell my husband he is medically obligated to give me foot massages every night? Because that would be like HEAVEN ON EARTH. Also, if you want to pretend your doctor said you still weren’t 100% healed after your six week, nobody is reporting back to your spouse but you. Doctor patient confidentiality is a beautiful thing.
7) Buy everything you can online
When my first was born over five years ago, I was introduced to a relatively new service called It was a lifesaver, as there is nothing harder than lugging home an economy sized pack of Pampers Swaddlers when you have a baby strapped to your chest. And don’t tell me to use the stroller, because jumbo packs of diapers do not fit underneath the seat. We used for everything from diapers (obviously) to baby shoes, sunscreen and diaper pail refills. We even bought books, bathing suits, crib sheets and that infant toy my friend swore would have my baby reciting the alphabet by six months. And from there, we expanded to toilet paper, laundry detergent and tissues. There are lots of things in your life you must shop for in person— diapers is not one of them. For the love of God, take advantage of free delivery, great sales and speedy shipping.
8) Stretch your creativity
There are few times in your life when you have a tiny baby at your disposal. She can’t move, she sleeps often, you are home alone most of the time. Are you a creative person? Position that baby on the floor and then craft insanely intricate surroundings during nap time. Dress that baby up like your favorite television characters. Put that baby in a business suit made for a full-grown man. Baby mug! Pretty soon your baby will be moving and these opportunities will pass.
9) Start a blog
Remember when I said sleeping when the baby sleeps was not for me? I used my time to write, reflect, make jokes, tell stories, post pictures and share them all online. I know making all your baby woes public is not everyone’s cup of tea, but five years later, starting this blog was the best decision I ever made. And I never would have done it without the endless stream of fodder that comes from having a newly born pooping, drooling, puking muse like my baby girl.
10) Accept Help
When my first was born, I made the mistake of thinking I had to do everything myself. My mother was trying her best to be available to me but I thought this was because she didn’t trust that I knew what I was doing. (Which I didn’t, but that’s not really the point.) When my mom finally confronted me about why I was so cold whenever she offered help, I finally realized she was trying to make herself indispensable so she could have more time with her granddaughters, not to prove I was doing something wrong. Once I let her help me and removed the guilt in doing so, everyone was happier, including the kids who got to spend quality time with Grammy.
These tips can be applied to new moms, whether it’s your first kid or your fifth. Although, I imagine, once it’s your fifth, you have them down to a science.
Today, I’m giving away a $250 gift card and a 3 month supply of Pampers Swaddlers to one lucky reader! is one of the most convenient services for new moms and super soft Pampers Swaddlers, sized from Premie all the way up to Size 6, are the #1 Choice of U.S. hospitals.
Giveaway rules
1) “Like” this post below. Then visit and list the one newborn item you could not live without in the comments under this post. Please include a link to the item on
2) For a second entry, follow @mommyshorts and @diapersdotcom on twitter, tweet the following and then leave a second comment saying you did so:
I entered to win a $250 @Diapersdotcom gift card and a 3mo supply of @Pampers Swaddlers on @mommyshorts! ( link)
Winner will be announced Friday, May 15th.
To wish all moms a Happy Mother’s Day, is currently holding a promotion until May 10th. If you buy two items, you save 15%. If you buy three items, you save 20%. This applies to Pampers, Luvs, Easy Ups, Bounty, Charmin, Tide and Swiffer. Just use the code PGMOM at checkout.
Good luck!
And the winner is… Allison Nay, who can’t live without swaddles!
Congrats! Please contact to claim your prize.
The one thing I couldn’t live without is a Rock N Play:
I’m due with our second at the end of August, and we really want to upgrade to the automatic one (rocking ALL. NIGHT. LONG. is a duty my husband is happily willing to give up).
babyganics baby wipes – not only are they great for wiping baby’s bum but I use them for quick body/face clean ups and even wiping down kitchen/bathroom surfaces in a rush – wipes are the ultimate multi-tasking item and we love them!
Moby wrap so I could have both hands free while I held the peanut.
Aiden + Anais swaddle blankets! I actually still use them constantly for my toddler, but they were essential when he was a newborn.
I also tweeted 🙂
The fisher price swing! My girl took some epic naps in that swing. I miss those!
I could not live without the Boppy pillow!!!
Seriously, I used it from everything from feeding, naps, to just lounging. She loves it!!!
I also tweeted!
I could be live without a Bimbo seat!
Ha, auto correct is awful! Bumbo seat, not bimbo. Lol.
I cannot live without these swaddles. Cannot.
We are still using the ones from #1 with #2. They are amazing and I use them for everything. And I gift them to everyone. Sleeping, playing, swaddling, blanket for the stroller, nursing, and now the 4 year old uses them to make forts. They are amazing.
Also this post reminded me that when the first one was born we never went out to eat. Like ever. Then the second came along and we realized we could have and should have at every opportunity because when they’re not three and they’re sleepy and strapped into their car seat life is amazing.
My boppy was by far my most necessary item. My oldest would not relax and latch in any other position.
I tweeted
Number 7, “sweared” unless it was intentional with the whole alphabet by 6 months thing.
Rock & play is awesome!
I couldn’t live without a baby bathtub. My little guy LOVES his bath and has since he could take them.
Summer swaddles…takes all the guesswork out!
Aden and Anais wraps are a lifesaver. aden + anais Swaddle Wrap 4 Pk – Cotton Muslin
I tweeted.
I couldn’t have lived without my breast pump.( My son was tongue tied & couldn’t latch, so the day we went to get his tongue tie fixed, I didn’t have it for about 6 hours and almost died cause it felt like my chest was exploding.
I could not have lived without my Mamaroo Bouncer. My baby boy loved it and I’m hoping my second will feel the same!
Obvious, but diapers! Also I love the pic of Harlow in the mug! Priceless.
This beauty was perfect for paranoid new parents to keep bottles squeaky clean!
I don’t think I could live without my carrier. My first baby just turned a month old on May 1st. I’m always on the go (and definitely don’t subscribe to sleeping when the baby sleeps either!) so it’s been a life saver with this fussy baby that won’t let me put him down without screaming.
Aden and Anais muslin swaddle blankets are wonderful! The best swaddle blankets around.
During the first few weeks, lanolin cream!
my number one baby essential is a swing. My daughter loved hers and it was one of the only things rhat calmed her down when she was colicky. Also, needs to have an A/C adapter because running out of batteries with a screaming baby is THE WORST. I’m eyeing this swing for my next one:
With my first daughter this was my absolute favorite item we had gotten, and it was surprisingly a gift from the hospital it self! Idk what I would have done without it. Well I do and it would have involved a lot more chocolate and tears than a lifetime movie would have earned! We are now due with our second sweet girl (the man just refused give me any of his Y chromosome) and I really need a new one, mostly because she was a miracle and her older sister is 6 so we didn’t save all that baby stage stuff! 🙂
Tweeted! @hellokelcey
I couldnt’t live without the swaddler sack blanket things! I loved them with all of our girls. Each of our girls loved to wiggle from the get go, but would need to be swaddled to really settle down. These make my life SO much easter and I couldn’t live without them!
I envy most of you! My son WILL NOT take a bottle or pacifier. He HATES being swaddled. He won’t be held by anyone but me. He won’t sleep without my boob in his mouth. Oh, and he HATES bath time. Aren’t babies just the best?
Anywho! I wish I had something besides Pampers Swaddlers that I couldn’t live without, but besides diapers, everything is all about mommy. Apparently my sanity isn’t important at this time.
Aden + Anais swaddle wraps!
I lived my Ergo!!!!
I absolutely love Aden and Anais swaddle blankets. I just ordered this set last week.
Nipple cream! For both my kids, a life saver.
My baby girl is 15 weeks and right now we could not live without our rock n play! When I finally got brave enough to put her down to sleep (she has reflux and would choke while laying flat) she slept! Such a life saver.
after cloth diapering for 6 months, I have learned I cannot live without disposable diapers… And a paci.
If it weren’t for my car seat, we would not have done nearly as well in my second son’s first year as we did. Going to and from preschool, driving at least 25 miles (each way) to see my parents and sisters or going to other grandma’s house 4 hours away; none of it would have worked as well without our Chicco Keyfit 30. Easy to move to other cars, well made and you can buy extra covers? Well worth the money!
Side snap infant shirts so you don’t have to shimmy a bodysuit or anything onto them
Pampers swaddlers, because I am a new mom to be, due in 2.5 weeks, and have yet to buy a single diaper!
The one thing I could not live without is a Boppy. It makes it possible to do other things while nursing a baby by freeing up a hand.
I tweeted
Could not have lived without the snot sucker!
Pack and play. Traveled everywhere, most importantly where they lived post c section.
I seriously could not have made it through all of the newborn feedings without my “brestie”, the My Brest Friend nursing pillow!
A new city mini double stroller! Hey, a girl can dream…
We still can’t live without the WubbaNub pacifier:
Swaddles!! My little girl doesn’t like them very much but CANNOT sleep without them lol.
I tweeted!!
nosefrida! I swear, my 2nd had a constant cold for the first year of his life and the snot sucker saved us. Lucky for me, my 3rd has managed to steer clear of her germy brothers!
Could notice without Pampers Swaddlers size NB. They’re the only diapers that didn’t allow blowouts to happen which meant more clean clothes and less laundry for me!
I also tweeted!
The Halo Sleepsack Wearable Blankets – – an absolute essential!
I had them with my first child and now with my second. Perfect way to get the kids to bed – Soft, secure and warm!
Sleep sack –
i am not a mom but my best friend is due this fall and this bundle with diapers and shampoo and other baby essentials looks like it would be perfect for her!
Aden & Anais swaddles. I use them for a hundred different things. They only get better with age.
Electric breast pump
Seriously, I could not (and cannot) live without the Love To Dream swaddle. My kid HATED having her hands bound, there was no sleep to be had and then i discovered this.
Cannot live without diapers! This lil girl has a continuous loop of peep and poop.. I feed her she poops. I’m changing her and she poops. Who knew something so small could have so much poop?! I go through at the very least 13 diapers a day. But that’s the LEAST… I need more please… Right now she’s in newborns but she will soon grow out of it cuz she eats so much… Thank you!!!
I am in love with the Swaddle Me easy Velcro Swaddle blankets. My newborn (born 4/28/15) is in love with them too. They keep her calm, comfy and content, therefore, I am as well.
Aden and anais swaddling blankets!
I cannot live without these swaddles. Cannot.
Must have for getting your bean to sleep
Little man loves his mobile!
I tweeted!
My new k-cup machine and coffee pods (I didn’t breastfeed)!
Boppy. I don’t own that specific one, but my 3 year old consultant likes the cover.
SWADDLE Blankets!! These were a necessity with my first born, and with the second on the way, I am sure to be dependent on them again!
Aquaphor! It not only prevents diaper rash and is much less sticky than other diaper creams (as well as clear) but it will take away a scratch quickly, even some light eczema as a preventative in the summer on your baby’s legs
The diaper genie because people that say breastfed babies poop doesn’t stink were lying or crazy!
Bouncer! It kept my boys happy so I could actually get a shower!
The pacifier was the one thing that I could not have survived without. Link on is -
Pampers Swaddlers were a life saver with my son. They were the only brand that could contain his Blowouts. 🙂
The Rock n Play sleeper saved my sanity!! I could pack it up and bring it anywhere, outside, travel, my bedroom, the living room. it was great!
We could use one of everything…but right now we need sunscreen.
A carrier was essential the second time around!
I didn’t have one of these the first time around but it’s definitely something I’ll be spending my money on next time.
Rock n Play
Followed and tweeted!
i couldn’t/can’t live with out my swaddle and Fisher Price smart connect cradle and swing!! Lifesaver!!
I would NOT be able to live without a swaddle blanket!!!
I’ve heard great things about the ergobaby swaddle
I tweeted!! And follow both MommyShorts and Diapers.Com on Twitter!!
This is the only place my daughter ever slept in.
Definitely diapers!!! No way I could go without those!
I’m in the UK so I don’t think I can enter this competition, but thank you for the post. We are expecting our first baby in September and I am currently spending every waking hour just panicking. It’s nice to read the blog every couple of days for a reminder that everyone else is feeling the same too.
Our Angel Care monitor has helped tremendously with the transition from bassinet to crib. Knowing my baby can sleep well in her crib and not only having the video/audio, but the motion sensor has helped put my worries (somewhat) at ease so I could get more zzz’s.
Halo Swaddle Sleepsack
I don’t think I could live without a travel system like this one:
I followed both on Twitter and tweeted:
We could not live without our bouncer! Dinner actually got cooked, and I even got to take showers!
I tweeted!
With my current 7 week old, I could not live without the Fisher price rock n play sleeper–we use it day and night!
Also followed and tweeted!
The rock and play has been a life saver for our little one with reflux! She can’t sleep anywhere else!!
I couldn’t live without our Munchkin diaper pail! It’s filled with Pampers!