
Thanks to all the very funny people who entered my caption contest on facebook! More importantly, thanks to my good friend Seri from Little Miss Party for letting me post this hilariously heartbreaking photo of her son, Gavin. He's the one crouching in his socks between Mazzy and her new friend, Asher.

Is it possible to be hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time? YES! IT IS! As evidenced by myself and Seri laughing our asses off at this pic.

The winner is Karen Kuhn Gitto who wrote the line above. I can't think of any fate worse than crying in front of your ex and their new squeeze. Best to swallow your feelings and then eat your weight in ice cream later. That learning comes with age though. Gavin will get there.

Here are a few more of my favorite captions…

From Julia Roelofs:


From Brenna Jennings of Suburban Snapshots:


From Karie Nickens:


From Anais Caccamo:


From Jamie Sanders:


From Gabrielle Doucette:


Yep, there is nothing more first world than child-sized poolside lounge chairs from Pottery Barn. I think Gavin will be JUST FINE.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

XO, Mommy Shorts