I think I'm a little late to the party with this one, seeing it already has over 4 million views on YouTube, but I'm going to post it anyway. It's two little girls singing "Let It Go" and giving it their absolute ALL.
They suck, as most little kids trying to sing complicated melodies specifically written for Idina Menzel do, but they get an A++++ for effort.
I just took Mazzy to see Frozen a couple weeks ago and we are currently at the height of Mazzy's Frozen obsession, so this seems very timely for me to post. Even if everybody else has already seen it.
If you haven't, you are in a for a treat. Be sure to turn your volume all the way up, particularly if you are viewing from the office. (I'm kidding. You might kill small animals if the volume is raised too high. Hide your hamsters.)
Thanks to Rebecca (aka the Frugalista) for sending me this link!
I hadn’t seen that before but I was just playing the YouTube video of the song “Let It Go” by Idina Menzel a couple of hours ago for my two sons. These two little girls are adorable (even if they can’t hit all the notes).
Thank you!
Adorable! We also are in the midst of our own Frozen frenzy having just seen it a couple weeks ago (and what feels like hundreds of times since then). I’ll have to show my husband now. We have a daughter about that age.
My husband are prone to sing duets of Olaf’s song about summertime.
Thank you! I hadn’t seen this and we are on a crazy Frozen kick in our house. Good to know my 4.5 year old sings just like this.
I love the mid yawns! I haven’t heard the song or seen the movie but this is so my 3 year old about to turn 4!
and I posted before I saw the last ending comment of “I need to go poo poo”. oh my garsh! I love it. (and cringe slightly because I will have to experience it tomorrow.)
I had not seen that – hysterical! I try to sing along but my 3yo tells me I’m “not a good singer.” Because she is, obviously.
That is part cute, part terrifying.
One that impressed me was two little girls singing “Do you wanna build a snowman?” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3EfHckxvxg