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The Winter Olympics are starting on Friday and although speed skating and freestyle skiing certainly sound challenging, I don’t know if they are nearly as tough as parenting a preschooler and a baby.

To put my theory to the test, I invited Noelle Pikus Pace, Olympic Skeleton athlete and mother of two to be a guest on The Mommy Show. Then I made her compete in a series of “Mommy Challenges”.

I wanted to see if all that focus on Olympic training might have made Noelle weak in other areas. Like cutting pizza into bite size pieces with a plastic knife. Or finding a pacifier in the middle of the night while a baby’s crying. Or sorting 5000 LEGOs without stepping on one first.


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Those challenges have got to be harder than riding a sled face down on a track at ninety miles per hour, right?

Actually, riding a sled at ninety miles per hour sounds absolutely terrifying, so I’m hoping Noelle doesn’t return the favor and invite me to Sochi for a challenge on her turf any time soon.

Before I send you off to view the “Mommy Olympics” episode of The Mommy Show, I’d like to note a few things.

1) I am not a dwarf. Noelle Pickus Pace is very tall. I think the two of us created a real challenge for the camera person who could only keep me in frame by lopping off the top half of Noelle’s head.

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2) The producers told me to wear something “sporty” so I selected my favorite hoodie. DO NOT WEAR A DARK PURPLE HOODIE ON CAMERA. EVER. It gives you absolutely no shape and makes you look like you’re wearing a garbage bag. Especially when you are standing next to a VERY TALL OLYMPIAN. If someone ever tells you to look “sporty” on camera, wear a sports bra with a pair of those short shorts worn by women volleyball players. Then, at least, we’ll all know what’s what.

3) Harlow wearing a baby cam might be cuter than Harlow carrying a purse.

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4) Noelle was the nicest person ever and I’m so excited to root for her in the games! Women’s Skeleton starts at 2:30am on Thursday, February 13th. WHO’S WATCHING WITH ME????

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5) Noelle is teamed up with Pampers (who also believe being a mom is like being an Olympic athlete) and they were the ones who contacted me about her being a guest on The Mommy Show. Thanks, Pampers!

Watch this week’s episode of The Mommy Show and then come back to tell me what other events you would like to see in the “Mommy Olympics”.

Like a diaper changing competition. Which I would have done on The Mommy Show, except Harlow would have kicked poor Noelle’s ass.