Happy Halloween! What better way to celebrate than with four evil babies glaring at you???
Forget costumes. Caroline, Benjamin, Sydney and Smith are scarier au naturale than Michael Meyers with a mask. In fact, I'd sooner sleep in a graveyard than spend a night in a nursery next to one of these kids.
If you are joining the Glare-Off for the first time, I'd suggest you start with ROUND #1. For everybody else, we are down to semi-finals.
Yesterday was a close race for all parties involved, particularly Sydney and Emma. Ultimately, Sydney prevailed with 53% of the vote, mainly because people fear what they cannot see.
Wouldn't it be funny if Sydney was sporting a clown nose and some serious duck lips underneath that blanket?
Nah. I bet she's hiding her voodoo dolls and pin cushion under there.
Today, in honor of Sydney's swaddle, I'll be giving away baby blankets from Candy Kirby Designs. Right after we vote for which evil babies should make it into tomorrow's finals.
Polls close at 10pm EST.
May the evilest baby win!
Before I get to the giveaway, I just want to give a shout-out to this week's episode of "The Mommy Show". Jim Gaffigan comes over, tries to put together a Pack and Play, glues a peacock to my dining room table, and names our imaginary baby Oscar. It might be my favorite episode yet.
Moving on…
Today's giveaway is a $75 gift card to Candy Kirby Designs, maker of awesome patterned leggings, beanies, pillows, crib sheets and baby blankets.
Candy Kirby (@candykirbydesigns on instagram) is solely responsible for making me feel like I could be decking out Harlow's crib in something a whole lot cooler. Like her signature Charcoal Plus blanket.
You know, the kind of blanket your baby could stash a kitchen knife and you would never know until it was used against you in the middle of the night.
Ask Sydney. She knows what I'm talking about.
1) You must be a Mommy Shorts Facebook Fan to enter. Then, answer this question in the comment section below: What Halloween candy makes you want to smash a pumpkin?
All giveaway winners will be announced on Monday November 4th, along with the winner of the glare-off.
Ugh. I don’t even know what they’re called, but those awful hard/chewy candies that are wrapped in orange or black paper-ish wrappers. I don’t even know if they sell them anymore, but they’re easily the worst.
Bit-o-honey – does that exist anymore?
Tootsie rolls!
Taffy!! Because even though there are others I hate, you HAVE to toss those during your “check.”
Any hard candy. If it’s not chocolate it’s not worth it!
Thos orange peanuts that taste like chalk. BLECH!
Lollipops (possibly excluding the tootsie roll pop) – no one over the age of 2 likes those things.
Dum-dums. Always a let down!
Tootsie rolls with any other flavor than chocolate. Blech
Molasses candies! (I think that is what those hard/chewy candies in the orange/black wrappers are called!) YUCK!!
I’m a Facebook fan! I absolutely HATE whoopers. Or crunch bars. But mostly whoopers. They make me gag every time I try one. Obviously I should stop trying.
Going non-tradition with “NON-CANDY”! If my child got a letter from “Cheryl” in North Dakota I’d smash a pumpkin with her head! *coming from a totally non-violent mother!*
I absolutely cannot stand those nasty hard chews in the orange or black paper.
I also hate those orange and black wrapped mystery candies. Does anyone like those things, really?
Flavored tootsie rolls! If they aren’t chocolate they aren’t any good! Yuck!
SpongeBob crabby patty candy…even the kids won’t eat it…it’s like chewing on rubber!
“Sugar free” read sugar substitute –anything! Why are you poisoning my kids with this garbage???
I can’t stand the plain Dark Chocolate Hershey bars… yuck! I guess I am the only one that actually likes the Mary Jane PB Taffy (the Black & Orange wrapped candies)as long as they don’t break my teeth I like the taste of them ha
Oh so many to choose from… I’d say the Halloween candy that makes me want to smash a pumpkin is the flavored tootsie rolls.
Bit-o-honey. Somehow one of those migrated out of my kid’s room from last Halloween and ended up on my bedside table- eek!
The hideous candy that doesn’t have a name but comes in the orange and black wrappers!
I may upset some people out there, but I really dislike candy corn.
Oh, tootsie rolls! They’re the worst. So chewy and gross.
The taffy stuff that has no flavor in the black and orange wrappers! Even my daughter won’t touch em!
No! Not my kit kats!
Jack-o-lantern peeps! Who said those crappy fake-mallows were allowed in the shape of my favorite Halloween things?!?!
I would have to go with pixie sticks. first off, it’s a straw of just sugar and food coloring. second, when I was a teenager (13 or so) it almost killed me. I was home alone, tilted my head back and poured it in my mouth. I didn’t realize how dumb that was til it all collected in my throat as a mass clump of sugar. in the seconds I was thinking about calling 911, I was wondering how that would work since I couldn’t talk or make a sound. finally some sugar dissolved.. and I lived to now be incredibly afraid of letting my son have some.
Mike & Ike, ew licorice
Laffy Taffys. I think they’re going to pull my teeth out!
black licorice bites! YUCK
Bit of Honey, Mike & Ike, Tootsie Rolls, and Smarties. Don’t cheap out. Buy the good stuff people!
Bit o honey
Twizzlers!! I don’t know how anyone in the universe eats those tasteless things. Yuck!!
If it’s not chocolate, forget about it.
Sometimes I’m okay with Skittles though.
Whoppers! YUCK! It’s like wet sawdust formed into a ball and covered in chocolate! Total nastiness!
I’d rather go and chew some plastic toys than that!
I hate Mike and Ikes! Blegh!
Candy corn or those peanut buttery things wrapped in the orange and black wrappers. So gross.
Milk Duds! One Halloween as a kid (with a loose tooth) it pulled my tooth out! I was paranoid to eat them for yearssss after that thinking I’d lose another tooth.
I am in mass agreement with the mystery candy in the orange and black wrappers. Nobody in the house will eat them, but if I try to throw them out, I am subjected to a tearful begging child who will come up with a million reasons why she wants to keep them (my babydoll likes them, they can be used for building blocks, I “cook” with them etc).
I would say candy corn because it tastes like ass, but I really hate the hard pieces of bazooka joe gum. It’s awful, has no flavor and yet I still feel compelled to eat it when my kid won’t.
Peanut butter kisses, the orange and black wrapper candy. They should not exist.
Also Sydney for the win!
Dots!!!! They taste like the soles of shoes 🙁
The nameless candy that comes in the black and orange wrappers. I do not even know what it is and it just tastes awful!
I love crunch bars and reeses cup
Mary Janes… Why? Why do people do that? YUCK!
Raisins. Really? It’s Halloween the time of year to rot your teeth not worry about your fiber intake. I would allow my child to smash a pumpkin for this egregious violation of Halloween.
Sour Smarties are the worst. People always seem to give my son tons of them and they are so gross.
Fun sized Coffee Crisp chocolate bars… I like my coffee (let’s be honest, I’d die without it), but putting it into a crappy wafer chocolate bar? Not my thing. I’m a facebook fan <3
I’d have to go with anything that ISN’T chocolate!!! If its not chocolate it isn’t worth it!
They have to be delicious to be used for building blocks… right? …gross 😀
Black licorice!! Yuck!!!
Black licorice. Yuck. I’m pretty sure even old people hate it…
What about those waxy bottle things with the liquid inside…yuck!
Menthol Candy! I mean what the heez, lets just put unsuspecting kids'(and adults’)tongues and throats on fire!
Any type of “Mexican style’ candy
Taffy or twizzlers, yuck!
Whoppers are soooooo groooooooss! I won’t eat them…but I always feel bad throwing away candy…wasted sugar!
The “Molasses Kisses”! I know the name of those black and orange wrapped chewy candies because that is what hubby came home with when I sent him to buy Halloween treats last night! :S
Those stupid peanut butter kisses in black and orange wrappers. They taste like iron. Straight to the garbage!
Gobstoppers! Gross and a choking hazard all in one!
Can’t stand candy corn, cute to look at but horrible to the taste buds.
Black licorice. Or those little nutty rolls. But, really, why should anything but chocolate even be considered.
Jolly ranchers
Also, I hate people who give kids pennies.. It’s like they are too lazy to buy candy… Or find a Coinstar!
Smarties, for sure. And Tootsie Rolls and peanut butter kisses. Those shouldn’t even count as real candy.
Ugh…candy corn. Yuck!!
dum dum lollipops.
If I’m going to eat candy, it better be chocolate and peanut butter.
Those creepy peanut Carmel things in the black and orange wrappers.
Candy Corn is by far the worst “candy” that has ever been made.
I just don’t get it! Rahhhhhhh *smashes pumpkin*
Those cheap butterscotch/cinnamon candies. They’re always gross and sticky. They taste horrible too!
Ooooo I’m a new Candy Kirby fan! And I’m redoing my son’s room for Christmas and that water color pillow would look awesome on his new bedding!
Oh, and my answer is definitely lemon heads. Like what the fuck? They taste like bad alcohol and asshole, with a dash of lemon.
Smarties make me want to smash a pumpkin. The chalky texture is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Those stupid butterscotch candies in the gold wrapper. When we were in high school (the last time we went trick or treating), we decided to forgo my neighborhood (the land of the full-sized candy bars, btw) and hit up the rich neighborhood. They gave out those nasty butterscotch candies instead of decent candy (and they’re lucky I didn’t have any eggs at my disposal). Yuck.
Squirrel Nut Zippers. Ew.
Definitely the Bit ‘O Honey, or those awful cheap waxy chocolates you can buy in bulk at some stores. Both awful and depressing to find in a Halloween basket. Worst of all those stupid waxy chocolates often have the fun foil, so there’s no way you can convince your kids they taste bad.
Bit-o-honeys and anything that sticks to your teeth till the next dentist appt. Surprised at the number of folks who don’t like Whoppers. I love them. Malt plus chocolate. Try straight from the freezer. Love em! And I can’t decide between Sydney and Benjamin.
Necco wafers… Who eats those?
Mounds and almond joy are my least favorite candy!
The gross candies that come in the orange and black wrappers!! I have no idea what they are or what they are called, all I have to say is gross!!!
Almond Joy. Barf…on your front steps.
Those nasty things wrapped in those orange and black wrappers. I don’t even know what they are called but they are gross!
The flavored Tootsie Rolls,Yuck!
Candy corn is gross.
Those disgusting little pumpkins that taste like candy corn. It reminds me of baby corns… It’s not really corn! Baby pumpkins… It’s not really candy! Barf!
Candy corn makes me want to smash a pumpkin but not for the anticipated reason. I know there are only two types of people when it comes to candy corn: The lovers and the haters. Well, I am a candy corn LOVER…. who is allergic to the orange dye used in the center part. I used to dissect them and only eat the white and brown or yellow parts but now I just buy the candy corn that comes in different flavors! 🙂
Despite loving them, I am allergic to the dye in the orange parts of those, so I have had MANY a baby pumpkin stem.
The blue ones are my favorites!!! (Vanilla)
I do!!! I love them!
Reading all of these comments makes me realize how odd I am. My favorite halloween candies include Candy Corn, black licorice, necco wafers, peanut butter kisses, cinnamon hard candy….
Maybe it’s actually the fat kid in me who likes ALL candy?
mix them into a mudslide. YUM.
I LOVE black licorice. And black jelly beans. So does hubby and our 22 month old. We are a little weird.
Peanut butter Kisses.
My mentally challenged cat (Literally – he is inbred and brain damaged) LOVES to eat red dots. But only the red ones.
My mom was trying to get my attention when I was in high school but I was laying on the living room floor watching tv. She hit me on the knee with a pixie stick and the end came off, so she pretended she was going to pour it in my mouth. She missed. Pixie stick up the nose and into the eyeball = OUCH.
I like them too. But I also like dark chocolate
tootsie rolls for sure! we always buy them to give to the kids too old for trick or treat and the babies too young for trick or treat. we put them in a special ceramic pumpkin and the older kids think they are getting something special and then we put a tootsie roll in their bag lol
Either Peanut Butter Kisses or Molasses Kisses.