
Thanks to two very important people, I have narrowed the pool of EPIC BABY HAIR down to the final ten. Scratch that— twelve. Ten was too damn hard. There were over 500 entries! In the words of commenter @Violina23, "I used to think my baby's hair was epic, but your contest has blown my mind."

Important Person #1: Baby Sideburns, JUDGE

She looked, she laughed, she picked her favorites with a dicisiveness I do not posses. It's no wonder the woman has over 100K fans on facebook.

To arrive at the final twelve, I took a combination of her favorites, my favorites, and your favorites (with a guaranteed spot for Elizabeth Taylor who had the most facebook "likes"), kept the few that overlapped and then pitted the question marks against eachother over the past three days on the fanpage.

Important Person #2: Rachel, MY UNPAID INTERN

When I asked if anyone wanted to be my unpaid intern at the end of last week, I was totally joking. And then a few people said they were up for the job. I ignored them because I assumed they were joking too. But then Rachel reached out a second time to let me know that she wasn't joking and an unpaid internship was born. See? It's exactly like your mother always told you— in the job world, persistence pays off! (Or "not pays" as the situation may be…) 

Rachel blogs at Chocolate Milk and Mustard Seeds and she was in charge of counting up all the votes in the fanpage face-offs. Bet that will look really great on her resume! Seriously though, having good help was AWESOME.

Okay. Are you ready?

Here are the TOP TWELVE EPIC HEADS OF BABY HAIR. You'll notice that "The Crusty the Clown" was switched to "The Lollipop Guild" by popular demand. Also- everyone's hair is real. "The Annette Funicello" is not wearing a wig. She gave us PROOF.

Please vote for your favorite! 













Voting will end next Friday, June 14th.

One winner will receive a $50 gift card to Little Hips Squeaks, maker of awesome baby hats, headbands and blankets. (FYI- her products upload and sell out constantly, so always check back for new stuff.)


Not that I'm condoning covering up your kid's epic mop, but sometimes it's nice to have options.

If you'd like to know about the next Mommy Shorts photo contest, join the Mommy Shorts Fanpage. Once there, check out the top 100 epic baby hair contenders which were narrowed down from about 500. I told you this was tough.

Good luck and have a great weekend!

— Mommy Shorts

PS: Who are you rooting for?