This December, Mazzy's birthday will fall on Hanukah, causing a typhoon of presents to fall upon my daughter so large, she might forgive us for not celebrating Christmas.
Actually, she probably won't even notice this sudden plethora of presents, since she's been receiving gifts almost daily for about two weeks now.
For what?
I call them "first child consolation prizes".
Every person who gives Harlow a gift, seems to think Mazzy deserves one too. As if my toddler carried the baby for nine months. Where are MY gifts, people? Did you even realize my birthday went totally unnoticed last Saturday? Don't worry, I would have forgotten it myself if it wasn't for my new eye wrinkles singing "How old are you now?" every morning in my bathroom mirror.
Anyway, people have been calling left and right, asking what Mazzy wants for her birthday, for Hanukah and for a 'big sister' present.
I have no idea what to tell them. SHE HAS EVERYTHING. Blocks, puzzles, dolls… Between my mother and Mike's mother, the girl could turn her bedroom into an eBay shop and raise enough money to send us all to Disney World by Spring. Short of painting a larger than life Dora the Explorer mural on her bedroom ceiling, I can think of few things my daughter wants that she does not already own.
That is, until my twitter friend Alyssa (the hilarious @nearnormalcy) sent Mazzy a completely original 'big sister' present that she absolutely adores.
Alyssa, who creates personalized toys for her Etsy shop— Sticky Chic Boutique, made Mazzy something called a "Fashionista Play Tray". The play tray is a paper doll set made out of static cling vinyl, with a custom 2-D doll (modeled to look like your child) and several different mix-and-match outfits for dress-up.
Alyssa will even make some of your child's favorite items of clothing. For instance, for Mazzy, she made a NY Giants t-shirt, pink converse, an Olivia costume, a Corduroy bear, and of course, Mazzy's Boo.
As soon as Mazzy laid her eyes on the tray, she knew the vinyl doll was supposed to be her. Then I watched her discover one familiar clothing item after another and become quickly enthralled with her new toy.
But don't take my word for it— there's video…
Mazzy played with the tray unattended for the better part of an afternoon. And she went back to play with it the next day and the day after that. A sure sign of gift success.
But Mazzy's not the only kid being gifted a vinyl mini-me. Alyssa has agreed to give out a Fashionista Play Tray (value $40) to one lucky reader. Or, if your kid likes cars more than dress-up, there is a "Vroom Vroom" variety with a winding road, perfect for playing with matchbox cars.
Just follow the giveaway rules below to enter.
And after, you can start brainstorming on my belated birthday present.
1) You must be a Mommy Shorts facebook fan or subscriber to enter. If you are not one already, you can easily become one by clicking here. Then answer the question below:
What would your child's custom clothing set include?
2) For a second entry, tweet the following and then tell me you did so in a second comment:
I entered to win the Sticky Chic Boutique #giveaway from @mommyshorts and @nearnormalcy
Winner will be announced next Friday. Good luck!
Note: If you want to place an order at Sticky Chic Boutique, you need to do it by Decmeber 5th to receive it in time for Christmas!
My 3 year daughter would adore this! Her set would need to include a tutu, tiara, boots & monkey pj’s. I have the same problem whenever family or friends ask what she needs for her birthday & Christmas (a month & a half apart) and I have had no ideas, she doesn’t need anything! This would be a wonderful gift for her.
I want to trade kids for a bit. I’ll take Mazzy for a weekend and you can have Roo. He’s pretty darn well-mannered so long as you don’t mind that he prefers an Al Bundy approach to relaxing.
Okay, this is a great gift, for sure. And I want four. But I’d settle for one for my little guy. His set would have to include backward pants. He’s great at putting on his own clothes, but not so great at telling the front from the back.
My boy would love the Disney Princesses and dresses (he’ll grow out of this right?)
Oh heavens! That is SUCH a cute gift! For my two year old, I would have a Mickey Mouse doll, and two different Webkinz kitty’s (the tom cat and the black and white cat) as accessories. As for outfits, he would need a pair of jeans and a pair of chocolate brown corduroy pants as well as a bunch of plaid short sleeved button up shirts in shades of blue and brown. And of course a pair of black and blue snow boots.
My 4 year old, Ella, would have to have a Tinkerbell dress, sparkly shoes, fairy wings, and a tiara. What a great toy!
Sadie’s custom set would include her adorable pig tails, rockin vans shoes, and her beloved “Googie” (a zebra stuffed animal attached to her pacifier).
I tweeted.
I tweeted too!
How nice of her!!!! I’d love the race car track for my lil boy, but if he received the dress up one, he’d love jeans, cargo pants, dog-print PJ pants, and dog-print shirts. Great giveaway!
I also tweeted your giveaway!
Ooooh, I’m not sure I can make a Kings jersey. #GoSharks
Let’s seeeeeee. Libby’s would definitely need a swim suit and her pink floaties. Her Snow White dress and possibly a night gown since she’d live her her pajama’s if I let her. Oh, also her pink kitty back pack. 🙂
The girl would have to have shoes. Lots and lots of shoes.
My little one is into princesses so that would be what she would want!
So cute! My 22mo old would need some princess heels, floral pants, and a hat!
Oh, OK. I had gone to your site and was scoping it out, saw the TARDIS car decal and when I added it to my cart (or checkout, forget which) the link came up “does not ship to Canada”??? But I am not very technologically advanced. Will try again.
Superhero cape!
Hanna’s set would need her purple rain boots and her red coat, and her kitty shirt and stripey pants. Oh, and we can’t forget her blue umbrella!
My daughter loves rainbows and incorporates them into her crazy outfits every day 🙂
logan’s set would include daddy’s red umbros circa 1989, which he would wear on his head. it would also include a variety of hats, as he wears at least one most of the time (including bedtime), a pair of sunglasses, and his stuffed elephant.
Hannah’s set would include a Minnie Mouse dress, shiny pink shoes, Minnie Mouse sneakers, a leotard, and of course Minnie Mouse underwear (yes there is a theme!)
Sloane’s would have to include her blanket “Mimi”, her fireman hat and striped leggings.
-Just like?
So cute!! My kid would want a Thomas shirt, for sure!
Sadie’s would have an Elmo shirt, black pants, a pair of red glasses and a black miniature poodle who growls.
New subscriber and reader here! Overdue with baby #3…. My girls would love a custom wedding gown that is long sleeved and probably a grey school uniform jumper and pink blouse like Hadassa wears to Pre-1-a. Cngrats on the new baby, she is adorable, can’t wait to meet our new one any minute now although I think he/she is aiming for a Chanukah bday!
My daughter’s wardrobe would have to include a purple party dress, hair bows, jeans and sunglasses.
Pink cowgirl boots, a Belle dress, tiara, Dalmatian costume, and a wand. )
My son’s clothing set would have to include something train related, he’s obsessed!
My daughter Amelie would LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Her favorite clothing items are her wonder woman blue tutu costume, her pink bathing suit (we are in Florida, she is in it all the time), her purple princess gown and her “glass slipper” shoes.
Mazzy’s really does look just like her…too cute!
My daugher Anna would need a Grover to carry around! (Or Grover’s cousin if he is copyright-protected.) She should have two little pigtails in her hair, leggings, her silver “new shoes” (that she’s had for months), and a striped dress.
What a fun giveaway! Thank you both!
K would ABSOLUTELY LOVE this! And how perfect for road trips!?!? Hers would include a tutu (or 3) and her favorite purple boots! 🙂
I also tweeted…
my daughter would absolutely LOVE this! im so with you on finding unique gifts thats not exactly like everything else we have that i’m sick of looking at 😉
my daughter’s set would include: her cinderella princess costume, her beloved shiny pink cowboy boots, her lambie, and her blanky. for sure. those are the essentials in our house.
My daughter’s would include her favorite black Mary Janes and a Minnie Mouse t-shirt. Or anything with Mickey or Minnie!
I tweeted!
Anything purple… she needs a Giants Jersey, a way to put piggy tails or hair pins, My Little Pony undies, and sunglasses.
Right away I am going away to do my breakfast, when having my breakfast coming over again to read
additional news.
Joseph, 2 would love a pair of green dinosaur pajamas. He would also like a pair of yellow coveralls, and Bubby, his beloved red blanket.
It would help him play quietly because he bugs me everytime I’m doing something that has to do with new baby, Allie.
When I’m diapering the baby, he complains that he spilled apple juice on Bubby. Or that he needs the scrape cream that we put on boo-boos. Even though he cries when I put in on.
When I’m feeding the baby, it’s that his sippy isn’t cold and he needs another one. (We keep extra filled sippies in the freezer)
Also, my birthday went unoticed on the same day as Ilanna’s. Could somebody show sympathy?