GIVEAWAY: Toydozer, see end of post for details
I feel like I've been mentioning the extreme pain of stepping on a LEGO barefoot a little too often lately. I know I referenced it at least twice this month— both in Porn for Moms of Toddlers and Mathematical Mom Problems.
And then I started noticing "EXTREME LEGO PAIN" references all over the place.
Apparently, there is a whole "I hope you step on a LEGO" meme that basically alludes to "stepping on a LEGO" as the worst possible fate you could wish upon another person. A fate worse than watching a marathon of FASHION STAR starring Jessica Simpson, which is REALLY SAYING SOMETHING.
Check out five of my favorite finds on the subject:
Bonus points to anyone who can identify the movie in the above picture.
Anyway, when a company called TOYDOZER contacted me to partner with them, I checked out their site, noticed that their product is all about easily clearing your carpets of LEGOS and thought— HOLY CRAP! THESE PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY SAVING LIVES!!! Of course, I will work with you. I don't do nearly enough for the greater good!
The Toydozer is composed of two parts (the plastic "gatherer" and the "scoop") and aims to make cleaning up both easy and fun. Plus, it's way harder for a renegade LEGO to hide out in the carpet awaiting your barefoot midnight voyage through the play area when it's up against the blade of a DOZER.
Just to be clear, they also clear the floor of non-LEGO-type toys like blocks, puzzle pieces and those maddeningly tiny Disney Princess rubberized shoes. It comes in three colors— purple, yellow and blue and is available exclusively at
I received two in the mail last week and Mazzy really likes it, although she has yet to use it correctly. For some reason, she prefers to use the rounded side of the gatherer down. No matter what I say or do, she is INSISTENT. (Totally questioning her intelligence level because this thing is pretty dumb simple even for a toddler.)
Whatever she's doing, it definitely makes clean-up time less of a chore for both us. She thinks she's still playing and I get to clean-up in less than half the time.
Dad still sits on the couch, in case you were wondering.
So that everyone can have an opportunity of saving their own feet with the TOYDOZER, I am doing two things today.
First, TOYDOZER (regularly $18.99) is giving Mommy Shorts readers 20% off by using the code BLOGGER20 at
Secondly, I'm having a giveaway! There will be TWO WINNERS. Check out the details below.
1. You must be a Mommy Shorts facebook fan or a subscriber to enter. Then, name the toy that wreaks the most havoc on your home in the comment section below.
2. For a second entry, post a picture on my facebook fanpage of your messy toy area. Then leave a second comment saying you did so below.
IMPORTANT: I will pick one winner at random from the comment section and one winner based on the photo entries— I'll be selecting the photo I deem most deserving of some help.
I just saved my foot from DEATH BY LEGO by entering the @Toydozer #giveaway via @mommyshorts
Winners will be announced on April 6th.
Be sure to check out Toydozer on Facebook and good luck!
This post is part of a Toydozer blogger outreach campaign. Participating bloggers have been provided with a complimentary Toydozer to review and have been compensated for their time.
This product is GENIUS. Seriously need one.
Pretend play kitchen food and dishes is the worst. I don’t know if we have too much of it all or the girls just think that throwing the food and dishes all over the floor is exactly how you’re supposed to play with them.
Either way, the toy dozer would probably help with throwing it all out in a timely manner. 😉
Tweeted the giveaway..!/BrittaneStewart/status/185211583931232256
Is it smart of me to not give my toddler Legos?
I’ll get them – when he asks for them, but he doesn’t even know they exist!
Suscribe via Google reader.
The play cooking stuff is the biggest pain to clean up — mostly because of the reassembly of the food parts, which the toddler is adapt at taking apart, but not putting back together.
Great idea!! I wonder if it will work with our havoc-wreaking toy:
Playing cards!!! Or matching cards.
My daughter is obsessed with the helper jobs they have at her school, so she walks around asking us to spell our names and then gives us a card that is supposed to mean we have a helper job. At multiple times during this “fun” activity, she will drop the entire deck of cards and have to pick them all up.
She also uses matching cards to spread all over the floor. Not to match them really…just to enjoy the disaster that our living room becomes.
The worst for us? … TRUCKS!!! big trucks, small trucks. Chuck trucks, Mater, and those damned tiny little Hot Wheels cars that are way too easy – and painful – to step on!!! Could use this giveaway 🙂
Posted a picture to your Facebook page for second entry!
This is a great product! This may actually inspire my son to _want_ to clean up his Legos. Legos dominate our house.
This is so needed in my house! The photos made me laugh so hard they’re so true! Not to mention Legos come in so many shapes…. some are WAY more painful than others!
Oh, I need this. Wait until you see my lego picture later on your facebook page. Both of my kids are now into the legos. Ugh.
For my son – yup, legos. For his little sister, Little People and all their acoutrements.
Just tweeted:!/AnneliseGrant
Will have to take a pic later, since I’m at work!
Anything that makes noise, especially the electronic toys that you bump in the middle of the night, in the dark, and then you have some monkey cackling at you. THIS IS TERRIFYING.
Is using this to clean up Legos as fun as dumping out Legos after I just picked them all up and put them in the special Lego container? I freaking hope so.
The worst for us are the plastic balls my daughter loves – she has about 10-15 of them, and they roll under everything. I have spent way too many hours crawling around trying to retrieve these toys! The ToyDozer sounds awesome!!!
In my house it’s a combination of Legos, Zhu Zhu Pets, Squinkies, and baby dolls. Ugh!
Sadly, it is also Legos that are the worst offenders around here. My son has two large bins and insists on dumping the contents out in their entirety. (On top of the hundreds of silly bands strewn across the floor). My family is sheer chaos! I have long ago given up on daily cleanings. We only pick up when company is coming.
(picture on FB to follow)
Legos are definitely the worst in my house. And Ella would love to use one of these things! She’s all into helping clean up, which is awesome, but she picks the legos up one at a time and has about 500 of them…
My son is 1 1/2 so we have yet to enter the Lego phase. Until he can stop trying to eat rocks, legos will not enter the house.
We do however have one toy that has victimized all who enter. It is an unassuming ball with a monkey balancing on top. It likes to sneak underfoot and knock you right on your ass. Then to add insult to injury the thing says wheee, laughs and then plays circus music.
My boyfriend did a complete wipe out and then called me at work to tell me what happened. I replied with “oh, did it laugh at you too?”
The toy that wreaks the most havoc in my home is definitely Legos. We have thousands of them. I love seeing my kids get creative with them but don’t love the clean up so much!
We don’t have mini-legos in the house. I’m so mean! But those tiny squishy animal things are all over the place. I tried to get rid of some, but the kids KNOW them and LOVE them. I ended up fishing a dog and a shark out of the trash, for crying out loud. They aren’t as hard as legos, but they feel like you just stepped on a small rodent – which freaks me out completely.
Just tweeted:!/ADawnC/status/185394440104448000
you are hilarious– again! but I must say, this is just PURE genius!!!! Sharing your post with my readers now too.
hotwheels cars and little people characters – they are painful to step on!
It might actually be the Wiggles guitar because my husabnd HATES the noise it makes and he goes into a little bit of a (minor) rage every time he hears it at all. Maybe we should get rid of that one…
Oh and the hexbug track is also very painful on the feet when stepped on!
I tweeted too. 🙂
My feet hurt as i read this. I’ve begun to develop what I think of as lego senses (similar to spider man’s). You find that sometimes you can sense the lego just before putting all your weight into it. I looks like you step on an invisible rock and quickly step onto the other foot defying the laws of physics. But I worry, what if there’s a lego waiting there for the other foot? What if?….
So true Jeff… so true…
Love it. We use a dust pan for the same effect at our house, my kids think its a big shovel.
Great invention! I’d say right now our Problem Area (besides my daughter’s ENTIRE BEDROOM – don’t even try going in there) is the corner of the living room with the baby toys. Since the baby’s way more into taking things out of the basket than putting them back in, it’s like a Little People battlefield in there. I’m not saying they hurt as much to step on as a Lego, but they’ll still turn your ankle.
Messiest in my house? Legos for sure and balls! Balls, balls, balls for my boys! Large, small, bouncy, soft, soccer, football, every color, etc. We could really use this toydozer!
Oh man, this would be perfect for our house! I have 4 very young children and the LEGO are EVERYWHERE!!!! I constantly find them in my purse, pockets, etc. because I pick them up to carry them back to the LEGO area but then get sidetracked.
The toys that wreck the most havoc on my home are “little people”, blocks, and crayons and small bits of paper that my 4 yr old like to sprinkle through the house like snow. Picture posted on your facebook wall. I never win anything EVER but at least I can rant about how I have not had a clean house for more than an hour for the past 4 yrs.
Definitely crayons- or CORORS as Caitlyn likes to call them. I have to keep them off the floor because the dog eats them (but hey, disco dog shit!) so they are always on a shelf somewhere and Caitlyn goes batshit crazy when she spots them and begs for her colors. And then she eats them, or writes on her books or my desk. Or then there was the day I found her on the floor, completely naked, coloring her vagina. Crayons are my fucking nemesis. I’d step on 3 legos if I could rid Caitlyn’s world of crayons.
Very useful toydozer! The toy that wreaks the most havoc are my son’s little trains and cars. And actually, all the dog bones. Unrelated.
Here’s my tweet, awesome infographics or whatever they’re called, too!!/lisacng/status/187264028391911424
Every family I’ve ever worked with has bought a few swaddling blankets, learned about swaddling