If you haven’t already seen it, Pregnant Chicken posted “Porn for Pregnant Ladies” back in January. It includes things like a shirtless picture of Mark Wahlberg saying, “Hell Yeah, let’s cut the tags off the baby clothes and sort them into stages tonight.” Check it out— it’s hilarious.
Saturday night, as I found myself ridiculously into “Ides of March”, no doubt due to the incredibly edible, I mean watchable, Ryan Gosling… I decided to create “Porn for Moms of Toddlers”.
Yes, it’s weird to have the word “toddlers” in the same phrase as “porn” but you’re just going to have to go with it. It was the best I could come up with.
PLUS. Moms suffering through the terrible twos, like myself, deserve a little Ryan Gosling.
Or at the very least, some Joshua Jackson.
He will do.
This might be the most fun I’ve ever had googling images.
Let’s all go to bed happy tonight, mmm’kay?
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If you make these into cards, I’ll buy the whole set, thank you very much.
This was the best post ever! Thanks, especially on Monday morning! Loved this.
My Monday morning is looking up. ;)Ellen
Had a moment like this in my house, as my three year old had a potty training accident, and proceeded to run up the CARPETED stairs while she was still peeing. My sweet husband had just come upstairs to wake me up for church, and said….
“Don’t worry about it. You go downstairs and get a cup of coffee. I don’t want you carrying that big steamer up the stairs.”
Ryan Gosling can stuff it.
…and if I ever find out what pills my husband was taking, I’m totally refilling that prescription and putting it in his food. Daily.
Fabulous! Love them all (but especially Josh Jackson, heeeelll-o) Muah!
If he picks Courtney I’ll loose all faith in humanity. Also, this was the BEST way to start Monday morning. Make this into a book! I will totally buy it from Urban Outftters!!
I’ve been meme’d out, but I have to say your quotes are spot on and I’m glad I read them. Oh the Lego pain! Nothing like it on earth.
Love them!
Hilarious! Thanks for the post! I agree a great way to start a Monday morning.
I couldn’t love you more. 🙂
Can I have my own of Matthew Fox saying he’ll clean the week old supply cups found in my toddler’s bed? I’ll pay good money.
Great addition to the meme! The preschool one is hilarious.
I love you.
Also…he is so on his way to choosing Courtney!!! Unless the previews are true and all the girls are coming back just to warn him off of her. That would rock. And probably still not work. But it’d be fun to watch.
Jon Hamm… foot massage… can’t speak.
Have to take myself to a small room now…
OH. MY. GOD. I am dying of laughter right now. Someone call an ambulance!!!
Did my earlier comment disappear because I said I didn’t get the Ryan Gosling obsessions or the Beckham underwear ogling? Ah well. But Jake and that last guy from Lost will do nicely, thank you very much.
After I had my twins someone actually gave me a book called Porn for New Moms. It’s hilarious. And YUM on the John Hamm. Every time I see Joshua Jackson I think of the mighty Ducks though. I can’t see him as a grown up.
oh the werewolf from True Blood… so yummy. :p Since I’m a married woman I wont tell you what else he could “nail”. lmao j/k (maybe)
If you could turn finding images like this into a full-time occupation, you would officially have the Best Job Ever. You should get on that. In your copious spare time.
I’m just starting to come over to the Ryan Gosling camp. Let’s face it: He’s no Gabriel Aubry (as I was just reminded).
Please have a giveaway of these! And if I win I want the entire set to be just of Riggins. M’kay thanks!
My husband noticed something was going on because I was laughing AND blushing!
This was awesome.
The “I have a friend in the preschool admissions office” made me burst out laughing. Then clutch my heart to stop it from skipping so much.
Joshua Jackson and the words “potty training” and “M&M’s” all in one adorable combination is just too funny.
And John Hamm and a foot massage? Tim Riggins assembling dollhouse parts? Sawyer and the bedtime routine??? Be still my beating heart. It’s like you peered into my brain and saw me deepest desires.
You so get me.
I really, really heart you.
HAHAHA! You’re killing me here! Matthew Fox and Josh Holloway…mmm.
I’d like to request some LIAM NEESON or Leonardo DiCaprio.
that was totally AWESOME. Gotta share it with the hubby. 😉
Oh my, too funny!
(Hat tip, woman. This is brilliant!)
Sign me up for a set of cards as well. This is fan-freakin-tastic.
THis is funny.I did a post about Mommy porn a couple years ago but you took it to an entirely new level:)LOL
P.S. I’ll take Javier listening to me read the Hungry Caterpillar any night of the week, even eating crackers in bed if he likes:)
You hit the nail on the head. A man with tools is always a turn on.
Please pass the prescription on to me as well. I will be blending it into my husband’s morning smoothie.
He is my fave. Do you watch Fringe? I am obsessed with that show and it has nothing to do with liking science fiction.
I really think it’s gonna happen. I started out thinking Ben was nice but boring and now I think he’s a total tool. A douchebag getting played. That’s how he will go down in bachelor history.
And yes, I just said bachelor history as if this was an actual important event.
I hadn’t even heard of the mom porn thing until yesterday. Where have I been?
He’s all yours. I added him just for you.
Is that just a NYC thing? because that’s my favorite line too.
Ben is the dumbest Bachelor in history. And he’s competing with Jake Pavlika and Brad Womack so that’s really saying something.
The fact that I know both of those guys’ last names off the top of my head is mildly disturbing.
I love Ryan Gosling. I get it to the nth degree. Have you seen Ides of March? His flirtation with the Rachel Evan Wood is a stellar example of his appeal.
Watch an episode of Fringe. It will undo the Pacey thing forever.
I’d take Ryan over Gabriel any day of the week. As far as jobs go, I actually had to do something very similar for my day job. No joke. I’ll tell you all about it one day.
I feel your excitement and your pain.
Tim Riggins building a dollhouse would send most women over the edge, I think.
Hmmm… you don’t see a lot of sexy Leo pics. I’ll have a look for you.
I was hoping someone else would appreciate the hotness that is Javier Bardem. Even in “No Country For Old Men”, I found him strangley appealing.
Omg! Omg! Omg!! I can’t speak I’m too busy ohmygawding!!!
Could you please add Chaning Tatum to the montage as well??
You had me at The Gosling, but almost lost me at the Gylllennnhaaalll except for that bit he redeemed himself in Brokeback Mountain.
ilana – thank you for the mommy porn, my girlfriend and i have swapped out porn movies – ides of march and fracture for a gosling fix. she wanted me to mention to you – when da heck did zac efron turn into a man… watch trailer for ‘the lucky one’
Thank you for including a picture of Ed Westwick aka Chuck Bass.
He is just so delicious!!
I can barely type right now, I’m so verklempt.
In a good way.
Just found this post today. THANK YOU FOR THE MUCH NEEDED LAUGH!
Mom of an 19 month old
Ridiculously funny! I look forward to mommy terrible twos… one day 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I rather enjoyed all that. Think I’ll go look again 🙂
Need one for moms of teens!
Hahahah! The last one is the best!
Oh my Shemar Moore!!!! The only reason I watch Criminal Minds:)
Oh my…Tim Riggins…please come to my house! 🙂
This is the first time I’ve seen this, at first I have to say I had mixed feelings, preconditioning . I’m a grandma, lol ! 🙂 but then I remembered back and how nice it would have been to hear those words from such a good looking man, what a sense of encouragement it would have been in the world in the seemingly endless world of diapers and bottles and no adult conversation much less anyone that seemed to understand or care and how for if only for a brief moment it might give you that sense of being a woman again and remind you that there really is a life that will be outside and beyond this temporary and you are beautiful and sexy as you always have been and always will be : YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU ARE WOMAN! Thank you for a fresh perspective 🙂
Jimmy Kimmel needs to have these guys read these lines! That would be hilarious.
Cute idea, but you should have gone with your inclination to watermark or at least attribute the images unless they are in the public domain.
Lol I really love these! Thanks for the laugh 🙂
lovd this! Thank you!
[…] instance, the most trafficked post in 2014 was “Porn for Moms of Toddlers” written in February […]
LOL! The last one is the best. I read what you thought about Ben back in the day. What do you think about Chris? Prince Farming…
LOL I love this! “That spit-up stain above your left boob totally looks like it’s part of the pattern on your shirt” BTDT!
[…] feel like I’ve been neglecting Mazzy lately. What with all the mom porn and the Snooki onesies and the air purifying innuendos, I’ve forgotten that this is […]