Check out these awesome IVI 3-D play rugs from Luca & Company.
The rugs are 3 X 5 feet, cost $149.99 on Amazon and come in "dollhouse" (pink or hot pink) and "traffic" (blue or green). I am not going to call them "girl" and "boy" versions because Mazzy would love both. Plus my sister had a HUGE matchbox collection growing up and used the grout between the kitchen tiles as roads.
I, of course, am all about the pink one. Barbies and unicorns and Lisa Frank stickers and MY GOD I was such a GIRL when I was little.
Check out the "dollhouse". (Squeeeeee!!!!!)
Do you love it? Do you want to put one in every room of your house???
Just remember to wear shoes at all times. Something tells me nothing hurts more than a bare foot at midnight landing on the top of Barbie's flatscreen.
OMIGOD I WANT ONE. Well, two, I want them both! I’ll have to persuade my husband to let me click buy on that tempting Amazon button…….
Seriously… SO COOL! But I’d step on everything, even if I tried to avoid it!
I am getting one for myself.
I have a similar “traffic” rug from IKEA. OK it’s not quite as nice as that one, with the 3D and everything, but it does have streets and buildings and it was $12. So I think I win.
The dollhouse one, though? That one might be worth $149.99.
And um…by “I have” I meant “My kids have.” Yeah.
OMG! I have to have the pink one! I will play with it. And I know my older son will play with it since all my daughter’s dolls end up as his toys and he fights with me to wear the pink princess Pull Ups to school instead of his blue Cars ones. I’m so making my mom buy this as a present since she feels guilty that my daughter really doesn’t have any of her own toys (2 boys and 1 girl=lots of cars/trains/boy things)
I think I’ll ‘buy one for my daughter’ and then misplace it in my closet so I can ply with it all day by accident. I know, mother-of-the-freaking year.
DO IT!!!!!!!!! (I am the anti-husband.)
It’s hard to argue with a $12 carpet. So I’m just going to play on my ridiculously awesome dollhouse carpet and leave you be.
You have a closet that can fit that carpet? Color me JEALOUS.
See? It’s perfect! Your daughter can play one side of the carpet and your son can play on the other. No stealing necessary!
That is so awesome!!
So cool. Does it come with the appropriate toys? I don’t trust myself to click the link and find out.