Below is a picture from 1980 of my mom, myself and my newly born sister.
For Mother's Day, my mom, my sister and I took Mazzy to a children's concert. But since the concert was indoors and it was a beautiful day, we were the only people there. This felt strangely like we had been awarded one of the coveted one-on-one dates on The Bachelor.
Let me just tell you— it was just as special as I always imagined.
The musician, a children's folk singer named Ivan Ulz, sang whatever songs Mazzy wanted while we all danced with her on a little stage. Plus we didn't have to suffer through any horribly mundane conversations with Brad Womack so it was a total win-win.
The rest of the day was lovely but not great blog fodder— chocolate chip banana panckaes, lunch at B-Bar, Washington Square Park, Mike cooking dinner. With a few lack-of-nap meltdowns thrown in for good measure. Oh— and there was a syrup shortage scare. Luckily, we found another bottle in the back of the cabinet before Mother's Day was ruined entirely.
As a direct affront to the loveliness of Mother's Day, today I am guest posting over at Mommy of a Monster for Natalie's Monster Mommy Moments feature. (You might remember Natalie from my favorite caption contest of all time— the one where her child was deemed the spitting image of Hannibal Lecter.) Every week, a different mom shares her "NO WIRE HANGERS!!!!" moment.
I've never screamed at Mazzy. I'm saving it up for an age when it can pack more punch. I do, however, have many moments of "Mommy Neglect". So be sure to hop over and check out my post where I'll be detailing a little obsession I have with my two other babies— my laptop and my iPhone.
If you are visiting from Mommy of Monster— Welcome! You might want to check out my favorite posts and "The Mother of All Cupcakes" giveaway. And if you're feeling especially generous— join my facebook fanpage. It's fun there— promise.
For everyone else— I want to know what you got for mother's day. I got the usual— a card with a declaration of what the gift will be as soon as my husband buys it. On the plus side, shopping for Father's Day just got a hell of a lot easier.
Love the photo! You look like your Mom, and Mazzy looks like you in there.
Sounds like you had a fun Mother’s Day. No pictures of the concert? Also, read your Mommy Monster Moment. It’s OK, you’re still a good Mom. Bloody crayons.
What a cute picture!
Good thing you found more syrup before it ruined Mother’s Day.
Such a great picture. And your mom looks AMAZING considering how brand new your sister looks.
Love the pic! What a great day. Glad you had this one-on-one date SANS Brad Womack. 😉
My mom and my sister are both stick thin. Apparently, not even pregnancy can change that. I, unfortunately, take after my father’s side of the family.
People always say that Mazzy looks like Mike but my baby pictures call BULLSHIT.
Although I’d rather spend eternity with Brad Womack than spend an hour with Jake Pavelka.
What a beautiful picture! Happy mother’s day to you! I got cards from my children (more accurately their teachers). I’ll take it.
You’re mom looks beautiful, but a little lost. She seems to be reading a big sign and trying to decide if she should turn right or left. Also I would LOVE to have her figure after a baby that soon. Not fair. Also I would LOVE to eat something with syrup now. Happy Mother’s Day.
THat photo is too, too perfect. Are you sure it’s real. It looks like it’s been knocked up for a movie. Suffused with a warm nostalgic glow and everything.
I am laughing right now, because that last line totally sums up how I’m feeling about buying my husband’s Father’s Day gift this year. He got me a cordless phone charger, which while a very useful and practical tool, it isn’t the spa day/lovely jewelry/thoughtful gift I had been hoping for. I did, however, get to take a two hour nap yesterday, so I suppose all is not lost! Happy Mother’s Day!
My husband went over the top for me completely, for both Christmas and my birthday … but I of course, consider them long gone and his card for Mothers day just earned him a card for Fathers Day … easy 😉
I love this picture of your mom. She looks SO YOUNG.
I ask for the same thing every year, and I love it:
I make my kids and hubby write me a letter thanking me for everything I do.
It cracks me up: I sit there like they’re in a labor camp and hand out papers and pencils and put them ALL at the kitchen table and say, “get to it.”
Amid tears, they get it done.
I love it.
LOL I didn’t even get a card. I got him staying home from work to spend time with the family. Father’s day shopping is going to be soooo easy this year!!
Love that picture of you and your sister. What great memories you have. and What a good day for Mazzy!
Alexandra’s comment cracked me up!
So glad you’re at my place today, and love the story you are sharing here about Mother’s Day 🙂
I suppose once Mazzy is old enough to write a card, I’ll stop getting them from my husband.
Well, since it looks like my sister is only a few weeks old, I’ll give her a pass. I’m sure I will be lost right after I have second too. Or maybe she’s looking for the syrup?
I think the warm nostalgic glow has something to do with me taking a picture of it through the glass of the frame it’s currently sitting in. I bet that’s how they do it for the movies too.
Oh no – your laptop and iPhone?! If your laptop a Mac? Cuz our lives are sounding rather parallel. 🙂
I have a cordless phone charger! My husband bought it for me for Valentine’s Day! No joke!
Also, I was pissed at the time but now it’s a total lifesaver. Don’t go anywhere without it.
I used to get over the top gifts. I think the longer you’re married the more they turn into hypothetical over the top gifts. I’m getting my husband a car for father’s day. A beautiful hypothetical car with leather interior.
HA! I am stealing this as soon as Mazzy learns to write. Do you leave to go shopping or get a mani-pedi while they work on it? That would be additionally awesome.
Well, time with the family is nice.
It was my pleasure— Thanks for having me!
The concert sounds lovely. Due to JDaniel’s allergies we stay inside a lot. We run into private moments in public places, because we are the only ones there. It is wonderful.
Aww, 3 generations together on Mother’s Day. I wish I could have spent the day with my Mom too. I got some homemade bookmarks (sweeter than it sounds) and Tom Ford Sunglasses. I do find it helps when you tell the men what you want… I have a post up about my Mother’s Day if you are interested, click on through!
I love your Mommy Monster moment, and I want you to know I have one of those almost every day. Whatever you do, don’t start playing One Up Me, which requires that you post as close to 7 am as possible to have a chance of doing well. 7 am…also Hazy’s wake up time…
Your Mother’s Day sounds wonderful! I mean, there were chocolate chip banana pancakes involved, what could be bad? I got a gigantic baby-naming book from my baby-to-be for Mother’s Day. Although I’m pretty sure a certain grandma-to-be who hates every single name we’ve come up with so far had something to do with it.
Sounds like a very sweet Mother’s Day!
Great picture, sounds like you guys had an amazing day and I’m just going to pretend that Natalie”s picture was not your favorite picture of all time for the caption contest because I really thought it was mine. 🙂
That is the cutest picture! Happy Mothers Day!
I love that photo of you and your mom….so precious!
I love the photo. You look mischievous. How did you react to a baby sister joining you? Ya know, before she was Dr. B.
I left a comment over at Mommy of a Monster too about crayons..
Hmmm.. pancakes.
I had to do a double-take with that photo because you looks SO much like your Mom and then Mazzy resembles you! Wow, what a great photo. Happy belated Mother’s Day girl.
Now. Where’s my giant cupcake???? ;-P
Sounds like a great day overall!
My husband gave me flowers, a frame, a card and “coupons” for things like a day free of diaper changing and two hours (at minimum) of at home alone time…very thoughtful. Then he hid them all over the house in ridiculous places I would find them going about my day’s chores. He’s a good guy. 😀
Wow does Mazzy look JUST like you or what?!!! Cute picture!
Mazzy looks so much like you. Also, I love how your mom is holding Dr. B. she is totally not supporting her head.