Meet Monkey. He's five weeks old and belongs to Eclectic Mamma. Monkey's pretty angry for 5 weeks, no? Of course, it could be a simple case of GET THE CAMERA OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE MOM but I think there might be something larger at work here.
Eclectic Mama thinks her little guy is hell bent on world domination. I think he may be organizing a "Back to the Womb" protest. What do you think? Do we have the world's littlest dictator on our hands? Or is Monkey just pissed he has to go through life in the shadow of Curious George?
OR! Maybe you wanna get creative and take a gander at what the warning sign says pictured left. For instance— WARNING: REMOVE PACIFIER AND BABY MAY PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE.
Leave your best caption in the comment section below. Captions will be judged by our current Caption Contest Queen— Dana of Feast After Famine, the winner of last week's first video caption contest. If you missed it, it was a DOOZY and I'd check out the winning entries. But that's just me. I'm sure you've got lots to do.
Winner will be announced on Friday. Or Thursday if Monkey's plot to take over the world starts gaining traction. I fear "outlawing caption contests" will be his first order of business.
Good luck!
I usually avoid caption contests because I’m not that creative on the spot. So instead of leaving a caption I’m just going to say it looks like he is making a lovely present in his diaper for mom to change, and I’m pretty sure it will also require a new outfit and a new carseat.
I suck at captions too. But, I’m going to give you one anyway since there aren’t any here yet to make me feel inadequate. So, here goes: You’re lucky these straps are holding me back! Or something equally menacing and threatening, but so stinkin cute!
“Unstrap me, woman, before I unleash the rage of 1000 monkeys!”
“I am cornholio. I need TP for my bunghole”
I can’t follow after ParentingExtra. That wins. cornholio. omg, i’m laughing so hard right now.
We’re gonna need a bigger diaper.
“Just put the thermometer down mom and nobody gets hurt.”
What do you mean Simon’s not on Idol anymore? Why was I not consulted woman?
There is already a caption in the picture, on the carseat.
It reads:
WARNING: Baby May bite!
“Too tight, Mom! How many times have I told you?! The straps are too EFFING TIGHT! Jesus, who left you in charge?!”
Who is THAT man sharing my boobs? Mine, all mine!
Oh! WHY does mommy leave me in front of The Real Housewives of Orange County playing on TV? I can’t watch another minute of Tamra in the bubble bath with an obviously gay man!
“You just wait. One day I will be Terminator of California!”
“I’m funny how? I mean, I’m funny like a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh? I’m here to @&?!in amuse you? How the @&$: am I funny? What the $&@! is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what’s funny?
If I ever hear you say I look like Walter Matthau again, so help me God, I’ll punch you so hard in the baby-maker, that I’ll be an only child. Capiche?
For the love of God, woman – if you stick that boob in my face one more time I’m going to freaking lose it.
“You want a piece of me?”
I’ve got tiger blood, don’t mess with me!
Bahaha, Lisa, you about summed up his first few months! I love it! 😀
Between Parenting Extra’s Beavis & Butthead reference and Carrie’s Joe Pesci reference, I’m not even gonna attempt it. All I’ve got is a vague Look Who’s Talking reference: “Help, help! Somebody burp me before I blow up!”
Look here, woman. I said to take the bypass to McDonalds. You know its faster during rush hour!
Call me crotchfruit ONE. MORE. TIME.
“What do you mean I am adopted?”
‘ma va fanculo’
I’m tired of these mutherfucking snakes on this mutherfucking plane. Now get this beige anaconda off my goddamn skull!
Hates dogs?! Mommyshorts hates dogs?!? I’m going to kick her ass!
Did you forge my name? How dare you! Is this squiggly M suppose to be cute? I’m going to crap double for you tonight!
(not original – bonus points for guessing source 🙂
If you’re playing with Monkey, you best come correct. Monkey will cut you.
{Channeling Stewie}
Dammit woman I was told mothers look like Heidi Klum. Bring me some super model boobs or I shall destroy you.
And yes, my daughter has told me how gorgeous Hedi is. Thanks kid. I know. We all know.
Excuse me, this bottle is not 140 degrees…why I oughtta.
What do you mean this diaper isn’t organic cotton? I was promised 4-star accommodations, and I’m chafing here, people. I’d like to speak to your supervisor. You’re the supervisor. Fuck.
‘I bought those Motherf****** sponges! You look in my eyes, I am the last person in the f****** world you ever f****** want to f*** with!”
This is my favorite so far.
“You mean to tell me I have to stare at the back of this seat until I’m at least 2 years old?!?! When did that happen?”
I’m here to do one of two things, kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I’m all out of bubble gum!
Captain’s Log! It’s hard to fight Klingons while strapped tightly into a car seat! Now where’s my captain’s chair?!
Eclectic Mamma: Please stop crying! Tell me what you want.
Monkey: You want answers?
Eclectic Mamma: I think I’m entitled to them.
Monkey: You want answers?
Eclectic Mamma: I want the truth!
Monkey: You can’t handle the truth!
See image here for comparison:
One. More. Time. Where the HELL is my Baby on Board sign?
I love this. Man, I am a sucker for a good movie script reference!
The EFFIN straps are EFFIN pinching my wee wee!!!