In the hallway of Mazzy and Harlow’s school, they always hang artwork and projects outside the classrooms. I know it’s just a nice way to display a child’s work, but as a parent, I can’t help but compare my kids’ work to the other kids in the class. Please tell me that I am not the only one.

A lot of the time, the assignments are done in class, so if they are hung for the parents to see, I am left to decipher what they were instructed to do. One of Mazzy’s recent assignments seems to have been to write a sentence that bragged about yourself in some kind of hieroglyphics. All the other work on the wall said things like “I am strong as an ox,” “I can ride a horse as graceful as a butterfly,” and other language that maybe pertained to ancient Egyptian times?

This was Mazzy’s:

For the record, Mazzy has never eaten a pizza roll or used the microwave herself.

Regardless. I think I’m proud?