When it comes to potty training, every parent has a different way to approach it. Some swear by incentives like stickers, others let their kids roam naked in the yard while drinking unlimited glasses of juice until nature takes its course, while a brave few just switch their toddlers to big-kid underwear and hope for the best.
One dad, the hilarious father of two who goes by La Guardia Cross, has shared his potty training method on YouTube, and it might be the most spot-on reenactment of what actually goes down that I have ever seen.
He explains, “This is the most honest 22 step process I can give you to potty train a toddler. It’s not based on what’s most effective; it’s based on exactly what my wife and I did.” Which makes sense, because for all the research and preparation parents do, don’t we all end up tossing our plans out the window and just making it up as we go along?
On the plus side, Cross claims this process worked on his daughter Amalah in just four days, so you might consider trying his method for real! What have you got to lose?
I mean, besides your dry couch.
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It can certainly be a roller coaster ride training a toddler and having to carry a potty in the car when you aren’t near a bathroom. This is hilarious! I do think that one of the things that can help with potty training is to first prepare your toddler mentally for a couple of weeks before you start. You can show them all of the paraphernalia and talk about it and show them other friends that are using the potty to help prepare them. You can talk about and show them that this is what “big kids do.” It gives them a reference point and makes the journey easier.
Our oldest wanted to potty train. She picked out her own potty with flashing lights. We bought an extra one for the car. She used it quite regularly. The second child lied to us, she was using the potty at preschool, but when she came home she wanted a pull-up. But yes, there were a few accidents here and there. The worst is when they have an accident in their car seat. I found the Walgreens washable bed protectors were a great find! They contained the accidents and kept my backseat dry. I highly recommend them for ppl with potty training toddlers.
We went cold turkey on the nappies. No more diapers. She wasn’t on board with this until she pooped her pants and decided it felt yucky and then she started using the potty. She was fully trained at 3 years old. She’s off to kindergarten today and I’m training the next one during the day now!