On this episode of “The Mommy Shorts Show,” I help prepare Megan Hilty for her impending chid. That’s my ominous way of saying the girl is preggers. Or at least she was, two years ago. Megan is now the proud mother of a two-year-old daughter named Viola Philomena. I wonder if I was helpful! (Probably not.)
Megan, who starred in Smash, the Broadway show Wicked, and the animated movie Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return, dishes about her pregnancy (“It’s a girl!”), takes a swaddling lesson given by yours truly (she’s a fast learner!) and gets quizzed on the functions of strange looking baby gear (she’s horrified!).
But my favorite moment in this episode is when Mazzy teaches Megan a little trick to stop a baby from crying. This was not something fed to Mazzy by the producers. This is a something Mazzy actually does when Harlow gets upset and it TOTALLY WORKS. Usually, Harlow stops crying and starts imitating Mazzy instead. Then they do it together for the next thirty minutes, which can get a little annoying but is much better than the alternative.
I wonder if Megan ever tried it on Viola?
Check out the full episode and Mazzy’s Patented Baby Whisperer Technique:
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