Yes, you read that right. Julianne Moore is today’s guest on The Mommy Show. I have no idea what misinformation she was given that led her to knock on my front door and grab a seat on my couch, but there is photo/video evidence, so I know I wasn’t hallucinating.
To make matters more interesting, Mazzy had a father/daughter excursion on the Saturday before we filmed (the show was shot on a Monday). They got home late and Mike put a sleeping Mazzy straight to bed, neglecting to tell me that at some point during the day, Mazzy’s eye had a close encounter with the corner of a table.
On Sunday morning, my daughter and Mommy Show co-star woke up with a HUGEASS SHINER.
What’s worse than your child getting a black eye right before picture day at school? Your child getting a black eye right before Julianne Moore and a film crew show up at your front door!
“Hi Julianne! I swear we don’t normally beat our children around here!”
Anyway, the production crew assured me you couldn’t really see Mazzy’s black eye on camera, and they were right, with the exception of the opening scene, I think.
But you don’t care about Mazzy— you want the details on Mrs. Moore, I’m sure.
First of all, she is STUNNING in person. Flawless and exactly as much star quality as you would expect. She was also incredibly nice. She showed me pics of her kids on her phone as soon as she walked in the door and loved chatting even when the camera was off.
She was also WAY BETTER at being a Mom to my kids than I am.
During the interview portion, Mazzy was acting like she had just inhaled a packet of Fun Dip and washed it down with a gallon of Mountain Dew. She could not sit still and was sitting between us, flailing her arms and legs in all directions. I had no idea what to do, because even though this is the premise of the show, in the moment, I could not imagine diverting my attention from JULIANNE MOORE to my daughter.
So finally, Julianne interrupts HERSELF to give Mazzy the attention she was craving.
Phew. Thank god for A-list celebrities who know how to parent my children in a pinch when I am otherwise occupied.
I’m going to chalk up this parenting infraction to EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES.
After watching the video, I realize Mazzy wasn’t behaving nearly as badly as I imagined in my head. In fact, her behavior is pretty hilarious.
And, at least now, I have a permanent record of Mazzy’s chronic case of “Ants in the Pants”.
Julianne was over to promote her new children’s book, My Mom Is a Foreigner, But Not to Me which is a heartwarming story about kids growing up exposed to multiple cultures and loving your mother, mutti, mamma or maman even if she speaks, eats and dresses differently than other mothers.
(That’s my hand above, messing up holding a book again.)
As a special bonus, Julianne signed her book for me (plus she signed a few I gave away to you guys).
See what I mean about her being really nice?
Also in this episode, Julianne labels clothes for preschool, makes folded paper butterflies, and tries and fails to buy something from Mazzy’s store.
Can you believe I have this picture??? Sometimes, I really am amazed at how lucky I’ve been this year.
Here’s the episode!
You can purchase Julianne Moore’s book below.
I would have to say this episode- Julianne Moore! Love her! And clearly she is a much more creative fun mom than I am. And I LOVE you blog! thank you for keeping it up!!!
Pinned it!
Ah, I love her even more now after watching this! This episode is definitely my favorite!
OMG… Julianne Moore!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is supermom! Love her!!!!
Still laughing over the Jim Gaffigan episode!
This episode! and the Jim Gaffigan one.
I love Julianne Moore! being a French mom in the US, I can’t wait to check her book and read it to my kids!
I’ve got to say, (and I did on Facebook), Taye Diggs is still my favorite, though they’re all fabulous episodes!!
Look at you! Schmoozing with the A Listers?!? I bet you’re still smiling!
I like the episode where Jim Gaffigan glues the craft to your table
As if I didn’t love him before – Jim Gaffigan
The episode with Jim Gaffigan is my favorite so far.
I pinned it! 🙂
So hard to choose a favorite episode, but I loved Rachel Dratch a lot.
Taye diggs episode!!
I love Julianne Moore, so I have to say this is my favorite!
I pinned it on Pinterest!
Great show- so jealous. I can’t help myself though and have to give you a Mom tip. Julianne is labelling the clothes “Mazzy”. As a Mom with two girsl also, I suggest using her last name on clothes so poor Harlow won’t know when she’s been given hand me downs. And you might actually save some money on clothes! Hope all is well.
This one! I love her!!
This is a tough call, since they’re all great, but Jim Gaffigan had me in stitches.
Since someone commented on clothing labels, I thought I’d add my two cents… I really like Name Bubbles. They make all sorts of labels (e.g., bottle, clothes, & shoe labels). Maybe they could be another sponsor?
I love them all. The Joke man was great, so was Taye Diggs. Well, I also liked this one….oh, and the one with Jim Gaffigan (or however his name is spelled) Gosh, I hope I’m not disqualified for liking more than one.
I like all of them…but liked Julianne Moore the best just because I love her 🙂
My favorite episode was Taye Diggs, but now it’s this – Julianne Moore! Congrats on the show.
I think Taye Diggs was my favorite, but they are all very cute.
I like Julianne Moore’s episode the best.
Definitely your Taye Diggs episode 🙂
This one with Julianne! I love the way she interacts with Mazzy!!
Julianne Moore! (although Taye Diggs was a very close second)
I think Taye Diggs is still my favorite. The idea of that man folding your clothes just kills me. Although I thought the Romilly Newman one was hilarious too. Julianne Moore is so stunning! Would love to have her book to read to my little girl 🙂
I’m blown away by her easy-going all around awesomeness. But then, I figured she was probably that cool.
Jim Gaffigan.
Idina Menzal- strictly based on when she had the staring contest with Harlow, and then lost it (literally laughing!) But, I love all of them!
Oh how I love Julieanne Moore!!! She’s such a wonderful actress and from this episode seems to be a wonderful person too! I still liked the episode with Taye Diggs the best… But only for the fact that it was mommy porn for me to imagine TAYE DIGGS in my home with no shirt on… Whew… Sorry… Got myself all worked up again!
wow!! who is doing your PR because they are excellent! Julianne Moore is absolutely my favorite because she is my favorite in life.
I have to say this is my favorite episode of the Mommy Show, I have enjoyed every single one of them, but I just loved to see Julian Moore, she is gorgeous and I had always the impression that she was a down to earth person (that’s the vibe she transmits) I have enjoyed the other celebrities, but I think they do still act a little celebrity-ish lol. But she just looks like a really pleasant, down to earth person. I loved how she played with Mazzy and how she used her foot as a phone! haha. I loved Mazzy’s behavior, she was just being a KID! 🙂
I love Taye Diggs’ episode. I love the toilet lid thingy part. And that he finds Angelina Ballerina annoying!
I want to win the book since I am a foreigner and my kids aren’t, so it is so appropriate (even though alien sounds so much more fun)
Taye Diggs for sure. I could stare at him all day.
Share the Mommyshorts pin on pinterest! OMG I sooo wanna win this contest! she is one of my biggest Idols! 🙂
I think each show gets better and better, which is saying a lot because they’re all fantastic. This one, however, is my favorite! She just seems like a ‘real’ person. She clearly understands that having a conversation with a preschooler nearby is akin to having tourette’s.
Jim Gaffigan!
Jim! Always classy.
My fav was the one with Taye Diggs…yum city
My favorite was with Romilly Newman. The faces Harlow made were hilarious!
Pinned it!
Romilly Newman, totally inspired me to make better baby food.
I also pinned 😀
How awesome is Juilanne Moore??!! Of course, this is my fav episode although you have amazing guests and I’ve loved them all. Mazzy’s got connections. She’s not going to believe this when she grows up.
Idina menze with the staring contest followed by Julianne’s ep!
Before today I would have maybe said Idina Menzel…but Julianne Moore talking on Mazzy’s foot phone is the best ever!! Loved how at ease she was with both of you!
My favorite was the Jim Gaffigan episode.
Ohmygod Hannibal Lecter’s love interest is in your freaking apartment. And she’s using your daughter’s foot as a phone. Can you please see if she’s available to be my best friend? Thanks.
SWEET! Julianne Moore is my husband’s celebrity crush! 🙂
the one with Jackie Martling is my favorite. although, afterwards I went looking for a joke master junior for my son. $100 or more on Ebay! you guys have a collectible! they should make more of those.
and Jackie putting together the breast pump, lol.
I like Episode 7 with Idina.
I really like this episode because I love Julianne. I am so jealous that she is inside your home! You have become an internet celebrity in 2013! I have really loved watching you grow : )
All pinned up!
My Favorite episode is the one with Idina Menzel! She was so down to earth and so pretty!
I also Pinned the link!!
They are all so fantastic!!! I love this episode with Julianne Moore but….I also love Taye because it’s Taye.Freaking.Diggs. That should be his birth name.
Also, pinned on Pinterest.
Pinned the link!
My favorite episode is with Taye Diggs. LOVE.
So hard to pick a favorite! I love this one with Julianne Moore. She seems SO nice! But I think the one with Taye Diggs made me laugh the most. Plus he’s so nice to look at. 🙂 I also really enjoyed the one with Idina Menzel…Wicked is my favorite musical (she was amazing in it) and she is such a beautiful, talented singer and it was nice to see her in such a laidback format. Again – it’s hard to pick a favorite!!! I’ve really enjoyed them all in one aspect or another. I guess I’ll pick the one with Taye Diggs, simply because the part where he tried opening the childproof toilet had me cracking up!!!
Lucky this year is right! And to be celebrating a year with Harlow too. Congratulations on it all. I like J.Moore now most.
The episode with Jim Gaffigan is my fave…he is hilarious!
Wait!!!! I changed my mind! I just watched Idinda’s episode and it is Soooo my favorite! I love that she was all over the fact you didn’t have a box for the wrapping….
I really like them all, but Jim Gaffigan is my favorite. And then he glued the craft to the table… too funny.
Idina Menzel because I can’t wrap presents at ALL! and the staring contest.
Wow, I am starstruck!
Jim Gaffigan was my favorite; one of my favorite comedians!
And…. pinned!
This one is my favorite because UM JULIANNE MOORE!
Props to you, Ilana – I’m a 24 year old student enjoying your videos and adorable kids 🙂 Keep up the great writing and projects!
This one with Julianne Moore – love her!
This one!
This episode is by far, the best!
Before watching this episode I was going to say Taye Diggs but Julianne Moore. She was so engaging and go with the flow.
Love the Steve Scharippea (sp?) episode!
Ummmm…I LOOOVE this episode! She’s so sweet! 🙂
Jim Gaffigan. Hands down!
Taye Diggs, but this is definitely a close second!
I repinned for you (@breagettingfit) 🙂
Pinned it. Man, was Julianne Moore engaging and a totally awesome mom! Like you!
The Jim Gaffigan episode is still my favorite.
Definitely the one with Julianne!! Love her!
My favorite is Julianne Moore because she is just stunning and looks like Super Mom.
OMG! You’re too freakin funny. I just watched all of your shows. You’re awesome. I kinda want to be you, is that weird? lol Okay… my favourite episode is with Idina Menzel. I laughed out loud so much. Can’t wait to watch more 🙂
Pinned here:
I repinned on pinterest.
I love this one because Julianne is so down to earth, but I have to say I love the one with Taye Diggs best. Hilarious to watch him throw down his jacket to wrestle the potty!
Repinned your picture from this post!
definitely jim gaffigan
pinned and ready to win
Have loved them all but really liked Idina Menzel.
Pinned it!
Well, Julianne Moore is gorgeous, and Jim Gaffigan was AWESOME- hello? Jim GAFFIGAN?- but Idina Menzel is definitely my favorite. Because it made my life.
Julianne Moore because she is my kid-entertaining-kindred spirit: she does the foot phone just like me! I thought I was the only one. I feel so cool now!!!