Like most people, I used the “2015 Best Nine app” to generate my most liked Instagram pics of last year. Unfortunately, my top nine consisted mainly of Harlow (and one of Santa) which was not very reflective of my year at all.
(And… I’m Jewish.)
This prompted a lot of people to say that I don’t post as many pics of Mazzy as Harlow, but I don’t think that’s true. I think kids just age out of the adorable baby phase and little kids (even crazy beautiful kids like Mazzy) don’t get as many likes as swaddled newborns. It’s like turning 40 in Hollywood!
Here are just a few of the pics I posted of Mazzy in 2015:
Blogging gets a little weird as your kids get older, something I am recognizing with each passing year. For instance, last week, I wrote a post with New Year’s resolutions for Harlow, addressing a lot of the issues we are currently having with her. But let me be clear, by “issues,” I mean experiences that most parents with three-year-olds consider pretty universal and I’m not really that concerned.
I promised to write another resolutions post about Mazzy, but since she is now six, I’m finding, she is a lot more complicated. Her skills/difficulties/etc. seem more individual and personal than Harlow’s. Also, if I say Mazzy’s 2016 resolution is to stop yelling “I CAN’T DO IT!!!” before even attempting to put on her own shoes, that probably points to more of a parenting problem than anything else.
Yes, Mazzy still makes me help her with many of the things we need to do to get out the door in the morning, and I guess if I had patience and nowhere to go, I would sit there and refuse to move until she did it herself.
Then she’d learn.
But, as it stands, I do have somewhere to go and I have no patience, so most of the time, I just grumble things like “six-year-olds should really know how to put on their own socks…” while pulling them on for her so we can head out the door.
I have seen her countless times put on her own socks and shoes, so it’s not like she actually has a problem we should see a doctor about, but she also knows I will help her do it if she waits until we are late for the bus.
What was I talking about again?
Oh yeah. My beautiful amazing first child.
The truth is, much like her three-ear-old sister, Mazzy will still ask me to get her a tissue when there is a box right next to her. She still fights bedtime and asks for band aids when I can barely see a scratch. She has trouble sitting still at a table and thinks the quickest way to get what she wants is to start crying.
But I don’t want to talk about those things, mainly because they all point to things Mike and I should be doing differently, which we already know. Instead, I’d like to talk about the best of Mazzy in 2015.
The things that made me proud and the things that parents with younger children have to look forward to in their future.
The stuff I love about having a six-year-old daughter, specifically the stuff I love about my own unique fabulous rapidly growing girl.
1) Mazzy has learned to love salmon.
I know this seems small but Mazzy has always been a very picky eater and this was probably the single best thing to happen to our family in 2015. Mazzy decided she liked salmon because it is pink (obviously) and thankfully, the act of actually putting the salmon into her mouth did not deter this surprise decision. It is now Mazzy’s go-to meal at home and in restaurants. She gets excited when it is on a menu (which it almost always is) and I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that hot dogs and chicken fingers are no longer the only two proteins keeping her alive.
2) Mazzy is beginning to read.
This is an exciting one! In kindergarten, Mazzy was one of the few kids in her class who still wasn’t reading by the end of the year, but she was also the youngest in her class so we weren’t concerned. She has friends that seemed to go from reading nothing to reading Harry Potter by themselves overnight but Mazzy is taking things one three-letter-word at a time. She has mastered Bob’s Books (which I highly recommend for early reading) and is now working on blending sounds and breaking up words to figure them out. She gets frustrated easily (at least when she is reading with me), so I often will have her read one page of a Level 1 book and then read the rest to her myself as a reward. Her teachers say she is developing right on schedule and we should expect to see big progress by the end of the year.
3) Mazzy still loves pink but loves other colors too.
4) Mazzy has started standing still for photos again.
Mazzy went through a long phase where she was not that interested in me taking photos of her. Maybe that’s another reason why Harlow had more of a presence on my Instagram account last year. But now she is back, trying out different poses (often in the mirror, which is slightly disturbing) and even suggesting set-ups and backgrounds that she thinks I might like. She loves video, especially watching our stories on Snapchat, and often requests specific filters, like fast forward and rewind. It’s fun to get her involved in taking pictures and I’m hoping she eventually gets interested in being behind the camera as well.
5) Mazzy travels like a boss.
She drags her own suitcase, entertains herself on the iPad, is excited about plane snacks and even entertains her sister when necessary. If it wasn’t for the seductive pull of airport gift shops, I could travel with Mazzy any day of the week. I once thought only short trips were doable with my kids, but now I can envision longer legs and international possibilities. Mike and I loved to travel in our previous lives, so I am really excited to welcome the concept of big family trips back into the fold.
People always ask me how I got my girls to be so close. After giving some thought as to how I possibly could have gotten something right, I realized it has absolutely nothing to do with me. It’s all Mazzy’s doing. Mazzy has always been an incredibly social and affectionate kid. She wants to have a playmate at all times and plays up or down depending on who she is with. She is always trying to involve Harlow in her games and even uses techniques I’ve seen better parents use when Harlow gets upset— like redirection or positive reinforcement. Harlow is much slower to warm up to people but loves Mazzy’s cuddles, kisses and hugs. I think if Harlow didn’t have Mazzy to mimic or if Mazzy wasn’t so interested in playing with her little sister, Harlow would be a very different kid. So I have Mazzy to thank for brightening Harlow’s world.
7) Mazzy is an amazing audience.
If you are a comedian, there is no one who you would want watching your stand-up routine more than Mazzy. She laughs loud and easily. If you are not a comedian, Mazzy is an excellent audience also. Just ask my husband. Mazzy continually tells Mike that he is hilarious and the funniest person she knows (“way funnier than Mommy”) even though that is CLEARLY not the case.
8) Mazzy is THIS CLOSE to doing a cartwheel.
I have video which is not particularly graceful, but it is way better than this time last year. Three more seasons of gymnastics classes (how much are they again?) and she should have it mastered FOR SURE.
9) Mazzy has the key to my heart.
Everyone loves Mazzy. She is the kid that is friends with everyone at school (both boys and girls) and insisted on inviting the whole class to her birthday party. I wanted to say “no” but it was impossible to tell Mazzy that they were not all her friends equally when I honestly know she loves them all. She is inclusive and big hearted and nice to all. Except sometimes to me. Which I accept is just what it means to be a parent. Everyone else gets the good stuff and sometimes you have to deal with the crap.
Then yesterday, Mazzy told me (as she often does) that she loves me. And I said (as I often do), “I love you too.” But then she paused and I could tell she was thinking really hard to articulate what she wanted to say next.
“I love you more than you love me,” she said.
I told her that was impossible and gave her a great big kiss.
Here’s to more Mazzy in 2016!
For more pics, follow @mommyshorts on Instagram and Mazzy’s world on @pinkinnyc.
I love seeing your beautiful girls on Instagram. They remind me so much of my own grandchildren living in Brooklyn. Finn is 9 and Zoe is 4.
I love this post! I have never left a comment, but this one spoke to me! You know Mazzy isn’t perfect, but she is perfect for you. And the photos! Such personality 🙂
Great post! I should do a list like this for my kids (7 and 6), it would be nice for the future.
I will share a trick that has worked for us to speed up getting shoes on. My son has been able to tie his shoes (technically) for a while, but it takes FOREVER and he doesn’t do a good job (they become untied all the time). A couple months ago I instituted a new rule – before he can play on the iPad, he has to tie his shoes 10 times. He does this almost every day, and all the extra practice has helped speed things up tremendously when we are getting ready for school in the morning. I think this could work for anything thing kids need to practice (socks on, zipping coats, etc). You just have to find the right activity (I know not all kids crave the iPad, but if not, there is probably something else you can use.) Now if he wants his iPad time, he tells me he’s going to tie his shoes, and then play with the iPad. 🙂 Maybe something to consider.
That’s brilliant! I will definitely try that.
Love this idea!
These posts are my favorite- your love letters to your girls that we get to peek in on. ????
I love this post. I’ve never commented before but I felt I had to. Mazzy is clearly beautiful, both inside and out and a credit to you and Mike. I hope she reads this one day in the future as your love for her shines through with every word
YES. I have a second kid who is pretty much always the center of attention while my sweet, sensitive, thoughtful, witty, intelligent 7 year old occasionally sits in the shadows. Love this post!
Lovely post!! I call these your old school posts (aka when I started following in 2011). Love them, as they as so relatable, even as the years get on!
This is beautiful. I feel that with my three kids that sometimes one gets lost in the shuffle or there is a bug focus on negatives with my oldest who struggles with behavior. I think I am going to do a “Best of 2016” for each of my kids as a nice reminder. Thank you for this. (And thank you for the laughs your posts bring, just the right amount of kids/fun/mom humor and swearing.????)
Yay, Mazzy! She’s a wonder and I totally get how the older kid can fade into the shadows a little — I experience that with my kids too. Here’s to more of our oldest girls in 2016!
I like the best of post
#6 has a typo….world ????
As for getting her to do simple things on her own. I threatened my child with a trip to the doctor for shots that make you do those things, each time you forget you need another shot. It works!!
I love this post! Mazzy sounds like such an incredible little girl. And she is absolutely beautiful!
Great post! Love hearing all about Mazzy. I end up doing things for my kids that I know darn well they can do themselves. At this rate I’ll be putting my teenager’s socks on but at least we will get out the door!
Number 6 almost makes me want to have another kid. Beautiful tribute to Mazzy, love it.
Mazzy is gorgeous!
Wow this is lovely. I remember sobbing at the post you wrote about Harlow smiling and this post got to me in the same way! Beautiful.
I think this is my favorite post of the year (2015 and 2016 so far)!!!
Wow that last little bit melted my heart. I read once that kids sometimes are at their worst with a parent/guardian they feel closest with. I believe this to be true of my daughter. When she gets upset she will hit and scratch me unlike she would ever do to someone else (which she is of course punished for) and sometimes I know it is because she is just frustrated and doesn’t know how to let it out and she feels safest doing it with me. That may not make sense to some but I know it is true of my daughter, I get to see her worst moments but I also get to see her best (like the meaningful “I love yous”) which makes all the tough moments worth it.
Aw, so sweet! I can’t believe you were questioned/criticized for not having more pictures of Mazzy! Of course you love your kids equally, you are right in that toddlers tend to take funnier pictures, but what about maybe she is aging out of wanting everything posted whereas Harlow still doesn’t care? I say this as a mom to a 6 year old, who went from wanting me to video everything and post pictures I took of her ad nauseum, to becoming a LOT more selective. Like once when I tried to sneak take a picture, she demanded to see my phone, said “No, I said not to take a picture!” I was thoroughly chastised (as she was right) and showed her how to delete it. Even though I loved it. And don’t even get me started on my 12 year old, who now hides from every possible photo op unless she takes it herself and can apply all edits herself … c’est la vie, kids grow up. I like you was worried re: the photo compilation (I did one on facebook) as was worried would not feature the 12 year old at all, but was pleasantly surprised it was a great mix of both – and also surprised the dog didn’t get featured once! lol. Anyway, my point is – please never let random people’s comments dictate your belief in yourself as a parent (um, other than mine. You can believe mine 😉 There is not a shadow of doubt to those who know you, that you love both your girls equally, with all your heart.
Also re: the reading, yes, please don’t sweat it! Just continue as you are, read to her daily, expose her to books, keep it fun, and unless there is a real academic concern let her go at her own pace. It’s just about cracking a code, and once you know how to read you never forget the code. I was surprised my eldest was a slow starter and middle of the roader for the longest time, but let her be her, and just kept doing what I stated above for you. Sure enough, in her own time, in her own way she developed a love for reading and by grade 5 was the kids walking to school with a huge novel under her arm, so she could read during breaks 🙂 I truly believe if I had hounded her and tried to make her go faster than her natural pace, she wouldn’t love reading as it would have been made into a chore rather than a treat.
Happy New Year!!!!!
Wow, this post brought tears to my eyes. I just discovered your blog and I LOVE your writting! I also have 2 girls (2.5 & 5 yo) so I relate to everything. Mazzy looks like an amazing little girl and she is very lucky to have such a loving mommy xx
I’m a little teary-eyed from this one. She’s a really special kid and you can really see your love for her in every word of this post.
Thank you for your posts about Mazzy! This is really the only Mommy-blog I read and its great to hear about what behaviors “older” girls have! My girls are younger that each of yours (4 and 2) and my husband and I frequently think the older one should have moved past behaviors we see in the 2 year old! Its nice to hear that Mazzy still does some of these things (fake crying, asking for needless help… )! So thank you for the good and the bad!
mazzy is a gorgeous little girl!!!!
[…] Instagram this year were all of my three-year-old Harlow. I tried to make up for that sad fact by posting all about Mazzy, even though it’s really YOUR FAULT and not mine. Please throw a “like” or two at […]
Awwwwwwww. I loved this post! I particularly love that you see the beauty in the fun things Mazzy does now as a six year old! My oldest, Warren, is a few months younger than Mazzy, but many of the things he does, she does and vice versa. I have found that this is one of my most favorite ages so far!!!
Warren tells me “Mommy, I love you to the moon and back for infinity and forever” and it melts my heart… even though he still complains about putting socks on too! 😉 So I feel your shoes pain!
[…] life. While I usually reflect on major milestones on Sprout’s birthday, I liked Mommy’s Shorts reflections on her six year old for New Years. Plus, Chris and I were just reflecting about how much Sprout […]
[…] made a New Year’s Resolution to post more about Mazzy and then last week, I was like— what happened to Harlow? I didn’t mean to make her […]