Peyton Price is probably the nicest blogger out there. Although, I probably shouldn’t call her a blogger, because while the rest of us are blabbering on with no character limit whatsoever, Peyton is writing all her thoughts on modern parenting in three line seventeen syllable haikus.
She’s calls herself “Suburban Haiku” and writes regularly for NickMom, when she’s not penning her own book called “Suburban Haiku: Poetic Dispatches from Behind the Picket Fence“.
Think writing a haiku is easy? You should try it. They need to have five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line and five again in the third.
Here’s a small sampling of Peyton’s brilliance to get you in the mood:
I feel inspired. Here’s my first haiku…
Baby’s diaper full
Hand her over to daddy
“It’s your turn sucka!”
That was fun! I’m going to write another…
convincing my kid
her dinner tastes delicious
while my food gets cold
Wanna give it a try? Write a parenting haiku in the comments. I’ll give away one copy of Suburban Haikus to my favorite haiku!
Or you know, leave it to the expert and buy Petyon’s book.
Graphics found on NickMom, Funny is Family, Gfunkified and created by Peyton for Mommy Shorts.
Potty training time:
Cleaning piss off the floor is
A great excerise.
I mean it, I said
No, no, no, no, no. Ugh, fine!
Here is the iPad
No you can’t sleep in mummy’s bed apart from early mornings and late night sometimes…
“Dora and friends” do
Is not a great argument
To make me say “yes”.
Parents giving looks
Daughter dressed herself for school
Is hobo chic in?
Yes it is!
What is for dinner?
Spaghetti or what? You ask.
Wine. Wine’s for dinner.
Not that talented
I’ll leave it to the expert
Someone just farted
Toddler taking nap
Time to scrub and clean the house
Watching Friends instead
I love it! So true for me!!
Date night on the couch
Watching yo gabba gabba
While drinking red wine
What do you say first?
The magic word. Which is what?
Thanks. I want milk…Close.
Mama wants to nap
Baby wants to play all day
The struggle is real.
Why am I still here
Watching this show once again
Kid not in the room
That is so true! I find myself watching the kid’s show even when he’s left urgh!
You don’t like your meal?
Yes, plain white rice and chicken
Must be acquired tastes.
Almost out the door
Grab the diaper bag and…f*%k!
One more cus this is fun… This one inspired by the recent storm:
All dressed for the snow
Wrestled kid into her clothes
Now she has to pee…
So true! This made me think of Rudy in The Cosby Show episode.
kid claims he is sick
too sick to get dressed for school
plays legos all day.
We lost the blankie
now no one will sleep again
hope Ebay saves us
it’s time for dinner
eat your candy, little one
(which is really peas)
I hate my kids’ taste
It’s only fair, they hate mine
No one eats again.
Why does my son cry?
No one knows the real reason
This time he wants knives
Thomas the Train is
full of shit. why do the grown
ups let trains decide?
The school called. He’s sick.
I rush to his class, then back –
Glad I work from home.
One more, for fun!
“No, I don’t like that.”
“No, I don’t like that, either.”
Well, what WILL you eat?
Nana’s watching kids,
While we enjoy a holiday.
Now she knows why I’m crazy.
These haiku are hilarious! So, so exciting to see a good old fashioned haiku party breaking out on Mommy Shorts. Good luck, everyone!
Baby just went down.
With ninja skills we sneak out
%$#@ there’s a lego
I just wrote a Lego one and then scrolled through the comments and found yours 🙂
All eyes are on me
No matter what it will be
My fault down the road
I can do so much
while the kids are both in school!
Damn you, Internet.
Chocolate and ice cream
Proven crankiness cure-all
Toddler is immune
A Florida Haiku: Winter
The sun is shining
But the wind is blustery!
Too cold for capris.
Why are you up now?
I don’t care if you’re tired.
Go to bed dammit!
Twins are still sleeping.
I’m scared something’s – oh they’re up?
Go back to sleep, kids.
Time to potty train
I cannot wait for the fun
Said no one ever!!
Kid wants me to stay
I’m dozing off already
While he’s wide awake.
My seven-year-old
Bouncing on the furniture
This is why I drink
I cross my fingers
Did toddler take a nap?
No!? A mom can dream.
New rule no t.v
okay just 30 minutes
I said 2 hours ago
I like the T.V. one!
Mother Of The Year
invokes the 5 second rule
when no one’s looking.
Food group for mom, too:
Organic baby food pouch
from the diaper bag
“What do I do next?”
“Brush your teeth,” I say again.
The same every day.
Every day in the car…
“I have to poop now!”
“It is an emergency!”
Minutes since last poo.
Why are you crying
I want red spoon not yellow
Sigh fine gulp down wine
They’re fighting again
Oh, will they ever stop it?
Why can’t they be nice?
Tad’s cow is hiding
Annoying brown and white cow
Just die batteries
Love the Farmer Tad reference!
Any storage solution
that contains kids toys
Ninja of the dark
Creeps and sneaks through the house, screams!
Conquered by legos
Kid unwrapped chocolate,
Realized she doesn’t like it.
More chocolate for me.
Two kids under three?
Who had this dumbass idea?
I need a drink. Now.
Three kids under five
Is also pretty mental!
I will drink with you.
love it. I’m with ya there, what was I thinking! Now they’re 2 and 4, both “spirited” boys. Kill me now. Time for wine.
Here’s to craziness!
Party, my house, a bottle
for each of us. In?
I had 2 under 2 for 11 months. I wanted to hibernate with a case of wine
wine. I feel ya!
Baby doesn’t sleep
I think maybe she’s broken
Or maybe it’s me
You know we are friends
When the laundry stays in view
Not in my bedroom.
Big yawns crack her jaw
I suggest she takes a nap
“But I am not tired!”
Middle of the night
Baby wakes me up again
Ugh. But then he smiles
I’m a good mommy
I buy them sweets, then eat it
Its not good for them
You must brush your teeth
Don’t gag yourself, spit in sink
Why is this so hard?
Suburban Haiku
She makes me laugh ev’ry day
Please be my neighbor
Write something funny
“Mommy is busy hold on!”
Uuug screw it need wine
Someone please explain
how one granola bar can
destroy my whole house?
Kids are asleep now
Clean? Laundry? Shower? Write? No
TV and wine please
The lists for grandparents and iPad are so true!
You will say, “Calm down.”
He’ll say, “I AM CALM RIGHT NOW!”
You’ll say, “That’s not…” SIGH
I may look pregnant
But I just had two children
And a lot of cheese
Hot coffee? Re-heat!
Again, again, and again…
Baby’s asleep now
Think we’ve got time to…wink, wink?
Oh, interruptus.
Baby is asleep
I try to quietly sneak
Creeeaaak goes the door hinge
Vacation needed.
Only if grandma comes too.
Then, I leave alone.
Two kids in diapers
So much poop, so little time
I want to go hide
Play with me becomes
I’ll play and you just watch me
Then I’m just dreaming.
“don’t say that, mama!”
“Why can’t I say I love you?”
“I’m watching Wally!”
I’m in the closet.
All this chocolate is mine. Damn!
They heard the wrapper.