Once upon a time, I wrote a post about how challenging it is to take a toddler to a wedding. It wasn’t exactly horrible, I just found it hard to enjoy myself. You know, because it’s hard to remain in the path of the waiter passing out mini crabcakes while simultaneously chasing after a child. And diaper changing in formal wear? Not ideal.
Thankfully, things have changed since I had a second kid.
I don’t know if I’ve gotten more lax, I’ve gotten more accostumed to stress or I’ve gained some parenting mojo, but the last three big events we’ve attended have been some of my favorite moments I’ve experienced with my little family of four.
First there was my cousin’s bar mitzvah (where I saw my life in a positive light through the eyes of a bunch of thirteen-year-old girls), then there was the family wedding (where Mazzy made her brilliant flower girl debut) and this past weekend, Mazzy got to reprise her flower girl role in my brother-in-law’s wedding.
I think after two times down the aisle as flower girl, you become a professional.
FYI- I did Mazzy’s hair myself. She picked her hairstyle on Pinterest and I found out that with enough bobby pins, you can do almost anything.
We had to be at the hotel for pictures at 2pm for a ceremony that started at 6:30pm. With four solid hours of photos, I did not have high hopes my children would make it to the actual event.
But they surprised me.
Mazzy was a champ for pictures. She smiled, posed and surfed when told.
The bridal party went on a neverending multi-location photo excursion which included a vineyard, a potato farm and the beach, challenging everything Mazzy previously understood about weddings. Remember when you pretended to get married by draping a white sheet around your body? Mazzy will pretend to get married by making a duckface while standing on a surf board.
I didn’t get a good photo of the surfing thing (which was halted when fellow beachgoers objected to eight pairs of six-inch heels on the surface of one board) but let’s just say “wedding photo shoots” have ESCALATED since Mike and I got married seven years ago.
After the first location, I left Mazzy with Mike (the best man) and took Harlow for a ride in the car for a nap. When I returned two hours later, Mike and Mazzy were emerging from the woods asking for wet wipes, so I was pleased to have missed whatever just went down.
Five thousand photos later, guests began to arrive for the ceremony.
Harlow weaved her way through the crowd looking adorable while Mazzy stayed hidden from view with the bridal party. It felt a little strange that she had that experience without me, but she seemed more than capable of handling it.
We brought our nanny Ruth to the wedding and she sat in the back with Harlow during the ceremony, in case of any sudden emergencies (aka screaming). If you are bringing kids to a wedding, especially one at night, I highly recommend paying for a sitter and asking the bride if it’s okay for her to stay.
In case you are curious, I scored Harlow’s dress at the magical yard sale full of designer baby clothes I talked about on Instagram last month. Five bucks!
The first time Mazzy was a flower girl, she was instructed to take a seat next to me after she finished walking up the aisle. This time (I realized only after the ceremony began), she was expected to stand up at the front with the bridal party for the entire service.
I was not sure my daughter (notorious for a serious case of “ants in the pants”), had it in her to remain still.
But she did it.
Once at the front, she played with her flower basket a little and even dropped it twice, but for the most part, she stood perfectly still and even looked like she was paying attention.
She was so well-behaved, I wondered if perhaps we’ve been underestimating her ability to stand in one spot.
After the ceremony, the plan was for Grammy to take both girls and Ruth to our new house (15 minutes away) and return child-free after cocktail hour.
But, Mazzy and Harlow were having so much fun, we decided to let them stay until they were clearly ready to leave.
Mazzy spent most of her time following around the junior bridesmaid and her friends. It seemed like they couldn’t go anywhere where they could get into real trouble, so we let her have her freedom.
Harlow took to the dance floor.
I don’t know if I’ve talked about this before but Harlow LOVES to dance. I’ve been debating what to do with all her dancing footage, so I’ll start by posting a :15 second clip of her here.
Harlow was first on the dance floor when the reception started and didn’t stop until the bride and groom’s entrance was announced. Then she started right where she left off as soon as guests were allowed back on the floor. At one point, Harlow had a full circle of people surrounding her, following her every move.
Then Mazzy danced over and took Harlow’s hands (probably partly because she wanted in on all the attention). The two of them danced together like they were hired to put on a show for the party. I wish I had a photo but it was dark and I guess this was one time I was living in the moment instead of trying to record it.
Have you ever been completely engrossed in your children thinking they are the most awesome little creatures in the world and then your eyes stray from them for a second to meet your husband’s and you realize he is thinking the exact same thing?
That was our moment.
The four of us, dancing like we do when it’s just us in our kitchen, but on full display. And whether it was true or not, I felt like everybody knew we had something very special.
FYI- I took most of my photos with the Olympus TG-850 that I got during the “Reward Your Selfie” contest a few months ago. I didn’t want to lug a big camera but I wanted to bring something compact that would take better photos than my iPhone. I’m so glad I did that because I will definitely be enlarging and framing the photo above. It also allowed me to get a few great close-ups of Mazzy up there being flower girl, when I was actually pretty far away.
At about 9pm, Harlow started yawning and Mazzy reported that her feet hurt. Then I changed them into their PJs, piled them into Grammy’s car and watched them drive off. Mazzy with her Boo. Harlow with her bear. Grammy reported that they both conked out before she even left the parking lot.
Back at the reception, Mike and I made sure to clink glasses to celebrate.
“Our kids might suck at restaurants, but they are AWESOME at weddings.”
What a lovely story! And your mom… she is hot!
Your posts make me so excited to start my own family with my husband some day! I appreciate the honesty about how hard it can be but the difficulties ultimately don’t take anything away from the special moments like this wedding was for your crew =) I also have ordered new brightly colored chairs to go with my West Elm dining room table, inspired by your recent post. Thanks!
That’s wonderful! You made me get teary eyed when reading the moment you and Mike locked eyes thinking the girls were the awesome at things ever! That’s happened to me before and it’s been the most magical moment and feeling I’ve never felt before.
This makes me want to go to a wedding, stat.
Harlow dancing is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day – and I just watched a video of a raccoon and a kitten snuggling. You give me hope that maybe my children will also be perfect when called upon to do so.
OMG – when Harlow refuses to take a dance partner, that is the best! Congratulations on the successful evening.
I had the “my kid is so amazing” moment of pride (that I didn’t get to record either) this last week. Izzy (very close in age to Mazzy)attended a Vacation Bible School at the church where she will attend preschool next year. The following was my FB post that day.
Today I watched as my 4 year old daughter raised her hand when the pastor at VBS asked if any of the kids wanted to come up and sing in the microphone for fun before they started worship. She walked up front climbed the stairs to the stage and clearly stated into the mic that she was going to sing let it go from Frozen. She then belted out the chorus word for word in front of an entire gym of kids, most of which were older and strangers! My heart could have burst with pride, I was so impressed and blown away! I Can’t wait for more of these moments as she gets older.
Oh good I’m not the only one! (tearing up, I mean) 🙂
I can’t stop watching Harlow bust a move 🙂 that girl can dance!
OMG the dancing video! Adorable. What a great story. I bet you were very nervous but it sounds like it was great!
Great job Mazzy!!
THAT VIDEO. OMG. Harlow’s got some moves!
My 18m daughter LOVES to dance too – but freezes every time someone dares pick up a camera to film it. She has gone through so many phases of dance and I have hardly any on video.
(Eagerly awaiting Harlow’s dance montage)
Honestly, I love this post! Your daughter dancing was so adorable. I also believe, and I, too, am guilty of doing it with my own daughter, that we are underestimating what our children are capable of as far as good behavior. Many parents assume that their child will not be able to sit still or stand still or whatever, but when they are asked to do it by someone else, usually they rise to the occasion and surprise us!
OH MY Gosh! They are so cute.
Baby dancing is the best dancing.
The kids did amazing! My son is about 3 months younger than Mazzy and my mom keeps saying “it’ll only get better, he’s almost 5” which of course he’s not, he’s turning 5 next March! But I get the point, he’s calmer and more contained all the time. Harlow is a few months older than my daughter and I picture her out there jamming with Harlow. I love the shot you have of Harlow pushing the doors open to get to the dance floor! You go girl! More dancing videos please!
Great post! I was hoping and hoping and waiting and waiting for it since the Instagram pics over the weekend. And you look great in peplum too, you really DO love that trend! Harlow is a great dancer. Maybe she should go head to head (or foot to foot) with the youtube sensation Asian chub?
Oh my gosh, how cute! I’m so excited about taking our little man to his first wedding in October. I hope he dances like crazy! 🙂
Oh my god, I would have died. That is an amazing proud mama moment!
Yes, being asked to do it “by someone else” is a key part of the equation!
Yep, I’m wearing the same dress I wore to Mazzy’s first flower girl debut. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone.
Sounds like a magical evening! I know how much y’all loved your family time – but I’m sure everyone else had an equally amazing time watching your two adorable girls put on a show! They are at the perfect age to enjoy a wedding! And way to go for being ready with Grammy and a babysitter. You’re clearly a great planner!
“Have you ever been completely engrossed in your children thinking they are the most awesome little creatures in the world and then your eyes stray from them for a second to meet your husband’s and you realize he is thinking the exact same thing?
That was our moment. ”
Bawling like a baby right now… What a sweet moment!
Harlow is such a good dancer wow!!
You guys scrub up beautifully and that video is just the best!
Wow, Harlow dancing is by far one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! My daughter is only 10 months but she likes to dance. I am hoping she continues to feel as free to dance in front of others as Harlow does.
We took my little one to his first wedding in feb and he made his presence known right in the middle of the vows. the bride and groom thought it was funny but I was so embarrassed. We took him to his second wedding a few months later and he did the same thing. I think we are gonna wait a while until we take him to another wedding. wait until he knows what be quiet means
When you said: “The four of us, dancing like we do when it’s just us in our kitchen, but on full display. And whether it was true or not, I felt like everybody knew we had something very special.” – that’s when the tears started for me. Your girls are stunning, the fact that you willingly share them with all of us is such a wonder to me. I am jealous, envious, and incredibly happy to be so! My something special is shared between just me and my Peanut, but it is so good to know that even on the outside, people see what we don’t think they do, and that what they see REALLY IS GOOD! THANK YOU!!!
they’re both adorable!
That video of Harlow dancing even had my hubby laughing!
Harlow is a badass dancer- I need a 5 minute video of more of that. My 2 yr old also loves to dance and usually refuses a partner. Makes me so happy that if the TV is on she says “mama I need moo-sik please…turn that TV off!”
Your mom is a true beauty…no wonder you & your girls are so lovely.
Loved it!
Dancing partner? Ain’t nobody have time for that!
You have a beautiful family, Ilana. What an awesome post! So happy for you that things went smoothly!
Heart, Heart, Heart <3
Your kids, their dresses, their hair, their poses and dances are all adorable. To see your kids grow up, becoming little mature people, capable of doing things that you assume they aren't, is the most heartbursting thing.
I am truly impressed by Mazzy’s stamina. I certainly would have been cranky after 4 hrs of photography and THEN a ceremony and reception afterwards. Whew!!! Great job, Mazzy. And Harlow is adorable hitting the dance floor. What an awesome moment between you and Mike. You do have an amazing family!
That last picture is SUCH a cute family photo! And Harlow has better moves than my boyfriend. Can I take her out dancing with me instead?
This post has had me feeling warm fuzzies for the last couple of days! I love seeing how proud you are of your girls, and your memory of the moment of all of you together on the dance floor, dancing just like you were in your kitchen at home really made me smile! Sometimes our kids can make us absolutely crazy, and sometimes they can just amaze us! Also…that video of Harlow is PRICELESS!!! What a rockstar 🙂
HARLOW ON THE DANCE FLOOR!! OMG, seriously, my face hurts from smiling — it is THAT cute. The way she coyly declined the outstretched hand and just kept doing her thing? LOVE. What a cutie, Ilana.