
Last week, Sarah (@shreinhart on Instagram) submitted the photo above of her son Oscar for a caption contest. We were all understandably horrified. Someone pointed out the open glue stick on the floor which just adds a whole other level of destruction. Kudos to Sarah for having a sense of humor and keeping it together.

Of course, I am assuming Oscar is still alive.

There were over 200 captions submitted (both on the blog and on facebook) and I’ve narrowed it down to my seven favorite, including the oh-so-appropriate Andy Warhol quote submitted by Amy H.

The clear favorite on facebook (judging by the number of likes) was submitted by Johanna R. I imagine this is what the NY Post headline would be, if they ever ran the picture…


Below are five more of my favorites, starting with a submission by Michelle…


Whitney B:


Laura C:




Alyssa T:


And finally, Brit. My pick for the winner…


Congratulations, Brit! You get to drink your coffee out of your very own Mommy Shorts mug!


Please email to claim your prize. Everyone else will have to continue drinking coffee by cupping your hands together. Unless you want to purchase a mug here.

If you have a funny picture, please @mommyshorts on Instagram or post it the Mommy Shorts facebook page.

Thanks for playing!