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What have I done wrong that nobody brought this video to my attention sooner? Back in July, a YouTuber named Bottlerocket posted a video of spliced together Vines, all illustrating "one man's Saturday morning… for three months".

That man is also a dad with a daughter who likes to pretend she is in THE CLUB. Only his daughter is five(?) and hopefully has no idea what "the club" is and just really likes dancing to Rihanna, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Ylvis of "What Does the Fox Say" fame.

Sound familiar?

Except my daughter prefers the Bubble Guppies version of Lady Gaga's Pokerface (aka Pencil Case) which makes my Saturday mornings even worse.


The comments underneath the video on YouTube criticizing this dad and suggesting he step away from the computer and take his kid outside are hilarious. My kids wake up at 5:30am every morning. Anyone who wants to take my kids to the park or the zoo at 6am on a daily basis, please call me.