I sincerely hope the little boy above has never seen Batman Returns but that just makes his Joker costume that much more awesome.
This year was the first year Mazzy made an official Halloween costume request. She wants to be Tinkerbell.
LAME, I know.
I realize now the window is very small when you can dress your child up in a cool costume that represents your love of pop culture as opposed to their own. In a few short years, your kids will be demanding pre-packaged Spiderman costumes and store-bought Cinderellas.
In other words, if I ever dreamed of dressing Harlow as Betty Draper or Joan Holloway— THE TIME IS NOW.
Here are 18 Halloween costumes clearly based on the movie and television preferences of their parents…
The Joker from Batman:
Don Draper from Mad Men:
The Dude from The Big Lebowski:
Edward Scissorhands:
Dwight Shrute from The Office:
Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast in Tiffany’s:
Kenny Powers from Eastbound & Down:
Frida Kahlo:
Goose and Maverick from Top Gun:
Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs:
Nacho from Nacho Libre:
Marie Antoinette:
Kip from Napoleon Dynamite:
Sophia from Golden Girls:
Walter White from Breaking Bad:
Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World:
Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange:
Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas:
Here’s 16 costumes based on movies and television geared for kids, but still pretty awesome none the less…
Elliott from ET:
The Lorax:
Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmations:
Alice from Alice in Wonderland:
Princess Leia and R2D2 from Star Wars:
Mary Poppins:
Karl from Up:
The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland:
Army Man from Toy Story:
Harry Potter:
Oompa Loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:
The Hobbits in Lord of the Rings:
Max (and wild things/parents) in Where the Wild Things Are:
Okay. Now, who wants to dress up their kid as the guy with half a face in Boardwalk Empire? Nobody?
What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween?
For more costume ideas for kids, follow my Halloween board on Pinterest.
Image Sources from Buzzfeed, Random Tuesdays, A Lovely Lark, The Chive, Life is Breathtakingly Beautiful, Dumpaday, Imgur, Emphasis Added, Popmuse, Wild Ink Press, The Meta Picture
This October is too busy, so I opted out of doing costumes (and probably a late night full of tantrums and/or screaming), and instead settled on buying large boxes of candy for myself (and ultimately “saving my kids teeth”, so I don’t feel bad about it). However, my eldest’s first halloween he went as a blue poison dart frog. 😀
My daughter is going to be an ewok, I’m going to be c3po and my husband is going to be r2d2.
Stegosaurus. .. I mean Carsonosaurus
Princess Leia – She has been asking for it since June.
The Wasp from Avengers, which means my next two weeks of after work time will be spent sewing. Blargh.
Max and his Wild Thing parents are amazing!
Just an FYI…that’s Kip, the brother, from Napolean Dynamite not Pedro. I’ve been wanting to dress my 2 year old up as Kip 🙂
Our boys are going as Woody and Buzz Lightyear. My husband and I are going to be Mr and Mrs Potatohead.
Wow! Some of these are so awesome!
Hi there! All awesome, but the one you say is “Pedro” from Napoleon Dynamite is actually Napoleon’s brother, not Pedro. “Kip”. FYI.
I love the Big Lebowski, Clockwork Orange and the Joker!!
Love the babies as Goose & Maverick. Ruby wants to be a lamp. Every time she brings it up, she laughs.
My youngest who is four is obsessed with Michael Jackson’s thriller right now so this mom is having to make a little four year old white girl into a zombie Michael Jackson someone please pass the creativity in a box because I don’t have shit in that department :/ The middle daughter wants to be Ginny from Harry Potter because that was his girlfriend. Oldest is a boy he hasn’t decided yet. Oh and I want the Jack Skellington boy seriously is he for sale??!!
We are dressing up our 2 year old son as Darryl Dixon from The Walking Dead
oohh, I loved these….LOVED.
I should send you the pictures of them as “Greasers” and Lil McSteamy and Lil McDreamy. 🙂
My son’s middle name is Daschel (Dash) so our family is going as the Incredibles.
We’re making our 3 year old dress up as Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols. We figured it’d be the last year we can do whatever WE want.
8 year old and 3 year old are going to be Mikey and Donny from TMNT, but I’m opting for homemade costumes using green sweats and a washing basin-turned-turtle shell coz’ I don’t want to “shell” out the money for storebought ones…(see what I did there, hrhrhrh). 6 year old wants to be Draculaura from Monster High…but if it were up to me I’d make them into breakfast foods; pancake, eggs and bacon.
We’re doing Futurama since the show just ended and Quinn is gonna be Nibbler.
My son just turned four, so he’s decided that he wants an opinion on his costume. Unfortunately, he changes his mind daily, so I have no idea what he’ll finally choose and then I’ll have to do a mad rush to figure out how to throw it together last-minute.
My daughter will be a bumblebee this year. Lame, I know, but it’s a borrowed costume. Last year I made her a candy corn costume (she won your “The Donna Martin Commemorative Mermaid Award” :)) and I feel like I’m wasting what may be the last opportunity I have to dress her how I want, but, eh. I’m feeling lazy this year. Oh, and since I’ll be carrying her, I’m going as a beekeeper.
My grandchild isn’t born yet….but next year we are going to go way out and dress him/her up. So I can’t make any decisions yet. 🙂
Twins are batmen (homemade) and big brother is a red dragon (homemade and now I wonder how I’ll top his dragon mask for next year’s costume because it turned out so nice, thanks pinterest). I would love to keep up the tradition of making costumes. The dragon mask is a lesson in recycling, milk jugs and foil with paper mache.
ZOMG, Frida totally did me in. The unibrow and the ‘stache! Hilarious.
My girls are going as a dragon and a hula girl. Depending on the weather, one of them is guaranteed to complain about how hot/cold they are all night.
I gave my son the choice of his two favorite characters right now. Spiderman or Scooby Doo. He chose Spiderman then the next morning he started thinking about it and changed it to Scooby Doo but then he decided he wanted to be Scooby Doo and Scooby Doo wants to dress up as Spiderman. At first I was like no you have to choose just one but now I’m thinking what the hell he would be original and how cute would that be to be Scooby Doo in a Spiderman costume?
Very meta.
My son was a Black cat dressed as a pumpkin one year, he was little as well and wanted to be both so we combined the two1
The 3 year old is going as a firefighter (same costume as last year, AND it doesn’t even need to be Halloween to wear your firefighter jacket. Trips to the pediatrician and Costco are also acceptable times to wear said jacket). And the 3 year old has requested that the nearly 1 year old be the firehouse dog. One veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrry cute dalmation coming right up.
They’re calling them “Mikey” and “Donny,” now?
My daughter is 11 now and has decided it is easiest to go as a leopard…in leopard print skinny jeans and a leopard print cardigan, with a store-bought tail and ears. The biggest challenge for me was in Kindy she she decided to go as “My Little Pony in a Butterfly Costume”. And my sewing machine broke. Let us just say there was a lot of hot glue, and no one had a clue what she was. I redeemed myself the next year with a homemade purpledragon(from Sleeping Beauty) costume. Yes, my kid wanted to be the dragon, not Aurora.
And OMG Fired a Kahlo…I want to have another kid just so I can do that!
My youngest is going as Pete the Cat–she is OBSESSED with those books! If you’ve ever seen those books, you know there’s not too much to Pete, so mom’s getting off easy this year! My older two are so far into this princess culture that I’m past the point of doing anything original with them 🙁
Marie Antoinette about killed me. So dang cute.
I also loved Sophia and thought Elliot was pretty original.
I teach pre-k and it’s just about that age where they all reach the lame costume category. We’re doing a storybook parade (no Halloween allowed in school) and am pushing so hard for some easy to create book characters (Curious George, Cordoroy, Fancy Nancy, Mrs. Wishy Washy) just to avoid the same princess and super hero costumes.
My oldest (2) will be going as The Man With the Yellow Hat and carry Curious George around. She is very excited to be “George’s Daddy.” She also picked her baby brother’s costume – a dog.
Oh these kids are so cute and no matter how you try to make them look scary, they are just too adorable!! So unfair though, a lot of adults will look scary without exerting too much effort.
Super cute ideas, although the Hannibal Lector one is just wrong.
I think I’m failing at Halloween. Last year my 3yo went as Thor/Harry Potter because he couldn’t decide. I’ve been trying to get us all to be the cast of Alice in Wonderland for the last 4 years. Not so much…
My 5.5 year old daughter is a Panda Bear this year because she’s obsessed with them…it’s actually a Panda dress with a tutu so she’s pretty excited about that…in the past she’s been Tinkerbell (first halloween), a Ladybug, a Bumblebee, Snow White and last year was a “Princess” Witch…it was just a witch but she wouldn’t wear it until we told her it was a princess witch…just like this year is a “princess” Panda…
We figured that since our kid will be 22 months on Halloween, it may be the last time that he gets NO say in what he wears. Last year, He was yoda in an ergo on Daddy’s back and Daddy was obviously dressed as Luke.
This year, I’m doing a long red dress, Dad’s doing a black pirate shirt and mask…. and little one is going in a Rat costume.
YEP. I’m making my kid into an ROUS.
LOVED all customes.. “Joker” boy custome is definately unique..Though loved Goose & Maverick babies the most.
My Madelyn has gorgeous red hair and was Lucille Ball (in I Love Lucy polka dots and apron) last year and will be our favorite little redheaded orphan, Annie this year. Fortunately, she loves old school tv, movies, and all things Broadway. (Next year, she is going to be Pippi Longstocking)
that joker is from the dark knight btw hahaha I’ve learned waaaay too much aboutvsuperheroes since having sons. these costumes are amazing
My oldest soon always has great ideas, when I used to dress him, he was a Coney Island Muscle Man, and a Garden Gnome. He always won the costume contests, so now that he picks his own costumes, he still wants to win. 2 years ago he was a Pancake, complete with syrup bottle hat, and last year he was a Hot-air Balloon. He won every costume contest he entered last year. This year he’s deciding between the Titanic (yes the actual boat) our Charlie Chapman.
Little man is going as Dobby from Harry Potter. I can’t wait. It was that or baby Sherlock. 🙂
I can’t wait for Halloween! I always make my girls’ costumes. This year they are going as Ruby Gloom and Doom Kitty. Just got the red wig in today and my 4yr old did not want to take it off! I’m glad I won the battle this year and refused to let her join with what I assume will be hundreds of other little Elsas as she originally wanted to be. I like them to be unique. And I have news for them they get Christmas to get what they want and until they pay for their own costumes it will be my decision ha
This year my 2 year old son will be Sully and my baby girl will be Boo. I love Monsters Inc.
We dressed our one year old up as Jack Skellington last year. He was adorable.
This year we are going to Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party and have decided on Peter Pan 🙂
I’ve decided this year… my 3 yo will be going as chucky. Why? Because he is an evil evil little boy lol His sister will be a ladybug…. *shes only a year old*
Oh here’s a good one, if you have a food processor: if you have too many bananas, slice & freeze them. (You can also buy bananas like this on purpose from Costco where a huge bag is like $1.50.)
[…] later . . . . If You Celebrated Halloween Only on Pinterest. – Hilarious. The Most Awesome Halloween Costumes For Kids Based on Movies & TV Shows – I love the Don Draper. How To Thriller Hocus Pocus Drinking Game How cute is […]
[…] is the scariest thing that happens in October. Really? Halloween? That holiday where you dress your toddler like the old man in Up and then give him a miniature bag of […]
[…] Mary Poppins: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! This Disney classic is sure to take home the prize in the […]
[…] Source […]
[…] Princess Leia and R2D2 | Source Unknown […]
[…] one is your favorite? Please comment below. Hat tip to Ilana Wiles of Mommy Shorts for compiling much of this […]
[…] Source: https://www.mommyshorts.com […]
[…] 8. Raczej wasze dziecko nie pamięta Edwarda Nożycorękiego, natomiast jego kostium z plastikowymi nożami zagwarantuje wam 1 miejsce w konkursie na najlepszy strój. (via Mommy Shorts) […]
The Wigglepop Show on Youtube recently made a Beauty and the Beast Finger Family. They did a FANTASTIC job with costume design and face painting that I think would help anyone wanting to be a character from the movie. 🙂
[…] SOURCE […]
anddroid lover
Halloween pumpkin carving ideas for 31st October 2017
Halloween pumpkin carving ideas for 31st October 2017
[…] Madeline […]
[…] you even stand it?! These sweet baby Madelines are perfect if you have little girls, twins or want to trick or treat on Halloween with your BFF […]
This is awesome Halloween costumes i love these ideas.
Thank you for sharing
can you share some costumes ideas for this year.
[…] via Mommy Shorts […]
i love your costumes designs, it is so unique
Thank you for sharing
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