My good friends from Rants from Mommyland (no, I've never met them in real life and yes, I still consider them my good friends) are doing a really great thing today.
They teamed up with Naughty Betty (maker of funny e-cards) to create Mother's Day cards you'll actually want to share with your fellow mom friends. Who said Mother's Day is about family, anyway?
But here's the best part.
They also teamed up with Sweet Relish (you know, that social shopping site I keep posting about?) who agreed to donate money (with a cap of $10K) to Shelter House (an origanization that houses families experiencing homelessness and domestic violence) every time these e-cards get shared.
Which is great, cause I would have shared these puppies anyway…
To see more cards and learn how Sweet Relish is using them to help moms in need, click here.
To contribute to the cause, all you have to do is check that little facebook like on the bottom of this post. Easy peasy, right? If you want to contribute more— go to my facebook page and like them there too.
How often do I get to beg for shares for a good cause?
Haha! I love these!
Amen to wanting to move our bowels in peace.
God bless anyone who ever picked a louse.
Hehe, Mind voodoo of a toddler. I’ll share the post!
Slimming minivan hahaha