Google released its Mother's Day commercial yesterday, and like most of Google's commercials, it starts out being all Google product heavy and then suddenly it gets all emotional and by the end, actual tears are welling up in your eyes and you're hating yourself for a) being such a sap and b) being suckered in by yet another Google commercial.
I specifically love that they are using YouTube clips which most of us are already familiar. For example, even before I noticed the title at the top, I knew the mother at :28 was hugging her son right after he told her he was gay. Kudos, Google for that one.
Google's commercial is one of many current ads aimed at moms that make me go all soft and mushy inside and debate whether I really love my children enough to use the correct shampoo (Goddamnit Johnson & Johnson!).
In other sappy commercial news, is it weird that the only thing that makes me weep more than a mom tribute commercial is the new iPhone camera commercial? Yep, actual tears.
I love my phone that much.
Goddamnit, Apple!
Oh lord. Yep. Crying.
Thanks for preparing me for the videos so I suck-in the tears. The first one is very heartwarming.
Thanks a lot! 😉 Seriously, that was awesome.
The one that makes me cry is the new Target commercials where kids find out they are going to college or getting a scholarship or something. Awesome.
I would never have noticed that little title at the top unless you pointed it out. So sweet.
Aw Google, (shakes fist in the air) you got me…thanks for the good cry before 10AM.
No tears, but very heartwarming. I am actually getting a new iPhone today : )
Damnit Llana you made me cry too. 😉
Julie that one totally makes me cry, too!!
Both commercials made me weepy. Honestly, I couldn’t get by if it wasn’t for the ability to skype or facetime with my family while I’m gone. And I am so grateful for it.
Great commercials; thanks for sharing them. Have you seen “Publix Mother’s Day” commercial from last year (on YouTube as well)? So sweet.
Love the mommy commercials, starting with P&G’s for Olympics last year and commercial skit on SNL. Except for the jewelry store commercials.
I purposely waited to read this post for the weekend so I wouldn’t cry at work. That was a good call.