Because I can't bear to leave a picture of Kim and Kanye on the top of my blog all weekend, here is what John Stewart would call "Your Moment of Zen".
Witness three professional dancers using a toddler as their "choreographer". Mia Michaels would be so proud.
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Have a good weekend!
— Mommy Shorts
How ADORABLE is that kid!?!? I would pay to see someone try to do that along with C – it might take a break-dancer or a capoeira expert! 😀
Thank you for sharing this! Perfect Saturday night fun.
Awww that is too cute.
The short bald one is freakin awesome, but the other three really need a little work.
“DANCE, puppets! DANCE for your master!”
How did I miss this post? What a genius idea for the next Broadway play!