My weekly round-up scours the internet for the best stories relevant to the preschooler set. Or at least the parents of the preschooler set. This week’s news involves a bad-ass skateboarder, a hilarious back to school pic, a philanthropic 7yo, and a bananaphone.
1. 7yo Fairy Princess Skateboarder is a Bad Ass
Seven year-old Rayssa Leal is a serious, bad-ass competitive skateboarder. But hey, she’s still just a kid! Check out Rayssa trying some fancy skateboard tricks while wearing full fairy princess attire.
Jessi Kittrell just blasted everyone else’s First Day of School pictures out of the water. Kittrell, who runs her own photography business in Virgina, opted out of the sentimental approach and posed happily in the photo holding an oversized cocktail glass. But really, it’s her daughter’s expression that makes the photo a framer.
There year-old Jack accidentally peed on the sidewalk this week. Yeah, that doesn’t sound like news. But if your parents are super famous, then it’s reported more than the upcoming election! Anna Faris tweeted out a photo of her son Jack standing in his own urine and then dad, Chis Pratt, responded with some encouraging words. Shit, they even make potty training look glamorous!
Potty training is going so great! I’m a natural! @prattprattpratt — Anna Faris (@AnnaKFaris) September 3, 2015
Those are swim shorts. Put him in the pool and that’s perfectly acceptable behavior. I’m proud of both of you. — chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) September 4, 2015
Seven year-old Emery Alford from Virginia spent her Labor Day weekend raising money for the Syrian refugees the only way she knew how: by selling lemonade. After her mother explained the refugee crisis to her, Emery decided to set up her stand outside a local grocery store, promising to donate all the money to the Migrant Offshore Aid Station.
Reese Witherspoon and her two year-old son, Tennessee, spent their Sunday morning being adorable lip-sycing to Raffi’s “Bananaphone”. I don’t know who’s cuter: Tennessee or his mom.
Good morning! ☀️Pick up the banana phone! ????#toddlertime #funwithfruit A video posted by Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon) on
6. Mazzy starts 1st grade
5yo Mazzy started 1st grade this week and commemorated the day by actually standing still and smiling for her mom’s first day of school pic. The moment was brief but thankfully Mom caught it before her daughter ran full speed out of the house.
In other kid news:
Baby Gamer Welcomes Player 2 Into Family
Tough Toddler Crushes Homemade ninja Warrior Course
Any news stories about babies, toddlers, kids I missed? Leave them below!
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