I found this handy chart over at NickMom. Mazzy would have to agree with everything (especially the intrigue of a tampon) with the exception of a toddler's interpretation of an iPhone.
Is it bad that Mazzy views the iPhone as the most interesting item on earth eclipsing all other toys, amusement park rides, and both of her parents trying to entertain her at once? If she ever gets her hands on a smart device, she holds onto that thing for dear life. An iPhone in my daughter's hands is safer than putting it in one of those 10" thick rubberized bulletproof carrying cases.
I know because I have physically tried to remove it from her hands and it is damn near impossible.
Since I am celebrating Rosh Hashanah today (for the non-Jews— celebrating entails bribing Mazzy with wads of Challah to stay seated at dinner, trying unsuccessfully to wipe honey out of Mazzy's hair with a napkin and constantly moving candles to keep them as far away from her sticky little bread filled paws as possible), I am turning you over to NickMom for your Monday entertainment.
Here are the funniest things I read at NickMom last week:
Top 9 Worst Ways to Explain To Your Kids Where Babies Come From
So funny little d loves my phone as well!! These little guys have quite a grip don’t they!!
Mmmmm, challah. I’m totally not Jewish, but I might bake some now that it’s in my head. Oh, and my kids would agree with the contents of mommy’s purse. My son also thinks my coupons are good paper for drawing.
What is up with the new NickMom layout? I really liked the old layout! This one is too busy for me.
It seems there are very few sites out there that still have the old-school blog layout, which I prefer as well.
I use an app called Pulse on both my phone and my iPad which takes all of your favorite sites and organizes excerpts linearly and chronologically. I highly recommend it.
When desperation strikes, I give Mazzy the backs of receipts to draw on. Although, I’ve read some pretty disturbing things about BPAs found in receipts so probably not a good idea.
This is exactly why I only have lip balm in my bag (can’t even call it a purse). And sadly, the keys lost their appeal years ago. I wish they were still that interesting. I always kept a keyring of defunct keys in the diaper bag to “share.”
My girl’s favorite item is my wallet. (I’m in trouble.) She empties it out, throws all contents (usually receipts, not money) and then discards it. The iPhone is only a favorite momentarily… I think she prefers my reaction and instant attention MUCH more than she likes the phone at this point.
We don’t have a smart phone. We have a very, very dumb phone. My daughter has learned how to use iphones, though, with swipes and other intricate gestures, and she gets pissed every time it doesn’t work on our phone. At which point she bites it out of anger or throws it at the wall.
I actually loaded a game called “Fishy Farts” onto my phone so Sass Monkey would have a real reason to grab my phone and break it. The game is as educational as it sounds and great in quiet places… like the library.
Oh the things to look forward to with a toddler. Lately, I feel like I’m always trying to stop my 7 month old daughter from eating the straps of my purse. I don’t even want to know what’s going to happen when she realizes the purse opens.
Hahaha! So true. Only Im with you guys on the iPhone. She’s absolutely interested in it (whether swiping at the screen or pretending she is very busy and important on a phone call). Also lipstick doubles as both a crayon and some sort of delicious, teeth-coloring treat.
Very interesting post. I really enjoyed reading it.