Mike travels a lot for work which is good and bad. Good because I get to catch up on So You Think You Can Dance without anybody judging me, and bad because at 6am, when Mazzy wants to start her day, I have no choice but to do it myself. Ditto for negotiating dinnertime tantrums, enforcing iPad restrictions and overcoming bedtime stalling tactics.
On the rare occasion when it's ME who goes away for work, I always ask Mike how everything went in my absence.
It would be very satisfying to hear something like, "It was horrible! We can't live without you!" But instead, I usually get a shrug coupled with a flippant "It was fine." Like taking care of a two-year-old by one's self is the easiest thing on earth and anybody who complains about it is either weak or not doing right.
Great, yes. But also, INFURIATING.
Which is why, when I came home from BlogHer and asked Mike how the weekend with Mazzy went, I was excited to hear that it was "a total disaster".
"A total distaster, how?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
Upon further interrogation, I determined that there had been some incident at a community pool involving Mike's mother, other children, and a very large poop.
A poop so large, it could not be contained in Mazzy's waterproof diaper and involved a complete pool evacution.
A poop so throughly spread over Mazzy's body that Mike had to strip off her wet bathing suit and hose her down outside while she screamed for the return of her decency.
I believe there was also a healthy amount of hand to poop contact, but Mike would not elaborate.
It all sounds horrible, I know. *snicker*
Another thing that happened on Dad's watch, also at that ill-fated pool, was Mazzy burned the bottom of her feet.
I got home early Sunday morning and watched my daughter hobble on her heels over to the couch.
"Why are you walking on your heels, Mazzy?"
She told me she stepped on "a stove at the pool" so I take that to mean some sort of metal grate. I looked at the bottom of her feet and saw a small red dot on each toe.
"I know. She didn't say anything when it happened so I had no idea until last night when she started walking funny."
Mazzy was a trooper and didn't complain at all, except for some shrieking when I tried to put her shoes on. I ended up carrying her barefoot to a birthday party in the neighborhood. Along the way, we stopped at a toy store to pick up a present.
"I want to buy new feet," Mazzy said.
I shook my head at my husband.
"I know," he said defeated.
On the positive side, Sunday was AWESOME. Mazzy couldn't walk comfortably so she could not be her usual wild self. It was like a window into what it would be like to have a calm, well-behaved child that prefers to stay seated.
At the party, she played nicely in the inflatable pool and sat still while waiting for cake and left without a fuss when we said it was time to go home. That night, we went out to a restaurant, and she didn't try to get up or run away once. On the way back to our apartment, Mazzy rode on Mike's shoulders and we got back in five minutes instead of the usual half hour spent waiting for her to run up and down every set of brownstone steps we pass on the street.
Call me a horrible parent, but I almost wish we had thought to burn the bottom of her feet sooner. (I can say this now because she's totally fine.)
Anyway, the point is, under Mike's watch, there was a pool evacuation, hand to poop contact and an injury. Which is really the next best thing to my husband saying, "We can't live without you!"
Plus, next time Mike goes away, I can milk the hardship for all it's worth.
YES!!! I love this story. Is it wrong that I want my husband to SUFFER when I leave for a conference next month? Is it possible to wish suffering for my Hubs and not for my son? Call me the worst mom ever, but I want them both to CRY. I’m glad Mazzy’s poor feet are okay!
I went out for an hour to take the baby to the pediatrician for his checkup a month ago. I came home to find a very shell-shocked husband who informed me that the toddler had silently pooped and dug into his diaper. He then proceeded to go around the living room, marking things with his poopy fingers.
He had to strip him, hose him down (like an animal, he said, and I quote), and gingerly stepped around the house to wipe poop streaks off.
My first reaction when he told me? I laughed then I tweeted it. Of course.
That sounds horrid, poor man *snicker*.
It used to drive me absolutely bonkers when I would go away and my husband would tell me that everything was completely fine and that he handled everything with ease. After talking about it with my girl friends, we think that guys are just pretty much way more laid back than we are, and what would upset us, doesn’t upset them. Not to mention, they don’t do things the way we do (kids going out in mismatched clothes? No problem), so it’s just less stress on them altogether. It still sucks though.
I’m glad you finally got your moment!!
I hate swim diapers. While they keep the poop in, it tends to spread all over the diaper area requiring a very thorough scrubbing (and screaming!) to get it off. What do they put in those things that causes the poop to spread and adhere to the body?
This is every mother’s DREAM upon returning home after some time away. Love this post!!
I have just returned to work and my husband is looking after our 11month old two days a week. He has NEVER looked after her for more than 2hrs before so i was (understandably!) anxious about leaving them. He assured me it would be fine so off i went.
I returned and suspisciously the play pen was up in the middle of the living room (we hardly ever use it as it takes up the entire floor space) but apparently the day was “fine”, so i dismantled the play pen and carried on. The next day the pen was back up and i carefully asked why? “She moves so fast!” was the exasperated answer. “I had just gone to the toilet and she had got to the windowsill, found a tube of cream, taken the screw top off(!!!!) and started squirting it all over her!”
I gave him fair warning that he needed eyes in the back of his head at ALL times but secretly I was glad he had found out the hard way!
Hysterical! This kind of thing probably happens more than we know, when we are gone. They just say “fine” to save face. This time, however…hard to mask the epic proportions…the perfect storm, if you will. http://amysreallife.wordpress.com
How horrible is it of me that I now want to burn the bottom of my child’s feet. I won’t… but…. ok, I really won’t. SO jealous of you though!! 🙂
It could be the other way around. My husband always makes me feel like the world is collapsing when I leave the him with our boys!
Mazzy’s toes look a lot like my son’s but we determined that what happened to him is that his toes were rubbed raw from swimmning on the pool steps. Now he has to wear water shoes at public pools.
ROFL! LOVE THIS! Sorry Mazzys poor little toes got hurt but it is DEFINITELY so nice to hear the other parent has issues as well when the mom is gone instead of the “shes perfect with me” vibe they give off. I get this with my daughter and her dad.
Side note: your daughter is beautiful! You two make good looking kids, cant wait for the next to arrive. 😀
I often get the nonchalant shrug and glib, “It was fine,” too when my husband watches our daughter by himself. But he’s also not shy about letting me know when disaster strikes, either. But that’s just him. He can be a bit of an Eeyore, bless his heart.
mmmhmmm. I do love to hear it’s been a challenge when I was gone. I don’t like to come home to crabby husband though. Because he always acts like his world ended because of said “challenge”. Dude. I do it EVERY DAY. No world is ending here.
Yeah… I doubt Mazzy got burned at the pool…looks just like Pool Toes. Our kids get them every summer at the beginning of the season from being rubbed raw at the bottom of the pool. Either she needs water shoes in the pool, or she’ll get little calluses on her toes when she gets used to it. 🙂
I still want to eat those feet even if the toes are slightly seared. Maybe they taste better that way? She’s a little trooper.
The hubby and I were just discussing last night the times when we have accidentally hurt the kids. His moment of shame involved mixing up a saline mixture that was too potent and shooting it up D’s poor baby nose, and mine involved putting a medicine too close to T’s little penis that made him scream “BURNING! BURNING!”
I don’t think the kids remember, but we’re definitely scarred.
I totally relate. I actually feel terrible because I get nervous leaving them alone with my husband. I feel like he’ll take on too much. They’re always fine, of course, but oh! the agita!
The burning her feet sooner comment made me laugh out loud at my desk just now. I, too, have a wild child who never wants to sit still, so I feel you there!
Oh my gosh, this is hilarious because I also wish the same thing when I go away. For my husband to say things like we can’t live without you. Except that he always says “fine”. The story about the fecal evacuation was pretty funny. Is that the sign they actually put up? And poor Mazzy on the burn. Did she really burn herself or cut herself? You might want to tell the pool what happened so they can avoid law suits. Geez! Poor Mike but keep milking, definitely. I’m glad Mike let you write all of this ’cause my hubby might be embarrassed if I did!
Those little toes are not burned, just rubbed raw from the rough bottom and stairs of the pool. Anyone who has spent hours playing in a pool has gotten those raw spots, including me, my kids and my brothers & sisters. It hurts like the dickens though. Kiss each one for me.
Hosing off the poop. Awesome!
This used to happen to me as a kid – scrubbing my toes on the bottom of the pool in the summers. Yeah, it kinda sucked. Poor Mazzy.
Having a large bowel movement and little red sores? Mazzy has HFM (Hand, Foot, & Mouth)
Seriously, what is wrong with all of you? How about a little appreciation for your husbands rather than the constant criticism? After all, they are around and involved aren’t they? And if they’re not, aren’t they providing? Just cut some damn slack for the fathers. We are blessed to have them. And not a lot of us even do. Get off the high horse and imagine if your husbands were as critical of you.