Remember "Road Trip Bingo"? Well, that was SUCH A BLAST (what with all the complaining and the puking), I thought it was time for another game.
This time I'd like to challenge you to "Airplane Bingo", brought to you by our friends at NickMom.
I must warn you— I'm really good at this game. I could probably take the "N" column (stuffed-animal-separation-anxiety, tray shenigans, and incessant staring at the passengers behind us) all before take-off.
Although my biggest problem is always Mazzy trying to escape me at the airport, while I'm lugging all the bags.
Did I ever tell you about the time she crawled out of the stall while I was peeing and ran straight out of the bathroom? I could barely get my pants up before I had to chase after her. Plus, in the interest of saving my daughter from mistakenly boarding a flight to Moscow, I abandoned my carry-on in the john.
If a terrorist ever wanted to tamper with someone's bags at the airport, they should target a mom. That's all I'm saying.
Also, this chart is awesome but it's severely lacking in smart device related squares. "Forgot to charge iPad", "iPad runs out of battery halfway through flight", "Child throws tantrum over not being able to use YouTube", "Chid unhappy with iPad movie selection lovingly downloaded by mother specifically for the trip", etc.— I think I could make an entire Bingo board on the topic.
But this one will do…
It's already been pointed out that this game is missing "iPad runs out of battery mid-flight" and "diaper blowout while baby is on lap".
What else is missing?
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We had the iPad die on us mid-flight once. I’d timed it perfectly, or so I thought. Except I didn’t take into account the TWO-HOUR FLIGHT DELAY whereupon we sat on the tarmac the entire time. SIGH.
At least you got your pants up. MY darling daughter decided on our last trip that opening the stall door while I was mid-stream was a great idea. The bathroom was packed. I had no access to her as was in a handicap stall (it had the change table). Note to self: if you are at the stage of parenting where children are accompanying you into public bathroom stalls while not being strapped into any device, it is well worth the investment to spring for a good waxing …
You forgot “diaper blowout” and “Child puking.” Oh yes. I’ve had both. Ugh.
My kid did one better.. He busted open the bathroom door, while my pants were down, I was 6 month pregnant.. So everyone got to see me with my pants down, pregnant, and unable to manage my unruly toddler as he ran out of the bathroom. LOVELY!
Where’s “Child pukes all over mom, dad, and self early in flight and not one of the three of you brought a change of clothes on board,” followed by sobs of “PAAAANTS! Paaaants back oooon!” for the next 30 minutes until a stranger donates a pair of toddler shorts just to make the wailing stop?
Obviously, we win.
My grandmother told a story about their move to China: She had to fly with all four kids by herself to meet my grandfather, already stationed there. She decided to speak with the pediatrician, who recommended a mild sleeping aid (those were the days, right?)for the kids so that they would sleep for the better part of the flight. She was told that they should take it just before they boarded the plane, so she did as she was told. Then, there was a problem with one of the plane’s engines so they delayed boarding for hours, then had to wait for a new plane to become available. The result was her having to load four passed-out kids onto the plane who, thanks to the delays, woke up two hours into the flight, freakishly well rested and ready to wreak havoc on the rest of the passengers.
My 5 year old (at the time)daughter freaked out at the escalator and let go of my hand, so I had to push my way through a million people (with my luggage)and run up the stairs and grab my screaming, crying child before some creeper did. And by the way, the husband stood there with a “what’s the problem???” look on his face! Not fun!
I have “2-Hour Ground Hold,” “2 Hours Spent Circling Destination In Turbulence,” “Child Spills Cranberry Juice on Seatmate,” and “You Begin Crying Inconsolably.”
Your kid pees on you 10 minutes into 3 hour flight. True story. 😉
Knock on wood, we’ve been lucky with our over-seas flights!! However, we did have one incident not on the bingo board…. how about barely making it to your gate as you can’t peel your child away from playing on the escalator!!
I seriously could not stop laughing as I read each square! But it’s not really funny because it’s life. 🙁