I am not a cat person. If I lived in a land called THE INTERNET, I would live all alone. There is, however, one cat I can get behind and that would be a cat who uses mind control to quiet a crying baby.
Witness the four-legged baby whisperer.
Now. Do you think they sell them at Best Buy so I can get one in time for Christmas?
Well yeah. The baby needs to be asleep so the cat can EAT ITS SOUL.
You know what’s cool about it? The way the cat looks at the camera at the end, as if to say, see what I can bitches?
I kinda regret rehoming my cats now. Though with mine, I’m sure claws will be out. Eek.
That is AMAZING. Where was this cat when my kid had 3.5 months of colic??
YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I’m gonna unwrap mine and return it.
A claw attack at the end would have made for a drastically different video. I think it’s a good thing you let those cats go.
At Nanny Boot Camp.
You need a code for free overnight shipping? Happy holidays to you all!
And you would not be alone in the internet as a cat hater. @andthenkate and I are right there with you. we’d have a little catless commune.