If the Jolie-PItt "marriage" is still unofficial, it's time for Angelina to make that shit LEGAL. Recently, another woman has made a very public play for Brad's affection and she's going to be a tough one to turn down. Could this be the end of Brangelina?
As a fan of the Brad myself, I must agree.
Brad cute
Brad cute
Brad veeeeeerrrrry cute
Thanks for the laugh, my dear.
Love that!! Adorable :)I watched it twice!
That is beyond AWESOME!!!
OH yeah – Angelina’s goin’ DOWN.
Oh hello pretty girl!!
Buh-bye Angelina!
That is seriously adorable. And she’s so much cuter than Angelina.
I haven’t been a huge fan of Brad’s since Legends of the Fall, but that little girl wad adorable.
Too cute.
Brad. Cute.
Pretty much sums it up, no?
Oh, stop it! She’s brilliant. Angie is gone, baby, gone!
OMG. That is awesome.