Remember when I won "Best on Instagram" in the Parents Magazine Social Media Awards? (Thanks to you guys— don't worry, I didn't forget.) Well, Page 111 in their May issue is my grand prize! Be thankful you can't hear my high-pitched happy squealing. (Your dog probably can though.)
FYI- if your photos are ever published in a magazine, your four-year-old totally will not care.
Case in point:
ME: Mazzy, I have a surprise to show you!
MAZZY: WHAT?????!!!!!!
ME: Look at this magazine. See your picture?
MAZZY: There's me and Harlow and you and Daddy's feet!!!
ME: Isn't that cool?!
MAZZY: Is that it?
ME: Yes, that's it.
MAZZY (pouting): I thought it was going to be a toy.
Nothing like your preschooler to bring you crashing back down to earth.
Anyway, the article features nine of my photos along with an article about why I luuuuuuv Instagram. I know, I know, all my Instagram talk must get old for all you non-Instagrammers out there. So, this one is for the non-believers— I am going to convince you to join.
Here are 6 reasons why I'm obsessed with Instagram and you should be too (along with some of my favorite recent photos, of course):
1) I finally found something that forces me to curate my photos. The biggest problem with digital photography is you no longer have to make decisions about what photos you take. It's not like you have 36 shots before you have to shell out $15 for a new roll and another $20 for processing. Editing yourself comes after you've already taken 90 photos of your baby eating mashed peas for the first time. And that's IF you edit after the fact. I have a photo hoarding mentality. It's tough for me to delete even the blurry shots. Which means I've got thousands upon thousands of uncurated photos sitting in various hard drives and iPhoto libraries that I rarely go through. Too painful. It reminds me I haven't printed an album since Mazzy was born. Instagram forces me to upload the best 1-3 photos of the day, since any more than that would annoy my followers. As a result, I have a two year stream of photos I love looking at, without deleting anything— so I am still free to add to the mess of pictures I avoid on my computer.
2) It's an easy way for my extended family to see daily pictures of my kids. This is a use which every grandparent should take advantage. My mother follows two people— my sister and me. My mother-in-law, my dad, and my brother-in-law all follow me too. None of them have posted one picture of their own. They just use it as a way to see daily updates of the kids because it got really tiring waiting for me to email them each individually.
3) People are really nice there. The internet can be an ugly place with trolls and haters and people who found baby suiting on HuffPost when they thought they were getting more serious news. "THIS STUPID MOTHER NEEDS TO GET A LIFE!!!" But on Instagram, the most popular comment is probably a strand of red emoji hearts. Sometimes a strand of hearts is all a girl wants to hear. Plus, I love the two-sided relationship you can have on Instagram. When a follower comments on your photo, you can click over and get a glimpse of their life too.
4) I'm inspired by the photography there. If you look back at my feed from when I started, my pictures are not nearly as good as they are now. I attribute the improvement to following really amazing photographers on Instagram and seeing what they post on a daily basis. Most of them are parents themselves and I'm constantly seeing photos that inspire my own. Oh, maybe it will be more interesting if I take an overhead shot as opposed to straight on. Or, isn't it interesting how this person crops her stuff with a lot of space on top… maybe I should try that…
5) Instagram is a real time story of my life. On my blog, I don't share every detail about what I do, where I go, what I eat. I don't talk about my commute or post pictures of my shoes or write an update every time Mazzy gives Harlow a hug. I would bore you all to tears. In some ways, Instagram is more personal than my blog. Every photo is of my family or my surroundings. I don't worry about being funny or trying to weave a moment into an interesting big picture story. Not every moment needs a whole blog post, but that doesn't mean it's not worth sharing. (I hope.)
6) Instagram has made me treasure regular moments as opposed to just the special events deemed worthy enough to whip out my camera. When I look back on my life with my family, I think those moments, when the girls are sitting around watching TV in the morning or Mike is walking down the street with Mazzy on his shoulders, are the ones that best represent us. And the ones I ultimately want to remember.
Are you sold yet?
A huge thanks to Parents for the awesome article and to everyone for voting for me!
I squealed when I saw you in Parents magazine! I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now, and I follow you on Instagram too. Your account is a tie of my favorite with Mommasgonecity.
Congratulations to your Parents magazine win!
I’m totally a sucker for Instagram, too. (Follow me! @alyssahertzig #shamelessplug) And I totally agree with Parents that your Insta feed is awesome–you’re definitely one of my favorite people to follow. Would love to hear who some of YOUR favorites are on instagram. Follow-up post? 🙂
Oh these pictures are killin me with cuteness! I’ve been weirdly absent on instagram lately, I think just preferring my pictures in their original super wide format (thinking long term about the pics) but I do love me some instagram – also I think I’m obsessed with the textiles in your home. shopping spree!!
I love your feed. You are one of the few people I follow. I appreciate that you don’t flood the stream with pictures every day. Instagram is the best.(@khuhtala)
The last picture could be an ad for YouTube. Love your family photos. ♥♥♥♥♥
Oooh! You got an Elsa dress for your daughter! Lucky! I thought she was supposed to be called Anna, though, lol! PS: do you get corrected if you say Anna (as in banana) as opposed to the “correct” Ahnna (rhymes with Donna)? Because my daughter does that all the time, just saying. I love you blog, your contests, your pictures and the way you feel like someone who is my best friend that I never see or talk to. 😀
I’m already there with you. Instagram is awesome. Love seeing your photos in my feed every day.
Congratulations!! I’ll be excited for you, even if your 4yo isn’t 🙂
I love instagram! Jumping over now to follow you.
OMG… i have followed you for a few years now too and am simply over the moon happy for you! 🙂 I agree with one of the other commenters above that you definitely make us feel like you’re that bestie in the background whom we’ve never met or chatted with (except in comments and email). I think that’s what makes it so awesome to see you have such wonderful successes! Mazel tov!!!
This is beyond fantastic! Big, fat congrats!!!
Congrats! Would love to learn who some of your favorite instagrammers are that you mentioned you follow? Always looking for inspiration 🙂
I LOVE Instagram so much, too, probably more than is healthy. For all the reasons you’ve stated. It is a beautiful mosaic of my daily life, a photo diary, a way to connect with others – it is the best!!
Have followed you for a long time and am happy to say you follow me, too. 😉 I got in there before you got super famous, ha!
Congrats on the awesome coverage!!
Only if my pictures will look as good as yours. Maybe I’ll give it a shot.
Your IG feed is one of the best ones! I wish I were on it more.
Like most grandparents, I don’t even know how to get on Instagram. I tried….
I love Instagram for the same reasons! So awesome to capture the little moments. And I love your blog! Keep up the good work!
I love your IG feed! I find IG much more refreshing and interesting than Facebook. One of my favorite things is being able to see photos from all over the world based on who I’m following. It’s almost like a mini-vacation. Plus your girls are BEAUTIFUL!
I’m so fearful of technology!! Haha, but you’re convincing me. Such touching photos. Congratulations!
Your picture quality is amazing! Do you take most of your pictures with your phone or a camera and then upload them? Thanks!
[…] the way, between the Instagram feature and being named "Best on Instagram" in Parents Magazine this month, my Instagram following has jumped 20K in the past week. I am now at 53K which is […]