When I was little I wanted a dog just like any other child (my case of "dog aversion" developed later on in life). My mother countered this desire with two things. 1) A lovely childhood tale about the time she and her brother forgot to feed their dog and it starved to death. 2) She's allergic.
Dead dogs and allergies cannot deter two children from begging for a pet so my mother finally relented and started our family on a long line of what I call "substitute pets". Substitute pets include fish, frogs, hamsters, mice and guinea pigs and they all live in tanks or cages. (Bunnies and lizards are "advanced substitute pets" since they come closer to real pets and may actually be the animal that was originally requested.)
Our first substitute pet was a goldfish named Gurdy who died immediately and was quickly replaced by Gurdy II who was quickly replaced by Gurdy III and on and on all the way up to VIII. Gurdy VIII led a ridiculously long and fruitful life. We also had two firebelly frogs (that I think came in the mail) named Kermit and Mr. Herman Hopper.
After a few more years of begging, my sister and I were allowed to venture into the world of animals with fur. My mom bought us two hamsters— a dark brown one and a white one which I promptly named "Cookies" and "Cream". (Oh, I thought I was so so clever.)
The hamsters escaped constantly and we would put carrot shavings on a wooden plank leading from the floor to the top of the cage in hopes of tricking them into their return. Every morning, my sister and I would run downstairs to check. (Yes, we kept our pets in the basement. This was my mother's house after all.) They would always come back after a few days and I can't even explain the happiness I felt upon their reentrance into captivity.
When my mother had enough with the runaway hamsters, she gave them to a local nursery school that was attached to a church. The last we heard, they had escaped the classroom and were occassionally spotted running around underneath the pews.
Looking back, this sounds very much like when parents tell their kids that they sent the dog to live at a farm when really the dog was runover by a car. OH MY GOD. MOM!!!! What did you do to our hamsters???
(Editor's Note: I am seriously cracking up right now because honest to god, it has just occurred to me that the preschool story was complete bullshit. I cannot WAIT to call my mom out on this tomorrow.)
Anyway, after Cookies and Cream were "sent away", I got another hamster (more proof that Cookies and Cream were in fact— DEAD) and we must have eaten Chinese take-out the night before because I named him Mooshu. A few months later, my little sister got a guinea pig and not to be outdone, she named him Cous Cous.
I have no idea what was with all the food related pet names. Except I do love food.
But props to my mom because she was much nicer to her kids than I will ever be to mine (if you overlook that whole hamster murder thing), because my child(ren) will not only be denied real pets, they will also be denied substitute pets. The last thing I want to do with my precious time is clean out a cage.
My kids will be getting subsitute pets for their substitute pets. What are those, you ask? Stuffed substitute pets. Here's a round-up.
Clockwise from left to right: Webkinz Plush Lop Bunny, My Pillow Pet Turtle, Pet Hamster by Zhu Zhu, Plush Snake Teether by The Freckled Elephant, Maple Sugar Pocket Mouse by MarJJI, Guinea Pig by Plush, Plush Jules Frog, Herbie the Electronic Pet Hamster, Faux Fur Honey Bunny by Zygopsyche
And if the thought of even a stuffed furry little friend is too much for you, then there is always:
Also, Mom? I'm not buying the allergy thing anymore either.
It is super late and I’m exhausted, so I’ll have to revisit this, but it’s amazing what you realize when you write…it’s like reading your therapy diary. What is a therapy diary? I’ll shut up now because this makes no sense.
Your children may be getting some frogs in the mail, via a new faithful reader. Someday. When I figure out your address.
Or not.
But that would be awesome.
OH I KNOW! buy a cow in their name and give it to a poor person in a third world country. Then they have a pet that is also doing good that is also not living with you. HA! I’m the midnight genius!
I would pick the stuffed turtle or the pet rock.
I got my daughter 2 goldfish last summer. They were dead the next morning. I have not replaced them. But then again, we have two horribly stupid dogs to keep us busy.
Ha, Ha! Poor “Cookies” and “Cream”!
I love your realization during this post. So funny the things we live our whole lives believing. We had all kinds of substitute pets. I had a hamster that was in my room for a while and that thing spun on its wheel ALL NIGHT LONG.
He sort of disappeared too, he is probably somewhere with Cookies and Cream, plotting revenge on our parents.
Poor Gurdy, Gurdy v. 11 and so on, may they rest in peace. (-:
You are very wise on the pets front. I got suckered into all kinds of pets and of course ended up cleaning everything. Now I’m just sitting here waiting for the African frogs (which creep me out, btw) to die – but they won’t. Happy to report that we have just run out of frog food. We also made the big mistake of getting a new puppy which I tell people (frequently) is “Helen Keller before she met Annie Sullivan.” You are very wise not to get pets!
Ha ha ha.
Pillow Pet all the way, you can throw them in the washing machine. Can’t do that with any other pet, substitute or not.
True story: my brother had hamsters, then they had babies, then they ATE the babies. My brother was seriously pissed. He was 5. He wrote a note to the mommy hamster and taped it to the tank: “Mommy Hamster You are BAAAAD!” It was a very traumatic event for the household.
Maybe Cookies and Cream didn’t need to go to the “preschool” maybe they ate each other. Just sayin… it could’ve happenned and your Mom just spared herself the extra therapy bills.
That was a great post! Reminded me of the time when I was 10 and our beloved dog Rufus “went away”. He was “away” for a long time. I only realized he was put down at the vet’s because he was very ill, maybe the following year. I know, not a very smart 10 year old!
We also had rabbits. 8 in total, which came in pairs – each time a pair died, we went out and got another. The final pair was a birthday present from my school friends. My mother was NOT pleased. I also gave them food names – Oreo and Smarties. Sadly, they died within weeks. Your post has led me to believe my mother might have something to do with that haha!
OK, I cannot believe you named him Mooshu! And I was reading an Arthur book to the girls about pets the other day, and in it they talk about sending a dog away to a farm! I put the book down and will never read it again!
What??? My parents didn’t really send my crazy biting insane cat away to a farm?? WHAT?!?!?!?
I am in love with the cow idea. You can get them as many third world cows as you like.
Was a day old goldfish death just as devastating to a child as any other death? Just curious so I know how to play future child empathy moments.
I was writing the post and after I wrote the nursery school sentence, I thought, that sounds totally made-up. My readers aren’t going to believe that but that’s what happened! And then I was like— OH MY GOD THAT’S TOTALLY MADE UP!!!
I am having visions of little puppies running into walls now. Love the Helen Keller reference!
I have to say that cleaning a cage kinda sounds worse than having a cat. Which says A LOT.
I’m thinking my mom found them squashed behind the couch or something similar on one of their many hamster exoduses. I can’t imagine she actually murdered them. Although, I can’t really be sure until I confront her directly!
Not smart for a ten year old? I’m in my thirties!!!
Holy hell, my childhood is all a lie. Are you providing any counseling for us?
We have 3 goldfish, that we’ve had for almost 2 years now. They just won’t die. The sad thing is that I’m attached to them now, and if they did pass, I’d probably be pretty damn sad about it. Over goldfish. Stupid goldfish. We also have a cat that’s getting up there in years. Every so often, my oldest will ask when the cat’s going to die. “I don’t know”, I’ll say. “Well, when he does, can we get a dog?”. Um, no. I’m sure he really does care, he just has a hard time showing it.
I’m dying that it JUST OCCURRED TO YOU that your original hamsters were “murdered” – ha!
You are wise to NOT venture into the world of substitute pets yourself; they suck. suck. suck.
Because they still require care and feeding and vet trips (one day I’ll write a post about the $350.00 my sons gecko cost me – yes. you read that right…)
but they don’t REALLY love you back.
p.s. I would have thought Cookies and Cream were the two best names EVER when I was a kid. Ever. I would’ve wanted to BE you to have twin hamsters named Cookies and Cream.
I still kind of do want to be you. But that’s also partly because you have no pets and we have too many.
I’m cracking up that you just realized her story was b.s!
We are pet-free so far… we used to have a cat, before my kids were born, but she was traumatized by the birth of my oldest and when we had a second, I think she was going to have a nervous breakdown. So, we gave her to my older brother(for real- you can see pics of her on his fb page)…who now has 2 kids. That poor cat!
I tend to go on tangents.
oh, there were NO substitutions in my house growing up! we darn near have had 1 (or 2 or 3) of almost every living creature! ducks, armadillo, a praying mantis, rabbits, dogs, and snakes just to name a few! – now my husband… yeah, no… he isn’t an much of an animal person … however he has taken a liking to our one aussie piper…
at least you named your pets after food… why, and i don’t know, our were alcoholic beverages… brandy, kahloua, etc etc…
All our animals are named after food: Cheeto, praline, pepper, sushi and truffles.
And they are a LOT of work.
I normally get baby duty and my husband cleans out litter boxes every day, lets the dog out, so on so forth. We love “real” animals but I can see the benefit of the substitute ones. I am, however, allergic to hamsters & guinea pigs.
Good luck on the substitute pet thing. When the kids get a bit older it gets to be a little bit harder to navigate some of these issues.
Love the names Cookies and Cream. I had two white kittens, Powderpuff and Snowball (they got backed over–long story), so I get the cutesy name thing.
Love your writing style!
ummm…whats wrong with Pet Rocks? LOL!!!
This post is awesome!!!
What works even better than a parent being allergic to animals? The kid being allergic. The fact that I am allergic to the cat never meant much. Now that Aaron is allergic, well, we still have the cat but my husband actually feels badly about it. And he is allergic to dogs, too. Perfect.
Okay, so someone needs to explain to me the allure of Pillow Pets. I mean, no one’s fooled by those suckers, right? Velcroed together, it looks like a stuffed animal! Unvelcroed together, it looks exactly the same! I spent five full minutes in a Walgreens yesterday velcroing and unvelcroing, trying with all my might to see the Magic of the Change. But nothing. Perhaps my eyes have seen too much. Far too much. Huh. This sounds like something a character would say in a 19th-century novel right before they keeled over dead.
Counseling for baby related problems only via Dr. B.
Issues stemming back to your own childhood will have to be addressed with a therapist on your own time.
I have a pair of favorite pair of jeans that look like they may rip on the knee soon. Devastating. So I know how you feel.
Pet free living is the way to go. Except it gives you no opportunity to come up with pet names. If you ever get a new dog, cat, ferret, parrot, etc. please feel free to call upon me and my clever naming abilities.
I hope you thank your brother every day for relieving you of that responsibility guilt-free!
There was a dog that lived in our house in college. His name was Buca. Short for Sambuca.
A praying mantis and an armadillo??? That is just a whole other level of animal love that I cannot wrap my head around.
I’m gonna guess what kind of animals belong with which name. Cheeto and Praline are both cats. Pepper is a dog. Sushi is a fish. And Truffles is a…. rabbit?
I can only imagine. I have myself as evidence.
How did you ever come up with Powderpuff and Snowball for two white kittens? 😉
Can you lie to a kid and tell them that they are allergic to pets? Because that sounds like a plan.
I have a picture of Mazzy with her pillow pet that will explain the allure perfectly. She never uses it in the velcro position- only as a pillow. And because she does not have a pillow in her crib, she thinks this is the best thing ever. The first time I saw her take a break while playing around to come rest her head on it, I nearly died of maternal magic. yes, that’s a thing.
I will also add that my mother bought the pillow pet for Mazzy as a gift and at the time I did not understand it either.
I’m sure your cat is still living on the farm with all of his cat friends. He’s probably married a beautiful lady cat by now and they have at least ten kittens that live together in a drawer of adorableness.
Mooshu was the best. I loved him dearly. Although, I can’t remember for the life me his fate.
A great option for pet free homes is The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust which has a fostering program for baby elephant orphans – how cute is that!
haha substitute pets are great. 🙂 i esp love the ones filled with stuffing that make no mess! but alas i have two real normal pets. who make lots of messes.
found u at SITS
I would NEVER tell you to lie to your child. NEVER! However, my overall theory on child-rearing has always been: whatever works. (Fine, I may have lied to my children once or twice, but you didn’t hear it from me!)
Two things:
My children currently have robo-hamsters, which are teeny tiny hamsters that sleep in an upright ball formation (?). So cute. Except that I forget that they exist quite often, and at least once a week I catch sight of them (in their cage) and think I have rodents crawling on my coffee table. Awesome.
Secondly. My in-laws have gone cat-crazy in their golden years. CRA-ZY. As in, take-the-cat-for-a-walk-on-the-beach(with a LEASH) crazy. Pretty much guaranteees we will never, ever have a cat EVER in my whole entire life. Blog post WITH picture: http://thedenckhoffs.blogspot.com/2011/03/we-are-one-step-away-from-actually.html
Love your blog…and your famous charts!!!