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Today, PediaCare asked me to write about the activities I do with my kids when they are stuck at home sick. You know, to pass the time in a productive fashion. Yup. Head nod. Mmmmhm. Of course.

Immediately, I thought of all the amazing projects Mazzy and I accomplished a few months ago when she stayed home from preschool with bronchitis. From the second Mazzy woke up feverish and hacking up a lung, I was determined to make sure each moment was more creative and action-packed than the last.

What better way to start a sick day than with strawberry banana pancakes created entirely out of felt!

Photo Source: Lisajhoney on flickr

After breakfast, Mazzy ran around the apartment collecting the excess fabric I have lying around the house for such an occasion, and then, between snotsucking and nose wiping, I sewed all the material into what I call “GET WELL WINGS”.

Photo Source: Handmade Charlotte

When Mazzy skipped her nap due to the discomfort of excessive phlegm build-up in her throat, we passed the time making a chrysanthemum mirror out of 300 plastic spoons.

Isn’t it beautiful? And not tedious at all!

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What? You don’t do this sort of thing when your child is home ill? Please don’t tell me you let them sit on the couch all day covered in snotty tissues with their glassy little eyes fixated on the television! You don’t have all three Toy Stories cued up on the DVD player, an iPad with 50 todler apps at your child’s germy fingertips and a season of Dora the Explorer playing on a loop…

DO YOU????

Nope, sick days are an opportunity for parent/child activities and kid-friendly crafts! At the end of the day, you should have something to show for it! I was just kidding about that whole television thing. You would NEVER do that.

When Mazzy gets sick, instead of parking ourselves on the couch in the living room, we spend the time in our fully-supplied craft room full of ribbons, buttons and all the materials one would need should we have the sudden urge to decoupage.


You’d be surprised how often the urge to decoupage arises. Usually right after a particularly bad stomach bug. I always say— if you are going to have bodily fluids coming out of both ends, you better have a container of Mod Podge at the ready!

If you don’t have a beautiful craft room full of supplies, that is no excuse. You can make very simple crafts out of household garbage. Like these easy-to-execute toilet paper roll silhouettes.

60be61f36a3004d2d04c1e000d580c8fPhoto source: Anastassia Alias

If you don’t feel comfortable handing your three-year-old an exacto knife, especially when she is delirious with a fever, don’t worry— there are tons of toilet paper roll crafts you can create with one hand while using your other hand to take your daughter’s temperature or wipe her sweating brow.

Like these pasta toilet paper roll bracelet cuffs!

Bb6d5825ede0979a82cc7c7e6268f312Photo Source: Hostess with the Mostess

Worried that the fumes from the spray paint might not be what the doctor ordered?

Well then, how about this simple toilet paper roll family:

Toilet-paper-craftsPhoto Source: Kids Kubby

Not only can you spend hours deciding on the perfect outift for each family member, but when you are done you can use them to reenact scenes in which the children are sick and begging Mom to watch Curious George on Netflix and Mom is like, “NOOOOOOO! Let’s do more CRAFTS and EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES! SICK DAYS ARE WHERE MEMORIES ARE BORN!!!”

Still too difficult? FINE. Have it your way. Make a toilet paper mummy and then turn on Calliou.

Photo Souce: All Kids Network

Just don’t expect Pediacare to call on you to document your day.


PediaCare-Childrens-Multi-Symptom-Cold-Plus-Acetaminophen-Grape-814832010935PediaCare® Multi-Symptom
Cold Plus Acetaminophen
is specially developed for kids (ages 4-11) and provides
safe and effective relief for your child’s cough, cold, and fever. It is an over-the-counter solution and comes in kid-friendly grape flavor.

Use the symptom checker at to select the right product for your
child and be sure to consult their simple dosing chart. You can find ideas for sick day activities and useful information about childhood illness at

This is a sponsored post by PediaCare but all thoughts on crafting are my own.