
That's Mazzy and Lucas up top, both fast asleep after an emotionally draining day took its toll. My friend Sari and I took the kids on a long walk to the Children's Museum of Art, only to find it was closed for a private birthday party. 

The only thing worse than finding the door locked to your kid's favorite museum, is finding it wide open, walking in alongside plenty of other children (all bearing gifts), and THEN being told you have to leave while everyone else is ushered into a very visible party room.

The kids did not take it well.

But, on a positive note, the photo above was featured on one of my favorite photo blogs— Naps Happen. If you have a picture of your kid napping in a strange position or place, this is the site to submit it


Ilana Wiles: Baby Shaming Correspondent

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On Wednesday night, I was on HuffPost Live, talking about what else? BABY SHAMING. Apparently, that is now my topic of expertise. Also on the panel were a bunch of child psychologists, one of which told me (after the show was over) that she thought the photos I posted of Mazzy were completely harmless.

PHEW. It's nice to be validated by a professional.



Speaking of shaming, Susan from The Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva used my baby shaming post as inspiration for a mom shaming post. She got several bloggers to all contribute photos, including myself.


You can see all the hilarious contributions here plus find out how to submit your own.



Since the HuffPost Live webcast was at 8pm, Mike had to take over bedtime duties. Although it appeared like everything went smoothly, there was a little problem that didn't make itself known until the middle of the night…

My husband forgot to put Mazzy in an overnight diaper.

Wanna hear how a small mistake can have catastrophic effects?

Mazzy woke up screaming for me at around 2am. I stumbled half-asleep into her room, where she was lying face down with her butt high up in the air— her diaper, PJs and sheets all soaked through. I went to pick her up from behind but she resisted. I pulled harder, my head right above the back of her head, when all of a sudden, she popped up, smashing the top of her head into my chin, causing me to bite down ridiculously hard on my tongue, which immediately filled my mouth with blood.

I'm screaming, Mazzy's screaming, there is blood and piss everywhere and guess who managed to sleep through the whole damn thing?

Mr. Forgot-to-put-on-the-overnight-diaper.

As soon as Mike falls asleep tonight, I'm making a sign. If he wakes up and tries to stop me, I'm calling BULLSHIT on him sleeping through the events of the night before.

Hmmmm…. Do we want to give "DAD SHAMING" a whirl? Please express your interest in the comment section.



On the subject of husbands ignoring catastrophic child-rearing events, have you read Kathleen's EPIC clean-up disaster yet? It's called "Poison Control Emergency" and it's located at the end of yesterday's post.

I promise, by the end of it, you will be horrified, exhausted and much happier with your own family.



Lastly, all week long I have been holding preliminary rounds on the Mommy Shorts Facebook Fanpage. Today at 3pm, I will be announcing the 32 finalists who will be competing in next week's Evil Baby Glare-Off

Watch for it!
