When I first had kids, I wanted to protect them from all the bad stuff that exists in the world, but then I realized that option only comes from a place of privilege. Over the years, I’ve found that exposing my kids to topics I might find uncomfortable helps create empathetic, understanding and overall better human beings.

It also helps educate me as an adult.

Books are the easiest way to broach complicated subject matter with your kids. Especially when your kids are still at the age when you are reading to them before bed, a time when little kids are much more prone to open up, ask questions and have a real conversation. Books can introduce you and your child to a diversity of experiences that you could not possibly give them on your own. They also often give you the words for things you are struggling to explain, in an age appropriate way.

A Kid’s Book About Racism” was written by Jelani Memory, who says this conversation is never too early to start. The book is meant to be an introduction to the topic and includes “a clear description of what racism is, how it makes people feel when they experience it, and how to spot it when it happens.”

Other books in the “A Kids Book About” series tackle important subjects like depression, body image, divorce, feminism, bullying and anxiety. They are all written by different authors who speak from personal experience and expertise. “Our hope is that our books and authors represent the diversity of stories there are to tell.”

Once you start to talk to your kids about big topics, you will open the door for them to come to you with their questions, problems and misconceptions over and over again. Even if they might not fully understand what they are learning now, I promise, one day, they will thank you for acknowledging what makes this world a hard place and giving them some insight into the lives of people outside of their own bubble.

You can check out the whole series here. If you buy a book, use code MOMMYSHORTS to get $5 off!