This morning, I proudly cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. Even better? My six-year-old daughter accompanied me to the voting booth. Mazzy also cast a ballot for Hillary at her school election. She is fiercely Pro-Clinton. Because she is a woman (yay, girl power), because she thinks Trump is a “mean man” (she didn’t hear it from me) and because I have taught her that Hillary had to work ten times harder to get to this point, which makes her stronger, more qualified and more inspiring than many of the presidents who have come before her. That’s the truth.
Whatever you think of Hillary, you cannot argue with her strength and tenacity. Her ability to stay focused and on point even when everyone has tried to derail her.
Whatever you think Hillary has done, she is an awesome role model for our girls. For our boys too. She is not just a woman who has made it to the top but a mother and a grandmother who has crashed every glass ceiling imaginable.
There is no question that to a child, a female president is sure to make an impression. Just like growing up with a black president did. Neither of which I honestly thought would happen in my lifetime and yet our children will never know a time when that seemed impossible.
At Mazzy’s school, they have a wall of “Changemakers” which includes Obama and Ghandi, that they will be adding to throughout the year. Yesterday, Mazzy came home from school and told me something very important.
“Mom, if Hillary Clinton wins the election, do you know what will happen?”
“What will happen?”
There was pride in her eyes when she told me. This was a big deal. “She will be added to our Changemakers Wall at school.”
I seriously almost cried when I saw how much that meant to her. I’m about to cry writing it down even now.
When we got to school this morning, after we had voted, Mazzy had the choice of sitting down at one of many activity tables. She chose the table with paints and made the picture below unprompted. This is a girl who usually draws hearts and rainbows. My six-year-old knows this election is more than voting for our next president. She recognizes that history is being made and feels like she is a part of that. This morning she felt pride for her country.
I have been increasingly public about my support for Hillary Rodham Clinton and although my readers have largely cheered me on, there have been quite a few detractors. Some of them give reasoned arguments for their opposition (which I respectfully disagree with) and some of them are downright vicious. I don’t think those people understand how much being vicious plays into the very reasons Hillary fans are so steadfast in their support.
There are two arguments I really hate. The first is that as a parenting blogger, I have no business talking about the election or politics on my platforms. People come to my facebook page or my blog or my Instagram for lighthearted kid-focused content and talking politics is tacky and out of place. These people announce they are going to retaliate by “unfollowing” as if that is a huge threat.
Listen to me. I can talk about whatever I choose. Nobody can put my blog in a box because it is my life and anything that is important to me is something I should not feel afraid to write about. I spent years avoiding topics because I didn’t want to be controversial, but why? Because I didn’t want to lose followers? Six years ago, I remember removing a Facebook status update because a fight broke out in the comments over same-sex marriage. It made me uncomfortable to have negativity on my page and so I deleted it. How cowardly is that? Since then, I have made it a point to make certain opinions known. I don’t believe same-sex marriage should be a political debate. I believe support of gay marriage is just being human and decent. And if I lose followers who think differently? That’s okay with me.
The presidential election is relevant to everybody and all topics. The outcome of the election will effect mothers, fathers, children and every one of my readers, whether they live in the United States or otherwise, and everyone has the freedom to discuss it. It is relevant in particular to a “mommy blogger,” because one candidate is undeniably hateful towards women, who make up the large majority of my readers. As a “mommy,” I care about things like equal pay, maternity and paternity policies, upholding Roe v. Wade and my daughters’ ability to walk down the street without being objectified and demeaned. I was someone who got laid off from my job shortly after my maternity leave with my first child. That is the entire reason I started this blog. For mothers of boys, I believe it’s important for your sons to have an example of manhood that does not involve the dangerous combination of entitlement and aggression.
The other popular thing to say when I profess my support of Hillary is that I am voting for her purely because she is a woman. Have we all forgotten Sarah Palin? What liberals lined up to vote for her? Did you see feminists holding up “I’m with Sarah” signs? No, you did not because we did not think she was qualified or agree with her policies.
I know for the most part I am preaching to the choir, but since many people asked how and why I could possibly vote for someone like Hillary Clinton, I will be very specific.
I believe in stricter gun control laws, freedom of religion, equal pay for women, raising the minimum wage, a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, closing tax loopholes for the wealthy, same-sex marriage, fixing Obamacare but not taking it away, making college affordable, reforming our criminal justice system, protecting our environment, giving undocumented immigrants a path to legal status and that our country should celebrate our diversity instead of fearing it. I also watched the debates and saw a woman who delivered clear, well-thought-out messages about her positions on policy while her opponent acted like a pig and a buffoon who said nothing of substance. I was in awe of her during those debates because I have experienced that same kind of bullying in the work force and was not strong enough to stand my ground like she did. I did not see long hair and lipstick and go goo-goo eyed at the prospect of a female president. I listened, I agreed and I admired. I also think Obama will go down in history as a great president and want our next president to continue what he started instead of invalidating everything he has accomplished. I think Obama and Clinton stand for progress and have respect internationally while a Trump presidency makes me fear for both my rights within this country and for how it reflects America’s values to the rest of the world.
I’m not saying that everything Hillary Clinton has done in her political career is clean and simple, but I also believe that her intentions are good, her intellect is far beyond most (definitely beyond mine) and her perseverance is unprecedented.
I believe that Hillary Clinton would not get nearly as much vitriol if she were not a woman, which makes me want to fight for her even harder.
I believe that Hillary Clinton will make a great president and the collective opinion of her will only improve once she is elected. After all, it has been proven that the public very much likes Hillary when she is in office. They just don’t like her when she tries to ascend to a higher office.
Luckily for her, this is the last rung left to climb.
You can continue to follow me and my family on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Well said sister!
Ilana, I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and you express yourself so beautifully on this momentous occasion. Thank you for your eloquence and your thoughtfulness. Even though I’m Canadian, I’ve been talking about Hillary with my 6 year old daughter for weeks and we’re both hoping we wake up tomorrow to celebrate the election of the first female president! All the best from Canada!
“Listen to me. I can talk about whatever I choose.”
Yes!! I love everything you post, child-related, or not. (It helps that I’m a huge Clinton supporter anyways), but either way – its your blog, and you can choose what to write.
Well said!
We have different political views but this is why I love and adore you. You keep it real. I could not have more respect for you. Well said, momma, well said.
I have been reading your blog since long before o became momma and more times than not I find myself reaching deep back into my memory to reference a past blog post. Keep doing your thing, your loyal fans will still be here.
Although I “respectfully” disagree with your choice for president. I do agree that you have every right to voice your views, in any way you see fit. I also feel you try hard to not offend anyone. We are in America right?
I have loved your “coverage” of this election. Parents who teach their children the importance of voting and the importance of respecting others is how we can truly make the world a better place. While your blog should never be put in a “box,” supporting a candidate that helps our children is one of the most important things a parent can do, and would fall in the box.
Thank you, Illana.
Amazing. You are amazing. Keep speaking up for what you believe in. I am SO with you and have a ridiculous amount of respect for you.
As a woman who was a teenager when Clinton was elected, I looked at Hillary with respect and as someone I could look up to. My single biggest problem with the HRC we have today has nothing to do with her policies, but everything to do with her character and the message she sends our daughters. I have two daughters and I tell them all the time that they are smart and capable and they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. That isn’t the message HRC sends. She had the opportunity to, but chose to cheat instead. She tells our girls that women can’t be president without cheating, that merit is not enough. The sad thing is, I’m sure she could have done it on her own. She is incredibly smart and qualified, but didn’t think that was enough. She’s not someone I want my daughters to look up to. I couldn’t feel good supporting either major party candidate this time. Instead I get to teach my girls to stand up for what they believe in, even when it doesn’t mean you win.
Well Said and I agree 1000% with everything you are saying ! Now I am certain we would be BFF’s if I lived in NY !!!
Yes! All of it! Yes!
Also, good point about Sarah Palin. There’s no way in hell I’d be voting for her, even though she (presumably) has a vagina.
Hillary is dishonest, and corrupt. Those two qualities disqualify her for me. I would rather my daughters admire a woman who truly thinks for herself, and values integrity. I do agree Hillary has tenacity.
Much respect for being so open and honest to your readers of your own opinions regarding this very important election. You have every right to share those opinions on your page or anywhere else you damn well please!
Also I’m so glad to see you get your girls so involved. I took my kids to the polls with me and an older woman acted surprised that they were there. Of course they were with me. This is their country just as much as it is mine. We vote for their futures today more so than our own.
I’m with her! And it makes me so glad that so many other people that I respect are too. Peace be with you!
If I could follow you twice I would! I’m a lady millennial without kids and I follow because your content is light hearted, adorable, and almost always makes me laugh or smile. Thank you for posting this. #I’mwithhertoo
Yes, yes, yes!! My son had an election at school and was so disappointed that Hillary lost. He thinks her opponent is mean and can’t understand why someone would vote for him. I’m so proud of him for standing his ground and saying and voting for what he believes in. #imwithher
Mommy Shorts for president! Right?
That was Awesome!
This is why I read your blog religiously! So very well said at a time when we all need to hear it! Thank you!
Yes! Yes! YES!
I could not love this post more. THANK YOU for writing it. #ImWithHer #enthusiastically
Your best post ever. Not remarkably average, just remarkable.
Absolutely love this! ❤
My favorite post of yours and I have been reading for years.
I am a long time reader, but I have never commented before on one of your posts before today. Thank you for the breath of fresh air today Ilana! The amount of negativity on the Internet today about the election is ridiculous and honestly makes me sick to my stomach as an American. The channels live streaming with open chat have people expressing themselves in ways that neither candidate would approve of: people turning against each other, arguing, calling each other slanderous and racial names, and acting like mean human beings all the way around from Facebook to You Tube, Twitter to Instagram, and every website in between.
And then there’s Mommy Shorts, where it seems like Ilana always knows what to say and how to say it. When I read your blog post this evening it was a true breath of fresh air and restores my faith in humanity, and the next generation of American’s. Your post handled the subject of politics with grace, class, style, humor, and a personal infusion of love, kindness, and respect for humanity. Your post serves as a reminder to us all that when you follow your heart, vote with your head, and love your family, your opinion can never be wrong, because there is no such thing as a wrong opinion, even if it’s not a popular one.
I don’t share your views about Hillary Clinton, even as a mother and a teacher. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you are a male or a female; if your skin is red, white, blue, green, or purple; or if you are a Republican, Democrat, or you vote for Mickey Mouse. What matters is that you are RESPECTFUL and ACCEPTING of all human beings, and that you teach your children and children around you to RESPECT and ACCEPT all human beings. It is the differences among us that make people fascinating, unique, and intriguing. It is the similarities among us that allow us to connect on a personal, heart filled level, something that you do with your readers every day.
As a mom of two girls and a kindergarten teacher, I understand the importance of this election. Whether Hillary Clinton wins or loses, she has made an impact on America by overcoming hurdles, boundaries, and criticisms to reach this point…something no other woman has ever accomplished before. Do I believe she is the best woman to represent the women of America? Absolutely not, you should run Ilana, seriously you have the following! LOL
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who you vote for or what political party you are affiliated with, what matters is that you exercise your right to VOTE and that you use both your heart and your head when you vote to make the RIGHT choice for you and your family. Your chosen candidate may not be the person who ends up becoming President, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you voted in a manner that makes you proud to be an American and a manner that sets a good example for your children.
While I have your attention, your book is brilliantly written, witty, classy, and graceful just like you. Mazzy and Harlow are my favorite tykes on the Internet right alongside some of my favorite You Tube kid’s. Mike (what little we see of him) seems like an awesome dad. There is nothing “Remarkably Average” about you, your book, your parenting, or your family. Instead you are a “Remarkable Family” and a “Remarkable Woman” and I love your blog!
I love it when you put all your heart in your writing. I can feel it from here. Thank you, Ilana!
I can not agree with you more. The longer this election season has gone on the stronger I have felt about HRC. I have family members that are voting for he who should not be named, and it disturbs me that they would voluntarily vote for someone that seriously lacks in every human respect. People are scared of women in any kind of power position and then call them a bitch or a nasty woman because of an antiquated idea of how things should be or how a “real woman” should behave.
Thank you for being so brave.
Well said!!!!!!!!
So well said!! I am not a mom, but hope to be one day and love reading your blog and following you on social media. This post is amazing. Thank you for being unafraid to post your opinions no matter what they are! (But #imwithher too:)
I love this so much. I have no other words, but just wanted to add my support.
people can get off their high horse when it comes to your opinions on things outside of parenting. Because guess what? They are YOUR opinions. It’s like they want you to be a dimwit with no depth to your personality or ideals. You go girl. Keep voicing your opinions. Pretty sure that’s what people like about America, that we have the freedom to do that.
I understand why it would be inspiring for our children to have woman president I just don’t agree that that woman is Hillary Clinton. She is a fighter and did climb to the top but is that always something to applaud no matter what the means? I appreciate your opinion and it is great to hear why you and so many other readers support her I just want to be a shout out for the people who feel the Obama administration hasn’t done well by them and that the Clinton administration would have continued down the same path. I work in healthcare and Obamacare has been a disaster. So many people I have treated have been excited to finally have healthcare such as Medicaid and then they find out it doesn’t do anything for them. There are so many services not offered to them and so many physicians they are not allowed to see. The quality of healthcare will no doubt continue to decrease if Obamacare remains as it is and I just don’t see how Hillary can even try to fix it other than by increasing premiums. Maybe we will see another strong female leader the next time around!
Thank you for all you said. Especially referencing Sarah P–such an important argument for those proud of girl power, but not influenced by it. I initially came on here to see some cute kids/witty posts to make me laugh on such a dreadful day, but this post did me much better. 2020 seems far away, but in the meantime thank you for your funnies, but also for your truth.
I’m way behind and just reading this now. I’m fighting back tears. We came so close.