We all know the major milestones that happen during the first year— rolling over, eating solids, walking, talking, etc. But milestones don’t stop on your baby’s first birthday. In fact, I would argue that milestones at older ages are even more important. When your baby can bring her dishes to the sink herself? THAT’S a game changer.
25 Game changing Milestones way Beyond Walking and Talking:
1) The ability to unbuckle herself out of her carseat (and the wisdom not to do this while the car is still moving)
2) Takes off his own shoes
3) Takes off his own shoes and puts them away into a designated shoe space as opposed to leaving them wherever he took them off
4) Finds his own shoes in the designated shoe space and puts them on himself
5) The desire to dress herself in her own clothes (matching optional)
6) Able to use a remote control, particularly the pause button so she doesn’t miss anything when she goes to the bathroom
7) Reliably wipes. Every time.
8) Actually stays in bed after you say, “Good night!”, instead of following you out thirty seconds later
9) Pours his own cereal (even better if he can do this without waking you up)
10) Types the name of her favorite game website into the browser by herself
11) Actually cleans when he asks to help with chores, instead of making an even bigger mess
12) Uses a napkin to wipe her own hands and face (effectively)
13) Pumps his legs on the swings
14) Negotiates a toy trade without using blunt force trauma to close the transaction
15) Understands the concept of time and how long “Five more minutes!” actually lasts
16) Walks through the grocery store without riding in the shopping cart, freeing you from pushing an extra 40 pounds on top of the 150 pounds of groceries piled in your cart
17) Understands (and properly uses) sarcasm
18) Brushes her own hair and realizes that it hurts because of the knots in her hair and not, as she previously believed, because Mom is just really bad at brushing hair
19) Cuts up her own food into tiny pieces with a barely-sharp butter knife
20) Takes his dirty dishes to the kitchen and places them directly next to the sink. Not in the sink, mind you, because everyone knows that kids don’t actually learn how to do this until they’re about 25.
21) Washes herself in the bathtub
22) Showers
23) Opens his own food wrappers, punches his own juice box with a straw, peels his own orange
24) Understands how incredibly delicious bacon is, and that it is never to be wasted or declined
25) Actually looks in the direction you are pointing, instead of every single direction except where your finger is pointing
26) Understands why pouring water out of the bathtub is a bad idea
27) Effectively blows her own nose and follows this glorious action up with throwing the tissue in the trash
28) In addition to saying “I love you,” tells you why (even if that reason is because you feed me)
What other game changing milestones would you add to the list?
This post was contributed by Janel Mills from 649.133 – Girls, the Care and Maintenance Of.
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My red letter day for my children’s achievements was the day they threw up in the toilet instead of the bed, floor, or furniture.
OMG! YES!!! Mine is not throwing up in the car. All four of my kids have christened the car at various points in time. BTW – did you know stopping at a car wash to vacuum the yack up makes it soooooo much easier than waiting until you get home to clean up after you take the kid out??? Just sayin’!
The day she is old enough to leave at home alone while you run a glorious kid-free errand. My daughter is 11 years and 11 months old, and we have hit this milestone.
That moment when the house is quiet and you’re not scared they are destroying something; they are actually playing quietly or watching a movie.
Mom of 2 older sons, but I still remember what it was like when they were small. I didn’t know if I would survive, but I did. It gets easier, parents! I promise. Mine now work, pay their own bills, and share a house (that I don’t live in!!). They even have a dog. Life is good~
The concept of “let’s go”. Where they would head to the front door to put on their shoes and jacket before walking out the door. Instead of making multiple stops and detours around the house before eventually heading in the direction of the door.
I love the finger pointing one my son is 5 and I can point and he will look everywhere but where I am pointing but still says he sees whatever it is I am pointing at!
A major overlooked baby milestone is when they learn to put their pacie in by themselves! Just reached this one with my 6 month old.
My favorite older ones are learned how to use the remote to not only turn on and off the tv but to find their channels and prerecorded shows. You got most of the older kid ones besides brushing their own teeth good, putting laundry in the laundry room and putting up their own folded clothes afterwards.
Reads by self!
And oh yes, totally agree w/Lindy — being able to throw up into the toilet or a bucket, instead of the furniture/floor/themselves/etc. That was major.
When I ask her to do something and she understands and says, “Ok Mommy”.
What about brushing their own teeth?? That’s a big one that my daughter is looking forward to! We are at the point where she does it and then we “finish”.
walking to school or to a park with a friend or by themselves; sleepovers; and putting on a movie with headphones in the car with the ipad themselves during a trip!
Love this! #24 – can anyone explain why my 20mth gets this one whereas his 4 and 6 yr old siblings don’t?!
Another one is being able to entertain themselves safely on vacation so that you actually get to enjoy a cold drink before all the ice melts – so you can almost pretend “vacation” means what it used to pre-kids.
My favorite milestone is when my then 2yo fetched me a beer.
Did she take the cap off?
I love all of these! Esp the bacon one!!
Another good one – when they no longer need to scream for you (or come into your room) in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, but can just do it on their own and go back to bed. We aren’t there yet, but I hope one day!
I love all of these! We are far from achieving any of these but its nice to have something to look forward to!
Sarcasm!!! When do they get sarcasm? So great..I’m usually so in the middle of dealing with their little quirks that I don’t even think that maybe one day they’ll get it.
for those of us with pets, can be trusted to tend the pets on their own.
my 2 year old know that when the dog rings the bell back the back door that she wants out and he trys so hard to open the back door on his own but we arent quite there yet.
It is a scary time when they can though because that means they can be outside any time they wish to. I have been looking for alams to put on my doors because my son will disappear out of them at a moments notice. He is so sneaky when he wants to be.
The one I’m currently waiting for is for my son to be large enough to sit on the toilet without the potty seat. I am so tired of taking that thing off and trying to quickly wipe pee off of it before I move it to the hook, just so that I can pee. The day the potty seat goes away will be an amazing day. I feel that it will surpass my last favorite milestone day, which was “feeding yourself with a spoon” day.
Since mine is only 15 months old, I have smaller milestones, but the biggest one so far was when she was able to hold her bottle by herself. That changed so much for us. I could leave her with a bottle and be able to go do other things. I could also give her a bottle in the car. It was great! It majorly cut down on the number of screaming car rides. My mind was blown the first time it happened, even though I checked on her every two seconds to make sure she didn’t need my help. LOL
The day you realize that nobody cried.
The day my son was truly able to read without any help! The hours he spends sitting and reading are heavenly!
I’m still waiting for my 15 year-old daughter to get #15. Five minutes can last half an hour when we’re getting ready to go..