There are few things more exciting in a kid’s life than the day he/she loses a tooth. It’s a sign of growing up, a public statement of maturity, a point of pride to brag about amongst your friends… plus you get money from the tooth fairy!
What’s the going rate exactly?
I posted a throwback 4th grade photo of myself last week and someone said they didn’t think it was 4th grade because I still had all my baby teeth. Sadly, it was 4th grade. That’s the year I finally lost my first tooth. I got $20 for waiting so damn long. I keep reminding Mazzy she may have inherited my stubborn baby teeth gene, every time she tells me about another friend who lost a tooth. Sorry, sweetie. It might not happen for you for quite some time.
Meanwhile, here are 20 kids beyond excited about the growing gaps in their teeth.
“LOok Ma, I lost a tooth!”
“Make sure the camera sees it!”
“I losT the top tooth!”
You can drive a truck through the gaps in these teeth!
“Only mashed potatos and smoothies for me!”
The Show-off Selfie:
The Less than Impressed Photobomber:
The faker who just wants the money:
the one kid who was super attached to her baby teeth:
Do you have any great tooth fairy stories? Fun things you do to keep the magic going? Mistakes you made that almost killed the magic? Let me know in the comments below!
In my family we had the problem of teeth being lost after they came out of the mouth, so instead of put teeth under the pillow we would draw a picture. My mom said the tooth fairy found all the teeth went missing but she needed a picture to know what the tooth looked like.
None of my permanent kids have lost teeth yet, but one of my foster munchkins had to have one pulled (talk about traumatic). I had NO IDEA the tooth fairy was such a baller now though!!! My gosh! People were telling me that the going rate was $20!!! Yikes!!! We settled on $2 instead – though it took me four nights to remember to put the money out! Thankfully, munchkin had a bad memory too so she didn’t mind when I told her the tooth fairy had car trouble!!! Eeeeeek!
my son has only lost 2 so far at 6.5. but we got the idea to go to the bank and get the gold dollar coins for the tooth fairy to leave. my son was so excited the first time he got them!
I was babysitting one time for a four year old who lost her first baby tooth. The parents got home late so I stayed the night. The next morning she came out screaming that the Tooth Fairy must have loved her because she got a $50 bill. It seems the Tooth Fairy forgot to wear her glasses while delivering the funds, and there was a $50 bill missing from her wallet. Talk about setting the kid up for disappointment for future visits.
I almost ruined the magic for my nephew. We were over at his house and he was showing off his loose tooth. I turned to his mom and said something dumb about the tooth fairy and immediately realized what I had done. Before my nephew could figure it out, I called him over and reached in to pull the tooth. He was successfully distracted and catastrophe was averted.
The funniest thing is that I think losing teeth are gross and would normally never voluntarily pull someone’s tooth!
My brother-in-law was convinced the tooth fairy was a scam, so he wrapped the tooth in complicated paper and tape contraptions with writing that would expose the Tooth Fairy as a fraud because she wouldn’t be able to get the money in there to replace the tooth without destroying the paper. My FIL told me he would just use a knife to slice open the tape, see how the paper had been folded, then put the money in and fold the new paper just as the old one had been, tape and writing and all. My BIL was stumped for years!
With her chubby cheeks, big eyes and a heart-melting smile, 10-month-old Nancy McFarlane has received the ultimate accolade of being Britain’s cutest baby. The tot from Birmingham out-cuted her rivals in a competition to find the nation’s sweetest baby, run by nursery furnishings brand Bizzi Growinm.
He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue.